One Sword to Immortality

264. Demon Lord Dinghai

No matter how talented you are, how hard you practice, there are no shortage of famous teachers and secret techniques, and there are even no shortage of opportunities, but whether you can practice to a higher realm is still difficult to say.

Ling Qingxu ranked seventh under the Jade Cauldron Sect. Except for Chi Jingzhen, Taoist Lingyu, and the Demon Lord Dinghai who defected from the Jade Cauldron Palace, there was no one who had been practicing Taoism longer than him, but he was still only a Dayan Shi. The cultivation base is at the same level as the current Yang Prajna and Yu Qingyuan.

The Jade Cauldron lineage was originally the ancestor of Jade Cauldron who taught demons in the demon prison and taught them techniques to transform demonic energy, restore their own consciousness, and turn demons into disciples.

Therefore, it is not surprising that there are disciples like Demon Lord Dinghai. It is not just Demon Lord Dinghai. Every year, there are dozens or hundreds of disciples who cannot bear the loneliness of cultivating and pick up the magic skills again to transform their spiritual energy. Some people broke through in their skills and escaped into the Demon Prison, but most of them were killed by their fellow disciples.

Dinghai was known as the best in his sect in cultivation back then, and was not inferior to Chi Jing, so he was the most arrogant. He sent a message from a distance and shouted: "Chi Jing! Back then, you were not as good as me when it came to learning skills. Now I am practicing If you have access to the twelve true meridians and have cultivated immortal demon consciousness, how long can you last even if you have the help of the Jade Cauldron Palace and the ancient golden plate? Where is the old thief of the Jade Cauldron? Why does he shrink back like a tortoise and only let you take the lead? "

The old voice of Master Chi Jing came from the Jade Cauldron Palace, and he sighed: "Fifth Junior Brother! You are unwilling to accept that the realm is difficult to break, so you go back to cultivate demonic energy, and your life's hard work is wasted. I know you will not pity, I just feel pity for you. That’s all.”

Master Chi Jing said this and never said a word again. No matter how insulted Demon Lord Dinghai was, he just ignored him and turned his whole life's mana into a Dingxuan mirror with strong light. It turned into a ball of strange light, and no matter which demon king's demonic energy flew in, it was all fixed by the light of the Dingxuan Mirror. There will be no more changes.

Although Demon Lord Dinghai is also proficient in the transformation of the jade tripod, there is nothing he can do about the real Chi Jing. You can only activate the demonic energy again and again, trying to overcome the weak with strength.

Xu pushed the Thousand Falcon Pan further, and couldn't help but look at it with joy. He had never thought that the Dingxuan Mirror could actually be used as a defense. The subtlety of Chi Jingzhen's movement to make the Jade Cauldron change was far beyond the imagination. It captured his imagination, and for him it was as exciting as on-the-spot teaching.

"I have been taught by my teacher the thirty-six transformations of the spiritual treasures of the Jade Cauldron lineage. He also taught me the thirty-six transformations of the celestial phenomena separately. As long as I practice hard in the future, it will not be difficult to complete them one by one. I don't know what will happen in the future. No one is as capable as Senior Brother Chi-Ji, who can fight the four demon kings alone."

He launched a surprise attack on the four demon kings. It was originally planned that only the Jade Cauldron Ancestor in the Jade Cauldron Palace could defeat them all in one fell swoop. After occupying the Jade Cauldron Palace and the Ancient Golden Plate, he would then use his devastating power to destroy the Jade Cauldron lineage. All the "remnants" were killed, and the small heaven belonged to their four demon kings from then on.

The four demon kings planned very well. But I never expected that,

The Jade Cauldron Patriarch never showed up, so only Master Chi Jing could support it independently. Resist the evil erosion of their four great demon kings.

Each of the four demon kings also had their own back-up plan. The demon phoenix was the most irritable and roared. The clear and clear cry like a phoenix was actually mixed with one of the countless sinister and evil sounds. The sound that should have been extremely pleasant to the ears actually made people feel uncomfortable. It was extremely sad to hear.

