The shock in Xu's heart could not be greater. He never imagined that the Zhoutian Sacrificial God had just given him a surprise, and this sword-shaped magical seed gave him another surprise.

Xu Luo sensed that this sword-shaped magical seed was not attracted by the Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Technique. Although a small part was attracted by the characteristics of the Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Technique, what really attracted it was his own cultivation. There is no successful Dongtian Sword Sutra.

Xu Luo's mind was filled with what Bai Qiulian told him back then: The Dongtian Sword Sutra was brought down from Heaven by the founder of our sect...

This sentence echoed back and forth for a long time, allowing him to truly understand its meaning!

That's right! The Dongtian Sword Sutra is a peerless magic formula brought down from Heaven by the founder of the Dongxuan Immortal Sect, but the Dongtian Sword Sutra is not complete, because the complete Dongtian Sword Sutra is at the level of the Immortal Classic!

Gu Yangshen helped him deduce the six magical powers of the ancient heaven, including the original version of "Dongtian Sword Sutra"!

The most important thing is that Longhua Society is in a critical period of great changes in the world!

Master Taiqing's collection of the Longhua Society caused a tremor in the void, leaking out the endless "power of the cave", triggering the magical seeds of the Dongtian Sword Scripture, and also triggering the mutation of the Heavenly Demon's Killing Immortal Technique. The three came together to create such a reverse. A move of heaven.

The Cave Heaven Sword Sutra, which had been promised through hard training and could not be entered, actually broke through at this moment!

When the Dongtian Sword Sutra was first completed, it developed the power to swallow the void. It was promised that it could not "create and destroy a small cave sky with one sword", but there was still no problem in cutting through a small virtual world with a radius of fifty kilometers with one sword.

One wonderful thing about the Dongtian Sword Sutra is that the void opened up by the Dongtian Sword Sutra will collapse in an instant, unlike other void methods that can support it.

Once cut into the void world with a sword, all that is waiting for is the shattering of the void, not the cracking of the void and cutting into pieces. It means being exiled to the endless void, unable to find the goal of returning home.

Xu promised that the current Cave Heaven Sword Scripture is just the beginning, so there will be further progress. You can cut out the power of annihilation in the cave with one sword, to use a more scientific and vivid way of saying it. It can create a "mini black hole" that almost no magic power can resist.

After a long time, he took back the black light that cut off the world. As if he had found the best parasite, this magical seed disappeared without a trace within his ten-color flower vine demon core.

Just when Xu was withdrawing the black light sword energy formed by the Dongtian Sword Sutra, a big hand appeared from the hidden void and grabbed it overwhelmingly.

Xu was horrified, and this giant hand produced immeasurable majesty and infinite magic power.

Traveling through the void and shattering the barrier, it was actually a demon-god-level strike.

Xu gave a loud shout, activated the Dongtian Sword Scripture again, and issued a sword that cut off the heaven and earth. A black light sword energy soared into the sky and met the giant hand.

Although the Dongtian Sword Sutra is infinitely powerful, the enemy who appears is also extremely powerful and powerful, and Xu has no confidence that he can repel this earth.

But just after he slashed out with sword light. There was a clear light falling down, pulling Qingluan District, trying to pull up this park.

This clear light seems to have little power. But it easily broke through the towering giant hand and enveloped the entire Qingluan District.

Xu did not know the origin of this clear light, so he did not dare to delay any longer. Even the black beetles had no time to take it back. Anyway, with the world in such turmoil, most of the black beetles could not take it back, and they had long been shattered by the vibration of the void. , summoned the Void Cetus, and rolled up Bai Qiulian and Hu Xiuqing. He fled towards the sky.

Although Xu Liao thought he didn't have the ability to cross the void, he couldn't care less at this moment. As long as you can escape danger, you will be wandering in the endless void. It is still stronger than staying and being destroyed along with the Longhua Society.

Under Xu Zuo's urging, he also activated the two great demon flags of the two realms to bless the Void Whale with mana. However, he watched helplessly as the Qingluan District below was hit by the clear light. Slowly lift off into the sky. Before he could fly out of the Qingluan District, he was caught by the rising Qingluan District, and then they were wrapped together and disappeared into the black hole in the sky.

He promised that he would definitely die. In such a catastrophic disaster, even if his magic power was twice as strong, he would not be able to escape. He could only fight back against Bai Qiulian, his face still calm.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly there was a loud bang, and Qingluan District fell again. Although it seemed to have changed places, it was not destroyed as expected. It also gave Xu Luo some hope, and he was about to control the Void Whale. He took off and looked for the direction to escape, when he heard a voice coming from far away, shouting: "Yes, Bai Qiulian, Hu Xiuqing! I am Qu Wuji, your mission is completed, please come and meet up first .”

Yes, Bai Qiulian and Hu Xiuqing were shocked, because the person who spoke was the sect's great elder, Qu Wuji, who was known as: With a fluttering sword, he can inherit the autumn and break the snow.

This great elder once became famous all over the world for killing two demon commanders of the same level. Not only was he the number one in the Dongxuan Immortal Sect, he was also the number one swordsman in the Eighteen Immortals Sect.

Xu Luo couldn't help shouting: "Great Elder! Why are you here?"

Qu Wuji's voice was leisurely as he shouted: "Don't talk about me. There are more than a dozen old guys from the Eighteen Immortals Sect here. You can come to me first. Some doubts don't need to be explained. They can be seen at a glance."

As soon as Qu Wuji finished speaking, a ray of starlight flew over, beating continuously in front, guiding the three of them to come and join together.

Xu Liao took control of the Void Cetus, took Bai Qiulian and Hu Xiuqing with him, and flew for four or five hours out of Qingluan District. He rose to the highest point of this cave world and saw more than ten Taoist people from all walks of life. Elder Pai is regulating the vitality of heaven and earth, assisting Mr. Taiqing to expand the cave world, and wants to swallow up the big with the small.

After looking at it for a while, he suddenly understood that these elders of the Eighteen Immortals Sect had already planned something. As for what they had planned, he really couldn't figure it out.

Although he is also proficient in void magic, he either has the killing-shaped Dongtian Sword Sutra or the escape-type Two Worlds Banner, and does not have the power to absorb one world forcefully.

Mr. Taiqing's inner Jing Yuanshen cultivation level can be said to be "like a god".

If no one told Xu Zuo, Xu Zuo might not be able to realize for a long time that the Eighteen Immortals Sect was going to take over the Longhua Society. But of course Qu Wuji would not hide anything from his juniors. He smiled slightly and shouted: "You three don't need to be afraid. Everything here is under our control. When Master Taiqing takes over the Longhua Club, I will talk to you again." Explain all this..."

Xu shook his head, sighed, and said to Hu Xiuqing and Bai Qiulian: "I don't know what will happen to Longhua. We can't continue to search for our fellow disciples, so we should leave as soon as possible!" (To be continued.)

ps: ps: Chapter 1

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