One Sword to Immortality

311. Heaven and ghost fight against each other

Lingyi is the great disciple of the Dongtian Sect. He has practiced hard in the invisible escape method of heavenly ghosts and is the best at traveling between yin and yang, so he is not afraid of the turbulence of the void! Sky ghosts and ghost-faced vines are both species that can live in the turbulent flow of the void, so they boldly accepted the challenge.

He originally just wanted to embarrass Xu. If Xu admitted that he could not fight in the turbulent void, he would definitely be able to gain face and show off his power.

Unexpectedly, Xu seemed to be confident, and Lingyi couldn't help but feel refreshed and had a strong fighting spirit!

Xu's reputation this year was so great that he was on the same level as the legendary Su Zhan, Bai Juan, Chen Jing and Kou Wenxing.

Lingyi had just condensed the 28th Gang Vein recently and was very confident to challenge these people. He thought to himself: "Although Xu has become famous this year, I will definitely be better than Su Zhan, Bai Juan, Chen Jing and Kou Wenxing." If I can fight with him first, I can build up my momentum and prepare to challenge those people!"

Lingyi pulled out his body, and his whole body merged into the void, turning into a vague form, and escaped from the defensive circle of the swallowing black whale, shouting: "Very good! Let's fight!"

The invisible escape method of heavenly ghosts is quite mysterious. It has almost nothing to do with demon nerves. It has nothing to do with any demon martial arts that Xu has learned in his life. It has no origin in the magical arts of the immortal family. He was also quite curious. He stepped out of the dragon boat in one step and shouted : "Please ask Senior Brother Lingyi to pick up my sword!"

The Eighteen Immortal Sects share the same spirit, so everyone knows the secret knowledge of each sect, and no one will hide any outstanding disciples from any sect. Therefore, Xu Ruo has never met Lingyi, but still knows who he is.

Lingyi concentrated slightly. He never thought that Xu Luo was really not afraid of the turbulence in the void. He thought to himself: "I heard that Xu Luo is proficient in the Qiankun Sword in his sleeve. I thought he would be like Bai Xianji, relying on the light of the sword. There are so many. Fight with me head-on on the boat. I have the invisible escape method of Heavenly Ghost. No matter how many sword lights he has, he can't hit me. It's even unclear whether he can penetrate the turbulent flow of the void. I didn't expect that he could actually do it. Not afraid of the turbulence of the void, this is a formidable opponent.”

Xu raised his hand, and more than a hundred sword lights flew out. When he broke through the Demon King, he gathered the sword energy of the Twelve Sword Passes and transformed the Demon-Slaying Sword into a transformation, greatly increasing the power of this sword technique. Although there were only more than a hundred sword lights, it was much more powerful than when he defeated his fellow disciples in the sword debate ceremony.

Lingyi knew how powerful the Qiankun Sword in his sleeve was. If he were to face Hong head-on, there would be no spell from the Dongtian Sect that could compare with him. With a shake of the sword, it would disappear immediately.

He relied on the mysterious method of invisible escape from heaven and ghosts. Knowing that no matter how strong Xu Luo's sword light was, he couldn't kill him, he used Void Transformation to escape to Xu Luo's side, stretched out his claws, and went straight to Xu Luo's heart!

Xu Liao was also slightly surprised. He didn't expect that the invisible escape method of heavenly ghosts could be used in the turbulent flow of the void like a fish in water.

He is actually more adaptable to this kind of battlefield than himself.

But Xu Luo didn't panic, he didn't even cast a spell to counterattack. Instead, he urged the Nine Mysterious True Dharma.

Lingyi slapped his heart on the back with his claw, and it felt like a big slab made of nine-turn iron. Fortunately, he didn't want to kill, but just wanted to learn from each other. His attack was not too sharp, so he could still withstand the counterattack of the Jiu Xuan Zhenfa. He was secretly surprised and hurriedly escaped into the void again.

Xu made a secret of the magic formula. He directed the sword light to circle around, but when he saw that Lingyi was not caught, he still dispersed the hundreds of sword lights. The two of them fought for more than a hundred rounds in an instant.

