One Sword to Immortality

296. Good sister, you have worked hard!

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After the handsome bald man finished talking about private compensation, he talked for a few polite words, then left gracefully, turned off the communicator and left, leaving behind the blond man and the red-haired toned woman, who continued to negotiate with Xu with pale faces. .

Xu Luo had all the authority to handle this matter, but he didn't know how to handle it at all, but Bai Qiulian had obviously received strict training and was extremely skilled at handling this kind of matter.

The girl from the Bai family first made a request called "Cerebral Hemorrhage in the Dark Court", asking the other party to hand over all the research results in the past fifty years. After forcing out the person in charge of the other party, she received private compensation and kept silent about the original request. .

As for handing over Seixue, she even agreed, but without any substantive promise. She only calmly pushed the matter onto Cui Ying and asked the two magicians from the Dark Court to go and talk to Cui Ying. Negotiate with profit. As for whether Sister Cui Ying will kill her with a knife, it has nothing to do with her at all.

Xu said nothing, watching Bai Qiulian solve this matter with ease, and his heart was filled with admiration. If it were him, he wouldn't have known how to handle it, and he was afraid it would take more than ten times the time to detect it. When it comes to the bottom line of the Dark Court, the final result may not be so good.

However, he also felt quite strange. After saying goodbye to Bai Qiulian and leaving, he couldn't help but ask, "Why is the Dark Court so cowardly? Are you willing to pay for a virtual world? They must have been running this virtual world for a long time. I’m afraid it’s already one of their old assets.”

In order to obtain a new virtual world, the old monsters have come up with something like the Seven-Day War. If you think about it with your toes, you can guess the value of this virtual world.

The Dark Court was actually willing to pay such a high price. Xu Xu couldn't figure it out no matter how hard he tried.

Bai Qiulian chuckled and said, "Do you know what your reputation is now?"

Xu shook his head. The technology tree of the monsters is a practical one. It can develop fighting beasts, artificial spiritual consciousness, and special subways. But there is no entertainment technology, let alone a dedicated network for monsters, not even a website, which is the main mode of messaging. It is still passed down by word of mouth. Fortunately, the population of monsters is not large, and the group of human practitioners is not large, so a lot of news can still be transmitted quite quickly.

Xu Liao had almost no communication with other monsters, so naturally he didn't know a lot of gossip. But Bai Qiulian was born in the Bai family. As he broke through the demon king, his status in the Bai family rose. Including Xu, his promising boyfriend, he was even slightly higher than Bai Xuanzai, almost as young as the Bai family. Bai Juan, the first person of her generation.

Bai Qiulian said with a smile: "Do you want to know what your current reputation is like?"

Xu nodded seriously.

Bai Qiulian grabbed his cell phone and made more than ten calls and made an appointment. Then Shi Shiran took his boyfriend and went straight to the appointment place.

The place where Bai Qiu practices. It's very close to them. It's not a public place like a hotel, but a private club hidden in a residential area. It has a high wall to separate it from ordinary residents. Voice confirmation is required for entry and exit. It looks unremarkable from the outside. It is inconspicuous, but there is something special inside.

This was the first time for Xu Liu to come to this kind of place. He was used to the various buildings on Luoyang Street and this kind of luxurious place for ordinary people. He couldn't catch a cold, but he was still quite surprised that Bai Qiulian could easily find such a place.

Bai Qiulian said with a smile: "This is a property owned by one of my best friends, and it is often requisitioned by us. Come and have a party. I haven't had a party with my sisters for a long time. Do you want to meet my sisters?"

Xu Luo's mind was not spinning very slowly, and he knew deeply that at this moment, he said, "I want to, but I don't want to." All have problems.

Bai Qiulian did not embarrass him, and said with a smile: "Whether you think about it or not, there are many beauties among my sisters, but you must not be tempted or tease them."

Xu smiled, he was really not in the mood to tease other girls, he already had too many worries.

Not long after Xu Liao and Bai Qiulian sat down in the largest living room of this private club, three girls came together. Among these three girls, Xu Liao actually knew two of them. They were both Bai Qiulian's former cheerleaders. .

When they saw Xu, their eyes lit up, just like little fans seeing Leonardo in his youth. However, these three girls couldn't help but glance at Bai Qiulian. No one dared to rush forward. They were all following the rules. He sat neatly next to Bai Qiulian, and immediately started to bite Bai Qiulian's ears.

"Sister Nineteen, you are actually willing to bring Xu Le out to show everyone..."

"Does Xu Zuo have a really bad temper? I heard that he kills people at every turn, even killing people from the Changsheng Sect. He even challenged Chen Jing of the Changsheng Sect and didn't suffer any loss!"

"I heard that he went to participate in the Seven-Day War for you, and he fought his way out of the Demon Prison. He killed countless demons under his hands. It was really majestic."

"Qiu Lian! Are you a demon king who can break through by cultivating with him..."

"We want to know too! Say it quickly, say it quickly..."

After Xu Li listened for a while, he knew what Bai Qiulian meant. From the words of these girls, he had roughly pieced together his image outside.

He is simply a ferocious god, the devil of hell, insidious and cunning, murderous...

After a while, more and more girls came over, and some of them even brought their boyfriends. Almost without exception, these people were respectful and awe-inspiring when they saw Xu. Several girls were with them. The boyfriends who came were even a little scared. If Bai Qiulian hadn't been there, they wouldn't have dared to face Xu.

Until forty or fifty girls arrived, plus a small number of boys, there were more than seventy people in total. There was still no too much noise in the living room, and almost every glance was focused on Xu Liao. For a long time, Xu Luo was invisibly highlighted, and he was the center of everyone!

When Bai Qiulian, a girl with long hair that reached past her hips and even reached her knees, with a pretty face, stepped into the hall, she gave a gentle high-five, and all the voices fell silent. She smiled slightly and said, "Since the twenty-two sisters are also Here we are, let’s officially start. At this party, I want to introduce your brother-in-law to everyone, promise!”

As soon as this sentence came out, the whole place was in an uproar. Most of them were excited, and some even screamed loudly. There were too many girls here, and the screaming voices did not sound harsh, but had a different kind of excitement. .

"Our Qiu Alliance finally has a demon king-level leader, so we agreed..."

"Don't talk nonsense, sister Qiulian is also a demon king..."

"No need to be afraid of those bastards Bai Xia'a and Bai Xuan."

"What are you afraid of them for? They should be afraid of us."

Xu Ruo was so confused that she wanted to wave and say: "Good sister, you have worked hard!" (To be continued.)

PS: ps: The recommendation has been blocked, and more updates will be added... It should not be just one chapter, and I would like to ask for monthly votes and recommendation votes. If you are a new brother, please add it to your favorites!

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