One Sword to Immortality

299. Identity issue

Bai Qiulian did not mention the origin of the Yuding lineage to anyone, but also reminded Xu, asking him to tell Yu Qingyuan not to tell anyone.pbtt

The Jade Cauldron lineage wants to establish a sect on the earth, and at the end it is a sect that separates one party, similar to the Eighteen Immortals Sect. In the world of monsters, almost ordinary people want to establish a new country.

Bai Qiulian is a disciple of the Dongxuanxian sect, and Xu is a member of the Ten Thousand Demons Association. All the girls in Qiu Meng have their origins. Most of their boyfriends are also children of monster families, and many of them have joined the Ten Thousand Demons Association. They organized a "Jade Cauldron Gate"!

For the Ten Thousand Demons Society, it is no different from Xu Liao's Beidi Group.

It's almost like an ordinary person starting a new company.

The difficulty of the two is completely different. Ordinary people who want to establish a new country are afraid that they will be destroyed by the police of various countries at any time. Except for some weird examples, the end is not very good. But if ordinary people want to set up a company, as long as they abide by local laws and regulations, there will almost never be too many obstacles. At most, they will often be bad and die on their own.

Bai Qiulian is well aware of all the rules of the Ten Thousand Demons Association. He has attracted people from the Qiu Meng to come over and establish a Jade Cauldron Sect. In the eyes of the Ten Thousand Demons Association, is this still the original Qiu Meng? Even if it expands in the future and recruits more disciples, its nature will not change. But if there are monks from outside the Little Heavenly Court, the nature of the matter will completely change, so the news about the disciples of the Jade Cauldron cannot be leaked out yet.

The matter of establishing a sect must be done step by step. When all the conditions are in place, there is no need to be so cautious.

Xu Leo had leaked this matter to Ren Lingxuan before, not because he was careless, but because he wanted to draw Ren Lingxuan into the Jade Cauldron Sect, so... he would later pass on the Sky Fox inheritance to Ren Lingxuan.pbtt. He couldn't bear it. Ren Lingxuan's love, but she always wanted to make some compensation, but she didn't mean to plot against the little fox of the Ren family.

Of course Xu Yao obeyed Bai Qiulian's words and grabbed Yu Qingyuan and gave him some instructions.

Yu Qingyuan spread out his six wings and screamed: "Teacher, don't worry! These little monkeys will never be able to twist in my hands. I will be able to train them all in ten days."

Although Yu Qingyuan is a carefree bird. But after all, I have also stayed in the Demon Prison and seen the cunning of countless demons. Naturally, I also know that people's hearts are full of evil.

Xu Liao also knew it and gave him some advice. This disciple will never make any mistakes.

He let Yu Qingyuan go to train the more than ten teenagers. After watching them for a while, he couldn't help but smile.

Although Yu Qingyuan said he looked down on these disciples,

But after all, I was so depressed in Tiandi Garden that I suddenly had these disciples. It's like having so many extra playmates.

Yu Qingyuan has the inheritance of the Jade Cauldron Sect and hundreds of thousands of years of wisdom inheritance from the Chuiyunniao lineage, so he can train these guys with ease. He guided these people in their cultivation and tried his best, which opened the eyes of these bastards who had never seen what a "superior method" was.

These people are not qualified to join the Eighteen Immortals Sect and can only hang out in the training classes set up by the Eighteen Immortals Sect. They have not been able to make any progress and have to let themselves go.

These teenagers suddenly got "such an opportunity", and none of them were willing to miss it just to please the teacher. All kinds of flattery are more attentive than flattering your girlfriend.

Yu Qingyuan had a childish temperament, but he was quickly coaxed into being happy and began to talk nonsense and brag about himself.

Fortunately, he still remembered Xu Zuo's instructions and did not dare to mention Xiaotianting. He only said that he was an illegitimate son of a certain demon family. Because of his natural spiritual roots, his eldest brother was jealous and destroyed his foundation, so he had to go to Africa to take refuge. . By chance, I got the attention of a local reclusive monster clan saint, and taught him superior techniques...

This bird has a talent for telling stories, and he can actually tell all kinds of lies to the letter. He has been on earth these days. But I also learned a little bit about things on earth. Thanks to this group of children, they didn't dare to point out the flaws in the teacher's words, and they didn't make any accusations.

After Xu had nothing to do, Bai Qiulian also went to train the little girls from Qiumeng. He stayed for a while and was about to leave for a while. Suddenly I sensed the limit of the teleportation gate, and then I saw a "mountain" slowly floating in.

Xu Zuo rose up from the sky and arrived near the "mountain" in a moment. After looking at it carefully for a while, he couldn't help but smile and said: "Senior Nephew Yin Suhua, why did you buy so many things?"

Yin Suhua exclaimed after eating: "These things are very delicious and too cheap, so I bought more. In addition to eating them myself, I can also give Yu Qingyuan a surprise!"

Xu shook his head, and was about to ask why he didn't use the Small Universe to bring him back, but then he thought that he might not have to do so much, so he explained a little about Bai Qiulian's acceptance of Qiu Meng. , told Yin Suhua not to tell the origin of the Yuding lineage.

Yin Suhua agreed first, and then asked: "Uncle Master! We must have an identity. I found that in Beidou City, as a gangster, you are not at ease anywhere. In Luoyang Street, your strength is even suppressed to 10%! "

Xu Liu pondered slightly and promised: "I will try my best to solve this matter!"

Although Xu Liao didn't know how to deal with it, he now had a certain status in the Ten Thousand Demons Association, and he also knew that Bai Qiulian's family was very powerful, so it was easy to handle such a small matter as identity.

Xu Luo left Yin Suhua and left Tiandi Garden. Just as he was thinking about whether to go home, his cell phone rang suddenly.

Not many people knew the number on his cell phone, so he couldn't help but feel strange. When he picked it up, it was Xie Lin's voice. His phone called out: "Promise! We have a party in the 57 dormitory today. Come over where you are." . There are all kinds of good things waiting for you, don’t say that brothers are not interesting enough.”

Xu Luo smiled slightly, he didn't care much about good things, but there was nothing to do anyway, so he might as well go hang out with his peers.

He caught a trace of Xie Lin's aura through his mobile phone, and with a little positioning, he activated the two world flags to change. With a void movement, he arrived at the place.

The place where Xiao Anan, Xia Da and Xie Lin gathered was a bookstore with a small and fresh atmosphere. This bookstore also set up a large area in the lobby to sell desserts. It has very comfortable sofas and an elegant environment. If Nothing happens, you can sit comfortably all afternoon, read, drink, or just be in a daze.

If you are accompanied by a girl, this afternoon will be extremely happy for any young man.

Xiao Anan, Xia Da and Xie Lin were accompanied by more than one girl. The two of them were surrounded by seven girls in total. Even if everyone was equipped with two girls, there would still be one vacancy.

When Xu entered the bookstore, he saw Xie Lin winking at him and giving him a nod. (To be continued.)

PS: PS: I think today is quite impressive, so I’ll vote for the last monthly ticket hidden in my trouser pocket. If you don’t have a monthly ticket, a recommended vote will do. I don’t mind it...

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