One Sword to Immortality

338. The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit.

Xu smiled bitterly and said: "But as an enemy, Yadu is obviously cuter!"

The two looked at each other in amusement and smiled, and then their expressions became serious. The appearance of the Yellow Turban Warriors far exceeded everyone's expectations. Neither of them had any good ideas on how to rescue their fellow disciples next.

Although Xu was a scumbag in terms of strategy, Hu Xiuqing, as a swordsman genius who practiced sword practice, was a complete layman when it came to plotting and plotting.

Among the people of the Dongxuan Immortal Sect's generation who are good at strategy, except for Ying Qiang and Ren Lingxuan, the male disciples are weaker in this aspect.

Xu Zuo thought about it for a while and suddenly remembered Bai Qiulian. Bai Qiulian was much smarter than him and should have a better idea.

Xu Luo took out the Void Cetus and sent a spiritual wave over. Bai Qiulian was alarmed and flew out in the clouds and mist. Xu Liao and Hu Xiuqing perked up when they saw Bai Qiulian and told them what happened in Qingluan District.

Bai Qiulian frowned slightly when he heard this, and said: "Our strength is far from being able to compete with these Yellow Turban warriors, but since they are the guardians of the Longhua Society, they must have a control center. As long as we can find this person who controls all the Yellow Turban warriors, Something can solve this problem.”

Xu Zuo suddenly frowned and said: "We are not the masters of the heaven, how can we know what the control center of the Yellow Turban Warriors is? Even if we know it, we may not be able to seize it. These Yellow Turban Warriors are quite autonomous. Maybe you can protect this thing well.”

Bai Qiulian thought for a while and said: "Longhua Club has ninety-nine districts. We have explored it many times before, but we have not found much danger, nor have we found the existence of the Yellow Turban Warriors. They must be hiding in an area that has never been explored before." area.”

Xu Lio was slightly excited and said: "According to this idea, the nine fifth-level areas can be eliminated, the thirteen fourth-level familiar areas can also be eliminated, and the eleven first-level dangerous areas... can also be eliminated! Only Twenty-eight exploration areas and thirty-eight level four blank areas have been downloaded.”

Bai Qiulian pursed his lips and smiled. Said: "A lot can be eliminated, you see..."

Bai Qiulian opened the light screen of his battle beast, stretched out his hand and pointed at Qingluan District and said: "These yellow scarf warriors came to Qingluan District to fight for the position of leader of the next generation. In other words, their base must not be far away. Qinglong District It can be excluded, so there are only two adjacent areas left. Among them, Feixing District is also an exploration area. After passing Qingluan District and Feixing District, we will reach Baixiang Park where we originally wanted to go, so Feixing District can also be excluded. Outside. There is only one blank area left."

Xu Liao and Hu Xiuqing both cheered up and focused their attention on a nearby blank area.

This area has not yet been named, just like the Qingning Park, which was originally a blank area and has not been named. The first person to explore the area has the right to name it. Xu Liu kept the original name, so it was called Qingning Park. In fact, he also had the right to name it another name, such as Xujiawan District or something like that!

Hu Xiuqing said slightly excitedly: "As you have guessed, Junior Sister Qiulian, the headquarters of the Yellow Turban Warriors is in this blank area. What are we waiting for? Hurry up and kill them quickly to see if there is any way to find something to control these monsters."

Xu made an expression of embarrassment. It was obvious that this blank area was extremely dangerous. If there were yellow scarf warriors everywhere, it would be a hundred times more dangerous than the Qingluan area. Although the Qingtian Bird has a demon-level bird king, birds are not naturally aggressive. Sex only sticks to the territory, but the Yellow Turban Warriors are different. This is a well-established army.

Even if the number and strength are equal. The Yellow Turban Warriors are also a hundred times more dangerous than the Blue Sky Bird. What’s more, no one knows how many Yellow Turban Warriors there are and what their strength is!

Although Nubis and Yadu are both at the pinnacle of the Dayans, no one knows what the most powerful existence of the Yellow Turbans is. Just seeing that this group of yellow scarf warriors can fight freely in Qingluan District without fear of being discovered by a large group of Qingtian Birds, we can deduce that they may also have the existence of Taoist Realm.

If this is the case, the Yellow Turban Warriors would be terrible. They have complete fighting consciousness and wisdom. It is inherently more powerful than monsters and human monks of the same level. If the number and realm are also dominant, unless a more powerful real person takes action, the Eighteen Immortals Sect can only seal this place and cut off the void passage to Longhua Hui. Destroy the void coordinates.

Bai Qiulian glanced at Xu Zuo. She and Xu Zuo had fought side by side in the Demon Prison. Although the Longhua Society was extremely dangerous, it could not shake the Bai family girl's fighting spirit.

But she also understood that in the Demon Prison, with the Jade Cauldron Sect as its backing and the East Palace as a refuge, Long Hua might not be so dangerous.

Bai Qiulian made her decision based on Xu Leo's opinion. As long as Xu Leo said she wanted to explore the Yellow Turban Lux's lair, she would follow him without hesitation. If Xu Leo planned to leave, she would turn around and leave without saying a word.

Xu Zuo hesitated for a moment and said slowly: "Our strength is far inferior to a Yellow Turban Warrior at the peak of Dayan Shi. I don't know how many Yellow Turban Warriors there are at this level. Are there more?" A guy who is stronger than the Dayans, but I still want to explore it, because...even if I shrink back, it is still the same danger."

Bai Qiulian said softly: "We can also choose to retreat to the Qinglong District, or ask the senior Dragon King of the East China Sea about the Yellow Turban Warriors."

Xu shook his head and said: "As a guardian, the Yellow Turban Warriors only have the authority to suppress the Dragon King of the East China Sea. We cannot rely on this old dragon."

If the hometown of the Yellow Turban Warriors is near Qingluan District and Qinglong District, it proves that these giant spirit-like warriors are not afraid of the terrifying existence in these two areas, nor are they afraid of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, nor are they afraid of the demon commander in the Qingtian Bird.

It is indeed possible that the Dragon King of the East China Sea knows some secrets about the Yellow Turban Warriors. Xu Xu hesitated whether to consult this old dragon about the Yellow Turban Warriors. However, the old dragon did not remind him when they last met. The story about the Yellow Turban Warriors may not be reliable!

When Xu Liao was planning with Bai Qiulian and Hu Xiuqing, the two yellow scarf warriors Nubisi and Yadu had already decided the winner. The giant spear in Yadu's hand emitted a brilliant light and defeated Nubisi in a duel. Si's defensive net opened a long wound between his waist and ribs.

Nubisi let out a strange roar, stood up, and ran away.

Yadu raised his head to the sky and roared, and all the yellow scarf warriors wandering nearby knelt down in a gesture of surrender!

Yadu shouted coldly: "Nubis has been defeated and is no longer qualified to be the king of the Yellow Turban Warriors. I will hunt him down. Who wants to join me!" (~^~)

PS: PS: Please give me a recommendation vote

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