One Sword to Immortality

292. Save humanity

Seixue acted as if she hadn't seen Bai Qiulian. She walked into Xu Le's Moonlight Cafe with a cold expression, sat next to Xu Le, showed a distressed look, and said, "Although you refused last time Me, but I have no choice but to come to you for help."

Xu Zuo felt really uncomfortable all over, and was about to refuse, but Bai Qiulian asked with a half-smile: "How do you need our help?"

The girl from the Bai family deliberately emphasized the word "we", which made Xu feel even more unhappy. His girlfriend was obviously angry, but she didn't provoke Seixue at all. This kind of trouble was simply It is forced to win.

Seixue seemed not to feel the awkward atmosphere, and said unhurriedly: "I am now being chased by people from the Dark Court, and I dare not leave Luoyang Street, but I have to send something somewhere. , this matter is related to the survival of the entire human race, it is very important! If you don’t help me, the entire human race will suffer a catastrophe of extinction."

Xu Luo couldn't help but sneer and said: "Don't keep talking about humans! You are not human yourself!"

Although the demonic aura on Seixue is weird, it is definitely not human. Xu Luo sensed the demonic aura on her body when they first met, and naturally knew about this cold-looking girl with long black hair. Not human.

Seixue was stunned for a moment, and then said: "What does it matter whether I am a human being or not? This matter is indeed of great importance..."

Xu Zuo interrupted her and said coldly: "First, you are not a human being, and second, you are not a member of the Ten Thousand Demons Association. I don't know what troubles you have, but these troubles have nothing to do with me, please Just ignore me, okay?"

The whole of China is under the influence of the Ten Thousand Demons Society. Beidou City is one of the headquarters of the Ten Thousand Demons Association.

When Xu Liogang awakened his monster bloodline, he didn't know enough about the Ten Thousand Monsters Society, but now he is no longer considered a new generation. Naturally, I knew that if anyone dared to harm the monsters registered in the Ten Thousand Monsters Society, a few old guys in charge would have taken action long ago.

Sun Bofang used all kinds of hidden tricks at the beginning. He even threatened Xu Leo's mother, but he didn't dare to kill Xu Leo because he was afraid of the revenge of the Ten Thousand Demons Society.

In order to avenge his brother, Sun Zhonghu hunted Xu Liang in Beidou City. Prince Jiejie immediately took action and gave Sun Zhonghu an unforgettable lesson.

There is a group of big monsters from the Ten Thousand Monsters Association who are eyeing the city, so as soon as Seixue appears, Xu knows that she is not "his own monster", otherwise it will give the people of the Dark Court a thousand courages. He also didn’t dare to hunt down the naturalized monsters of the Ten Thousand Monsters Association in Northern City.

I hated the trouble back then,

He didn't want to take action because he was sure that the girl's background was complicated enough, and Seixue was only being hunted at that time, but his life was not in danger. If he ran out to show off and cause some trouble, wouldn't it be a bit stupid?

Later, Seixue asked him for help. There were many inaccuracies in what he said, and he also deliberately concealed various details. She even refused to say that the person chasing her was the Dark Court. Hope promised help, but refused to tell him what kind of enemies he would provoke and how much trouble he would be in. This made Xu Lio even more unhappy.

What's more, he doesn't believe at all that Seixue can grasp the big secret of the human extinction crisis!

Seixue was so impressed by Xu that she didn't speak for a long time. Finally, she could only sigh softly and lowered her voice and said, "Can you let me finish what I'm saying?"

Xu Liao pointed at Bai Qiulian and said, "If you have something to say to my girlfriend, I will do whatever she says."

Bai Qiulian raised his eyebrows. She didn't expect Xu Zuo to blame all the trouble on herself, but Bai Qiulian also understood. Xu Xu did not want to misunderstand himself, and at the same time, there was nothing he could do about this girl. That's why he had to resort to such rogue methods.

Xu Xu could make Seixue rush to the street a hundred and eighty times with just 10% of his strength. But he would never hit a girl without any reason.

After all, Seixue was just asking for help and didn't do anything to feel sorry for him.

He was willing to help the people in the Glorious World in the Demon Prison because the Demon Man's massacre of humans and monsters had exceeded any moral bottom line. He could save millions of people with just a little effort, and Xu Zhenzhen couldn't stand to watch in cold blood.

To be able to turn a blind eye to the death of millions of people, and to not reach out despite having the ability, is a real beast!

But if he was asked to help a girl whose origins were unknown, who was determined not to tell him what kind of trouble she was causing, or what enemies she would cause, and who was clearly trying to trick him, he wouldn't be that patient or impatient, nor would he be so holy. prostitute.

Seixue immediately turned to Bai Qiulian, but her tone was still so cold and said, "I really need your boyfriend's help. Can you lend him to me?"

Bai Qiulian couldn't help but put her hand on her forehead. She really didn't expect that there would be such a girl asking for help.

Seixue repeated her words, with eager longing, staring at Bai Qiulian without blinking, but the girl from the Bai family also made a decision quickly.

Bai Qiulian said decisively: "For a girl, if another beautiful girl comes over and says: Lend me your boyfriend! If you don't beat someone impulsively, it is considered very well-educated. If... Therefore If the world is going to be destroyed, then let this damn world be destroyed. I don’t think I need to lend my boyfriend to save the world.”

Bai Qiulian nodded slightly at Xu and said, "Let's go!"

Xu Le stood up immediately, took out the monster card and paid the bill, and then said with a half-smile: "You can try to find other young heroes! There are many powerful monsters on this Luoyang street. , there are not a few who don’t have a girlfriend.”

Xu held Bai Qiulian's hand and was about to walk out when Seixue gritted her teeth and knelt on the ground with a thud, her forehead pressed to the ground, saying nothing but making the most humiliating gesture.

Xu Zuo didn't care much. He had seen many scenes in the Demon Prison, and he would not be merciful just because Xiexue was strong.

If Se Xue was willing to tell the whole story and tell the truth about the level of enemies he would provoke, he might actually intervene. After all, he didn't think there was anything special about the Dark Court. But relying on force and strength, he will never relent. Who knows if there is any conspiracy here?

But Bai Qiulian couldn't stand it anymore. After all, she was a girl and she was in love.

A girl in this period will be softer-hearted than usual, especially since she is also very smart. Knowing Xu Xu's current strength, she is not afraid of the trouble of this level, so she nodded slightly towards Xu Xu.

This means that she wants Xu to intervene, but she has to take care of herself first. (To be continued.)

ps: ps: Can I get more monthly tickets?

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