As soon as the demon phoenix roared, countless demons immediately gathered into an army and swept across in all directions.

The powerful demon who could not be found for a long time now seems to have emerged from the ground. Xu Liao even saw several demonic armies killing him in the direction of his East Palace.

Xu Zuo no longer cares about other senior brothers. He hurriedly activated the Thousand Falcon Pan and intercepted one of the large armies head-on.

Thousand Falcon Pan is essentially a fighting beast. With this treasure in hand, Xu will be able to exert the peak strength of the Cloud-riding Snake Transformation Demon Commander. In the Little Heavenly Court battlefield, he will be second only to the Demon Lord and the real-person level peerless powerhouse.

Xu asked himself, as long as he escaped the four demon kings and was not besieged by the endless army of demons, he would be able to come and go freely without fear of any opponent.

The several demon armies that attacked the East Palace over long distances were not too numerous. After all, the East Palace was isolated on the edge of the small heaven. Even the demon phoenix who launched his army did not care about Xu's lair. The focus was on Chi Jing. Palace, Daolu Palace, these most famous heavenly palaces, each one has hundreds of demonic armies pointing directly at them.

The demon phoenix took action, and the other three demon kings seemed to have a tacit understanding. They only used the demonic energy to destroy the huge formation of the Jade Cauldron Palace. No one participated in this battle, making this battle seem to be supported by the demon phoenix alone. generally.

The coldness and indifference of the devil's nature cannot be compared to even the most evil, vicious, shameless, despicable, bad-tempered, and heartless person among human beings...!

This time the four demon kings joined forces is unprecedented. If the demons really understood what "powerful correlation" and "mutual help and mutual benefit" meant, they would have wiped out the Jade Cauldron a hundred and eighty times, and how could they get the Jade Cauldron? Ancestor dominates the sixteenth floor of the Demon Prison?

Xu Zuo no longer had the mind to care about other people. He tried his best to activate the Thousand Falcon Pan. After a few hours, he finally saw the demon army flying into the sky with murderous intent. He couldn't even count the number of people in this demon army. Before he had time, he rushed into the demon team.

Once the small heaven is captured by the demons, even if there is the Nine Mysterious True Law, the East Palace, and the inheritance of various ancient demon clans, there will still be no intact eggs under the overturned nest, and they will be buried with the Jade Cauldron lineage. . He has risked everything he promised. If he doesn't fight hard now, he might not even have the chance to fight hard in the future.

The Soaring Snake can ride on clouds and spit out mist. Although it is an ancient divine creature, it is not a very lethal monster.

Xu Lao learned a lot of application techniques under Yuding's sect, but he also allowed him to adapt to the situation and come up with a way to use Teng She's innate magical power.

He used the Soaring Snake Transformation to activate the demonic energy and turned it into mist. The mist was pervasive. Demons with weaker cultivation levels inhaled the mist transformed by the Soaring Snake Transformation. They immediately felt as if their bodies were being bitten by countless tiny snakes, and their internal organs were... The muscles, bone marrow, and even the facial features and brain were eroded by the mist, and they fell down in pieces.

Even if a demon with a high level of cultivation could withstand the erosion of the Soaring Snake Mist, Xu Le couldn't resist it and activated the Thousand Falcon Pan to hit him directly.

That's right!

Xu Liao knew that whatever martial arts he used to kill these demons would not be very efficient, so he simply drove the speed of the Thousand Falcon Disk to the limit and crashed directly into the demon army. With the help of powerful magic weapons and lightning At high speed, he crushed it hard.

Xu Liao controlled the Thousand Falcon Pan to charge repeatedly in the demon army, sprinting back and forth seven times, reducing the number of combatants in the demon army by at least 10%. Only then were they defeated by several demon general-level demons. He intercepted it and directed his men to form a formation to resist this formidable enemy. (To be continued.)

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