One Sword to Immortality

278. Settlement of accounts after autumn

Xu Xu finally broke away from Ren Lingxuan's embrace. Ren Lingxuan couldn't help but tell him, and pulled him straight to another camp.

Of course Xu Zuo couldn't let her pull him away, so he hurriedly shouted: "There is someone else with me."

Ren Lingxuan was slightly surprised. When she saw Bai Qiulian standing at the door, with her back leaning against the door frame, a smile on her face, her cheeks suddenly turned red. The eldest daughter of the Ren family, who was always full of wit, actually became ashamed and shouted at Bai Qiulian. Greetings, and then asked with confusion: "Why are you okay?"

Without waiting for Xu Zuo and Bai Qiulian to reply, Ren Lingxuan secretly yelled something bad. She was just distracted just now. She was shocked by Xu Zuo's return alive and forgot to hide her emotions. But when she thought about it, she suddenly felt uncomfortable. wonderful.

When Xu Liao and Bai Qiulian return, if the Sun Xing Sect realizes that they are the two people who were "killed" by its own disciples, it will definitely cause an uproar and re-examine the previous revenge actions.

This kind of thing cannot be explained clearly in a moment, so Ren Lingxuan winked and quietly left the camp with Xu Liao and Bai Qiulian.

Although the disciples of the Rixing Sect felt that these people were behaving strangely, no one thought about it. The Sect had already had too many troubles, and they did not want to cause trouble, so they watched Ren Lingxuan take Xu Liao and Bai Qiulian away.

Although Ren Lingxuan felt doubly embarrassed, fortunately she didn't know that Xu Zuo had already established a relationship with Bai Qiulian in the Demon Prison. Although she felt that her true feelings were revealed, she was not shy about trying to compete with Bai Qiulian for her boyfriend. They all had a good impression of Xu Li, and there was nothing wrong with whoever acted more strongly, so they quickly returned to their normal mood and told them what happened in the Demon Suppression World.

Only then did I know. It turns out that it was because someone from the Hikata Sect had water in his brain and saved a Lingding Demon named Xiaoji, which led to the fall of the entire team.

As for the punishment of the Eighteen Immortals Sect and the Ten Thousand Demons Association. This shocked him even more, and he thought secretly in his heart: "If it's because of me and Bai Qiulian, and this person's close relatives have to pay with their lives, this matter will be difficult to handle."

After Ren Lingxuan finished talking about the matter, she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's okay for Bai Qiulian, because that person doesn't have many relatives, so Bai Xuanzai didn't make any appeal, but by granting your life, that person would have to pay for it." .”

After a while, she suddenly turned eighteen. This kind of thing is really speechless. This is not a devil's prison without any rules. Although the earth monsters also worship the strong, and it is reasonable to be strong in force, but after all, they have been influenced by civilized society, so they still have to be reasonable.

Because of this incident, Ren Lingxuan and the others have been staying in the Demon Suppression Realm. The Demon Suppression Realm has also become a little chaotic because of this disaster. The Eighteen Immortal Sects have sent people over, and even the Ten Thousand Demons Association has sent one of the seven demon commanders, Jiejie. The prince came to take charge.

Xu Liao didn't want to get involved in this chaos. He just wanted to go home immediately. After all, he had been fighting in the Demon Prison for too long, and he longed for a peaceful life.

Ren Lingxuan took Xu Liao and Bai Qiulian to the place where they lived, when Ren Lingxuan opened the door of the temporary residence. Showing up with Xu Liao, Shi Ji, Bai Xuanzai and Cui Ying all have mouths so big they can swallow raw duck eggs.

Xu Liu proudly made a flirtatious gesture and said calmly: "I escaped from the Demon Prison at the last moment, but got lost in the Demon Suppression World, so I found my way back!"

Xu knew that he couldn't tell everyone about his experience in the Demon Prison, so he made up a reasonable reason.

In theory, what Xu Liao said is indeed possible. No one can spot the flaw.

Bai Xuan screamed strangely and rushed forward. Xu didn't want to hug the man, so he waved her hand hurriedly. He pushed out a burst of energy to force Bai Xuanzai away, and shouted: "Don't rush! I have been jumped once, and I don't want to be jumped a second time..."

As soon as Xu finished speaking, everyone looked at Ren Lingxuan. Bai Xuanzai even showed an ambiguous look, but he soon saw his cousin, and the ambiguity on his face immediately changed. Finally, he gave Xu a " I admire you very much" look.

Ren Lingxuan's face turned slightly red and she bit her lip, but she refused to lose her momentum and still stood upright.

Bai Qiu was confident of winning, but he looked depressed and generous, as if he didn't care.

Xu Liao really didn't want to "enjoy" this awkward atmosphere and said, "I want to go back. Do you want to go with me?"

Shi Ji glanced at Xu, then at Bai Qiulian, and asked lightly: "Bai Qiulian has been resurrected, do you still need the wish fruit?"

Xu shook his head, but couldn't help but asked curiously: "Didn't the Seven-Day War we participated in fail? Why can we also get the wish fruit?"

Shi Ji said calmly: "Because of the incident with the Hikata Sect, the four of us have received a wish fruit. You are already dead, so there is no share for you. If you want a wish fruit, you can only pay the price and get it from us." I'm not optimistic about the latter option."

Xu Zuo shook his head again and said with a smile: "I no longer need the wish fruit. I have gained more than anyone else in this seven-day war, and I am very satisfied."

Shi Ji remained silent, but Cui Ying was a little curious. She was more curious than anyone else. Bai Xuan was here, Ren Lingxuan had a close relationship with Xu Le, Shi Ji had a weird personality, and he didn't want to explore Xu Le's secrets, but Sister Cui wanted to know Xu Le's secrets. What exactly happened to me.

Cui Ying didn't believe the promise at all. Even if she was lucky enough to escape back to the demon-suppressing world in advance, what's the point of getting lost? Why did Bai Qiulian suddenly come back to life? These are all extremely doubtful.

However, Cui Ying is an old woman after all and will not ask this question directly. She said with a smile: "Since everyone has no objections, let's take the next subway and leave."

Xu was relieved. He was really afraid that if everyone didn't leave, it would be more difficult for him to leave alone. He took out his demon card and booked a private room.

Xu Luo, Ren Lingxuan, Bai Xuanzai, Shi Ji, and Cui Ying have not seen each other for a long time, but they have a lot to say. Bai Xuanzai also wants to ask his cousin something. After all, they have been together through life and death. , and soon everyone got over the awkwardness, chatting happily and talking about many things.

Just when Xu Zuo felt that the time was almost up and asked everyone to go on the road together, he suddenly heard someone shouting loudly outside: "Xu Zuo! Bai Xuan is here, Ren Lingxuan... you bastards, get out of here. You have been deceived." We, the Hikata Sect, have killed the close relatives of our Hikata Sect disciples. Let’s all calculate this account..." (To be continued.)

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