One Sword to Immortality

330. Natural spiritual creature

Bai Qiulian actually broke through the Demon King in the first place, but now he has transformed into the bloodline of the Azure Dragon. His original cultivation has been completely shattered, and he can only start from scratch.

Xu Luo's Imperial Clan and Ten Color Flower Vine bloodlines were only suppressed, not broken up, so the situation was much better than Bai Qiulian's.

Bai Qiulian had the experience of destroying his foundation once, but instead of busy practicing to restore his strength first, he first adjusted the fluctuations of demonic power.

With some help, Bai Qiulian adjusted the fluctuations of his demonic power quite smoothly, and soon broke through the Spiritual Saint's Second Qi barrier. The girl from the Bai family did not give up after breaking through the Spiritual Saint Second Qi barrier, and continued to increase the frequency of the spiritual energy.

Within the scope of the spiritual energy band, the higher the frequency, the more powerful the quality of the spiritual energy. Xu Luo’s demonic energy is almost at the peak of the demonic energy band. One portion of his demonic energy can sweep away seven or eight others, and he can cultivate faster than others. For this reason.

Bai Qiulian was unable to do so last time, and it was already quite difficult to break through the second spirit barrier. But this time, with the inheritance of the Qinglong bloodline, and the gift of the demon-god-level ancient Qinglong himself, with such good conditions, the Bai family girl How could you miss it?

Xu Luo noticed Bai Qiulian's thoughts and activated the demonic energy to guide him. After a while, he sighed and had no choice but to give up.

The Jiu Xuan Zhenfa he originally practiced was filled with the purest demonic energy, but now that the imperial bloodline has been sealed and replaced by the Qinglong bloodline, it has not been refined again, so the demonic energy is somewhat mixed and impure, which is not good for Bai Qiu practices pure spiritual power.

The frequency of Bai Qiulian's spiritual power fluctuated higher and higher, soaring all the way, and soon exceeded the 500 Hz mark. This level of spiritual power was already very pure, but the girl from the Bai family still refused to give up. One Hertz, two Hertz... bit by bit, she gritted her teeth and persisted, and she slowly approached the six hundred mark.

It's just that Bai Qiulian's spiritual power fluctuations were not stable. After breaking through 593 in one jump, he fell all the way. No matter how Bai Qiulian tried to stop it, he could not resist this downward trend.

Xu Le couldn't stand it anymore, so he could only fine-tune his demon power. Seal the demonic energy, separate the spiritual energy mixed in the demonic energy, and then adjust the spiritual energy band.

The spiritual energy he separated broke through the Spiritual Saint Second Energy barrier at least in an instant. The soaring speed was much faster than that of Bai Qiu Lian, and it soon broke through 500 Hz, and then with only a slight lag, it broke through 600 Hz, and even quickly broke through 650 Hz, if it weren't for Xu's control. Maybe it will break through the spiritual energy band.

It didn't take much effort to increase the spiritual energy frequency. However, it took a lot of efforts to stabilize the frequency of the spiritual energy, and finally stabilized it at 680, which is only one hertz away from the highest frequency of the spiritual energy!

I promised to stabilize the frequency of the spiritual energy a little.

He pressed his claws on Bai Qiulian's horns, and the purest spiritual energy passed through, immediately stabilizing the changes in Bai Qiulian's spiritual energy, allowing the Bai family girl's spiritual energy to slowly increase again.

This time, Bai Qiu Lianxing had enough energy to break through the 600 Hz mark. It rushed all the way to 650 Hz and stabilized.

After stabilizing the spiritual energy frequency, Bai Qiulian began to use the Cloud-turning-Rain-Transforming Dragon Technique. Cloud energy gradually emerged from his body. There were faint changes in wind and rain among the mini white clouds. From a pile of white clouds, the Liuchuan Waterfall poured into the white clouds below. , unexpectedly, a boundless atmosphere was born in a space that was no more than the size of a room.

Xu Liao couldn't do this even if he asked himself, he did it unconsciously. Bai Qiulian does not have such subtle control over the endlessly changing path, and he does not need such subtle control. After all, his own demonic power is too powerful. It is just a matter of a little more effort, so why do he need to do anything subtle? Manipulate and save some demon power?

Xu was about to dissipate the separated aura of meaning and assimilate it with demonic energy again, when Bai Qiulian said: "Yes! Why don't you keep the aura of the blue dragon's body?"

Xu Liu was slightly surprised, glanced at Bai Qiulian who was practicing, and gave him a "why" look.

Duan Tianlang once told Xu Liao: The wave band of spiritual energy has a great stabilizing effect on human genes. There is almost no way to reawaken the innate bloodline, and the original innate bloodline will be suppressed or even gradually degrade.

Bai Qiulian's proposal surprised him very much. Wouldn't this mean waiting for Ruo She to take away the Qinglong bloodline?

There is an essential difference between the bloodline of the ancient demon and the cultivation of demon nerves. Xu Ruo practiced the Qilin Transformation, but was unable to activate the Qilin talisman. With the Azure Dragon bloodline, he could easily activate the Azure Dragon talisman. Both of these inheritance talismans were They are at the Heavenly Demon level. The reason why there is such a big surprise is because one of them has just cultivated the demon nerve, and the other is a descendant of the Azure Dragon!

When cultivating special bloodline magical powers, bloodline inheritors are innately compatible. They can master various magical powers very quickly, master them and master them. They can produce various subtle changes, and it is also easy to break through the realm. But only those who have obtained the essence and blood, that is, can practice, and their advancement depends on their own talent, but no matter how talented they are, they cannot be compared with the blood inheritors.

There is a huge difference between the bloodline of the ancient great demon and those who just got the blood essence and cultivated demon nerves!

Bai Qiulian is willing to practice Reiki, and he doesn't want to interfere with her choice. Although he privately disagrees with his girlfriend's choice, he also doesn't think he has any reason to switch to Reiki!

Bai Qiulian said gently: "You also practiced spiritual energy just now. Don't you feel it?"

Xu Liao asked: "How should I feel?"

Bai Qiulian said softly: "It is said that the disciples of the Ao family practice spiritual energy just like cultivating demonic energy. There is no barrier of spiritual energy and demonic energy, and it will not wipe out the bloodline, because the dragon clan and the human race are the spirits of all things!"

Xu Zuo was stunned for a moment, looking at Bai Qiulian and saying word by word: "I just discovered that this legend is true!"

Xu Lio couldn't help but said: "Didn't it mean that spiritual energy would stabilize human genes, suppress the natural bloodline, and even cause the bloodline to gradually degrade?"

Bai Qiulian shook his head and said: "That's not what it was originally said. It was said that spiritual energy would stabilize the bloodline of a natural creature, and later it was gradually rumored to become a human being...because only human beings on the earth are known as the primates of all things! But in fact it is not the case. Only humans are natural spiritual beings, and so is the ancient green dragon! That’s why there was the saying of the Four Spirits in ancient times. Like humans, it is born with 365 acupoints!”

Bai Qiulian did not hesitate to retort, and continued: "Your black gold demonic energy is unparalleled in the world. The magical power of the Qinglong clan can be transformed into demonic energy, and spiritual energy can also be used. There is no need for a body with the blood of Qinglong to still cultivate demonic energy. Both demonic energy and aura have their own strengths. In some special circumstances, aura will have many advantages over demonic energy. You already have black gold demonic energy, so why not let the body of the blue dragon cultivate aura." (To be completed.) Continued.) Mobile phone users please visit http://

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