One Sword to Immortality

301. The Supreme Level of “Scumbag”

The next second after Xu Xu, she felt Cui Ying's demonic aura. Obviously, this Cui Ying sister didn't fail to deal with Seixue, but had an ulterior motive.

After Xu and the others came off the court, they quickly took the initiative on the court. Xiao Anan's skills were gorgeous and he was proficient in all kinds of skills, which was obviously much better than his peers. Xie Lin was the main player of the school team in junior high school and played well. Although the style is not as gorgeous as Xiao Anan, it is still practical.

But the most unreasonable thing is Xu Xu. Xu Xu did not use brute force this time, but shot honestly. In addition to being extremely accurate and frightening, Xu Xu scored six three-pointers in one minute. He directly scored the goal in the first three minutes. The opponent became a coward, and the three of them raised their hands to admit defeat and ended the game in despair.

Xu did this, which of course meant "we can no longer play together", and then almost no team wanted to challenge them. No one is willing to do this kind of behavior, except for a very idiosyncratic guy. There are no such idiosyncratic people in this stadium today.

Xiao Anan was also a little unmotivated. Originally, he wanted to have fun, but Xu Leo just cleared the court in a domineering manner. After he got off the court, he took Xu Le's hand and said, "You can't play like this next time, otherwise you will beat up a lot of people." No one likes basketball anymore.”

Xie Lin also showed a look of approval and kept talking: "You have never seen his playing style before. At that time, it was more unreasonable than this. We rushed up to steal the ball, but he pretended not to see it and directly He wiped us out with sheer brute force! Brutal force! I couldn't even push him, and even his feet hurt when he kicked him."

Xu Lio ignored the two teammates and walked directly to the sidelines. Sister Cui Ying was leaning on a red sports car and looking at the group of young men and women walking over with a smile.

Xu nodded with his thumb and asked, "Why is that little girl here again?"

Xiao Anan. Shada, Xie Lin, and the girls following them all stared straight-eyed. I didn't expect that Xu Le would meet a beautiful woman of this level.

Ordinary high school girls are naturally beautiful. It can't compare to Cui Ying, a charming and charming female temptress like Cui Ying, not to mention that these seven girls are not really naturally beautiful.

Xie Lin even used his elbow to agree, and asked secretly: "I heard that your girlfriend is Qu Lei, why did you secretly date such a beauty who has brought disaster to the country and the people?"

He grinned, but did not answer Xie Lin's words.

Cui Ying said rudely: "Don't put all the trouble on me, I don't have time recently, you should deal with this little girl by yourself!"

Xu Luo spread his hands. Said: "Then I will hand this girl over to the dark court,

I really have no interest in protecting an artificial monster! "

If the Dark Court captures Huixue, disembowels her, and conducts cruel experiments, then she can’t help but want to intervene. However, the Dark Court treats this precious experimental subject with nothing but freedom of movement. There were restrictions and he wouldn't do such a thing, so of course he didn't want to take care of it.

Besides, the artificial monster plan. It is scientific research that is beneficial to the entire monster race. Although it sounds a bit cruel, it will not actually cause harm to the test subjects. Because most of the test subjects were terminally ill and could not survive for a few days, a small number were insiders of the Dark Court and voluntarily participated in the experiment.

Cui Ying snorted coldly and said: "This matter is fully entrusted to you. You are free to do whatever you want, but I have to remind you something. After you participate in this Longhua Conference, you can no longer continue to serve as the cave. You are the eldest disciple of the Xuanxian Sect. This is not a requirement of our Ten Thousand Demons Association. It is a requirement of the Dongxuanxian Sect, unless you switch to spiritual energy."

Xu gave a dumb smile. He really didn't expect that he would be expelled from the Dongxuan Immortal Sect. However, he could understand this matter. After all, he was cultivating demonic energy, which was against the rules.

The conversation between Xu Liao and Cui Ying was blocked by a demonic force from the beginning. There was no problem in the conversation between the two of them, but to others it sounded like...

"Will you come to my place tonight?"

"No, I have to spend time with my girlfriend tonight, and I'll see you tomorrow."

"You were so brave last time..."

"Shall we try from behind this time?"


Such restricted-level conversations made the high school students look at each other with ecstasy, secretly cursing Xu's extravagant life and saying that he was "unworthy of being a son of a human being"!

Xu Lio didn't know that Cui Ying used the "black technology of transvestite dialogue". He only sensed that Cui Ying activated the demon power and isolated the conversation between the two. He thought that others could not hear it, and he never expected that Cui Ying's sister would do it. .

Cui Ying pointed to the colored snow in the stadium, got into the sports car, and drove away. This style was very similar to Long Qier's. He also left right after he finished speaking, and he left very arrogantly.

Xu rubbed his forehead, and just as he was about to notify the two guys from the Dark Court to come and take someone, Seixue walked out of the stadium, his tone still cold, and asked lightly: "What will you do with me?"

The boys and girls who had just been shocked by Sister Cui Ying's "fiery" words once again experienced the "inhumane" shock. They were completely unable to understand how Xu Li achieved the supreme level of "scumbag". Not only was he a legend in the school He has a goddess-level girlfriend and can handle the seductress-level Cui Ying, but now a beautiful girl as pure as water comes out and directly asks him to "take responsibility".

Xu Lio had no idea that her image would be ruined in everyone's eyes, but she also felt a headache. She pressed her temples and said, "I will hand you over to those people, and they will take you away!"

Xie Lin was the first to quit, stepped forward and shouted: "Promise, you can't do this? Do you want to start chaos and give up? Are you going to hand this girl over to some inappropriate organization?"

Xu Liao said helplessly: "I just gave it to her family."

Xie Lin couldn't help but glance at Seixue, then at Xu Zuo, and asked in a low voice: "Are her parents disapproving of your relationship? But you have so many girlfriends, why would you rather kill them by mistake than let them go? ? For a girlfriend of this level, having one is enough for me, and I will never have second thoughts."

When Xie Lin was "negotiating" with Xu, Xia Da suddenly walked up to Seixue. This cold-faced student actually smiled very gently and asked, "Are you hungry? Come eat with us!"

Seixue nodded immediately, and Xia Da immediately turned around and said: "Next, let's go our separate ways!"

Then, in the eyes of everyone, he took Seixue's hand and walked away. Seixue actually didn't resist and let him pull her away.

Xu Zuo really wanted to remind Xia Da that the one you took away was a female monster, but after thinking about it for a while, she gave up and thought to herself: "Anyway, this female monster doesn't eat people! Look at her look like that, I'm afraid she won't even eat people." He doesn’t know how to pick up yang and replenish yin, so let Xia Da spend some time in youth and ignorance!”

Although Xia Da's performance surprised Xu Liao, he still didn't see these two young people.

As for the others, they have all been petrified. (To be continued.)

ps: ps: Today’s monthly votes are only a quarter of yesterday’s. I know it’s because of insufficient updates, but I will work hard. Please don’t abandon me... continue to vote monthly.

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