Lingyi either escaped into the void or waved his claws to catch the sword energy. It seemed that the fight with Xu Liao was lively, and there seemed to be no winner or loser, but in his heart he was secretly complaining, thinking: "Why is Xu Liao's sword energy different from Bai Xianji's? Bai Xianji's sword energy can't be sustained when it is released. It dissipated on its own after a while, and it was not so condensed. The sword light that Xu Ling gave could be used as a flying sword, and it actually didn't dissipate for a long time."

Lingyi naturally didn't know that Xu Luo had already transformed the Demon-Slaying Sword Art into the Nine Mysterious True Laws. This sword energy was comparable to a low-grade flying sword, very condensed. His Demon-Slaying Sword Technique achieved this level of success, but he was still fighting in the Demon Prison, and he gradually realized that Bai Xianji had never experienced such endless fierce battles, so naturally he could not hone such sword skills.

Xu Liao tried Lingyi's method and secretly praised him. He did not try his best, but the immortal martial arts of Heavenly Ghost Invisible Escape, which is proficient in void recluse, is best at pitting the weak against the strong. What he has learned in his life is really true. There are few that can be restrained, unless he uses the Dingxuan Mirror or the Two Realm Flags to change, which will defeat the enemy in one fell swoop.

Purely based on the ability of fighting skills, the thirty-six transformations of Lingbao of the Jade Cauldron lineage are truly invincible. No matter what the enemy's methods are, they can be targeted and restrained at any time.

Xu Xu will naturally not use the Jade Cauldron transformation openly, so as not to leak the details and cause trouble!

Yun Qingke and Changshengzi had a fierce fight, and the two soon discovered that their old rival had improved again and was actually still on par with them.

Although they have disputes with each other, they are actually very good old friends. Naturally, they will not continue to fight each other to the death, and each of them has left some strength.

When Xu Xu and Lingyi started fighting, both of them were amazed, and most of the admiration was directed at Xu. Lingyi has been firmly seated as the eldest brother of Dongtian Sect for more than ten years. The eldest brother and eldest sister of a sect often do not change for decades. Both elders are well aware of Lingyi's ability and patience. But they didn't expect that Xu Ruo would not only be able to fight Lingyi without losing the outcome, but also seem to be able to do it with ease.

The Changshengzi sighed, withdrew his tactics, and shouted: "I didn't expect that your Dongxuan Immortal Sect would be able to train such a disciple again! This promise is very impressive. I'm afraid that in the future, my achievements will be able to keep up with those of the Five Sects." Comparable to the great disciples."

Yun Qingke was speechless, but felt quite regretful in his heart, because he had pledged spiritual energy that was not for cultivation, and no matter how strong he was, he would have to withdraw from the Dongxuan Immortal Sect after joining the Longhua Society in this world.

The agreement between the Ten Thousand Demons Association and the Eighteen Immortals Sect is very strict. Even if the Dongxuan Immortal Sect wants to keep Xu, it will have to agree with the Ten Thousand Demons Association. But how can the Ten Thousand Demons Association agree? The Ten Thousand Demons Association will only vigorously cultivate young people with outstanding talents like this and will never push them out of the door.

Changshengzi also thought of this, and asked with some gloating: "Have you ever asked Xu to let him switch to spiritual energy?"

Yun Qingke shook his head, sighed and said: "The one who awakened Xu is the secondary bloodline. Now that he has broken through to the Demon King, he will naturally never turn to spiritual energy again."

The Changshengzi also knew this, and felt even more gloating about his misfortune. Suddenly his mind changed, and he secretly thought: "According to the rules, those who practice evil spirits cannot of course join the Eighteen Immortals Sect, but there is no one who cannot join the Eighteen Immortals Sect. Disciples form a Taoist couple. If I send out the most outstanding female disciple in my sect, I might be able to draw Xu Liao over. Even if she is not a disciple of our sect, she is close to us and can often contribute to our sect. Is she a disciple? What's the relationship?" (To be continued.)

ps: ps: Please give me a recommendation vote!

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