One Sword to Immortality

366. The person you least want to face

Xu Lio rarely manages Beidi Group. As his spokesperson within the group, Zhao Yanqin often sends him various information about Beidi Group, otherwise Xu Lio would not know that Beidi Group has such an office building.

The good thing here is that because it was originally a hotel, Beidi Group's office needs were not very large, so half of the rooms were reserved, and even the hotel's original facilities, such as kitchens, gyms, cafes, etc., were retained.

To be honest, Seixue only knew some things about Xu from the "internal network" of the Dark Court, but after all, she was not very familiar with him, so even the information that could be revealed had its limits.

Therefore, when Xu Liao brought 3 and Se Xue to the office building of Beidi Group, these young men and women were all shocked. Se Xue had already said that Xu Liao had a Beidi Group, but they had no way of imagining that Xu Liao He actually has such a net worth. Although Xie Lin's family is also extremely wealthy, he himself does not have such a pomp.

A group of people walked into the hotel lobby, and everyone saluted Xu Liao to show respect. Most of these people were ordinary people, but they all had some connection with the monster world, and they all knew that Xu Liao was a very noble being.

Xiao Anan couldn't help but ask: "Is this your Beidi Group?"

After nodding his head, Xie Lin couldn't help but said: "This building alone accounts for almost 25% of our family's assets. I thought your company was a leather company. I didn't expect it to be so rich. Why don't we all cooperate?" .”

Xie Lin came from a businessman family, and his first reaction was to cooperate. Xiao Anan reached out and slapped him in the face and said, "We are here to talk about serious matters. Don't distort the topic."

Xie Lin laughed sarcastically and followed Xu Liao on the elevator to the top floor. Xu Liao's office occupied half of the top floor. The other half floor is where Zhao Yanqin and her management team usually stay, but Zhao Yanqin did not come today.

Xu Luo opened the door to his office, and then pointed to the sofa next to him. He said, "Everyone, sit down wherever you want."

Shada couldn't help but ask: "Are you very powerful in the world of monsters?"

Xu smiled and said: "I am considered to be in the lower middle class. Monsters are divided into six classes, and I am in the fifth class."

Shada shook his head, as if he didn't believe it, and said calmly: "He is right, he is indeed a fifth-level monster, but in this level, he is considered to be a better one."

With the words of Color Snow, Xia Da reluctantly believed it. Xiao Anan and Xie Lin both couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise. They looked at each other, and they both obviously felt that it was beyond imagination that just a fifth-level monster could be like this.

Xie Lin couldn't help but said: "If we start practicing, how long will it take to reach the fifth level?"

Xu Zuo made a haha, he had no way to answer this question, Eighteen Immortals Sect, Ten Thousand Demons Society. The four major legions, the seven pure-blood families, the genius boy who cannot be promoted to Demon King or Tiangang Shi. Just like the crucian carp crossing the river, they are countless.

Xie Lin may not know whether he can cultivate spiritual energy, but thinking about being promoted to Demon King is a bit too far!

What's more, with Xu's current status, even guys at the Dayan level or Demon General level can't compare to him. Even many Taoist level or Demon Commander level beings may not be as rich and powerful as him.

Xu pointed at the weapon rack in the office and said: "The items on it are produced by our company and marketed to various monster groups around the world. You can pick one at will and you will need it for your practice in the future."

Beidi Group mainly sells golden spear grass. These golden spear grasses have been deeply processed and can be turned into any kind of weapon. Although it can only be used by monsters for practice. It cannot be used as a fighting tool, but most monsters live in a peaceful environment and rarely fight, so sales have always been excellent.

Xie Lin was the most excited. He rushed over, jumped a spear, shook it, and felt that all kinds of things could be taken advantage of. He called on others to come and choose. Xiao Anan hesitated and asked: "How can we take out this kind of thing?" ?”

Xu smiled and said, "They can all be reduced into decorations!"

Xu Lao walked over and demonstrated that as long as a little bit of demonic power was injected, these weapons produced by the Beidi Group could be activated and turned into bracelets, rings, earrings, chest pendants and other decorations.

Xie Lin tried it a few times and immediately smiled bitterly. Neither he nor Xiao Anan had any cultivation skills, and of course there was no way to change these weapons into different forms.

It was Shada who took action and turned the spear Xie Lin selected into a ring. However, he had heard Seixue’s introduction and knew the uses of these weapons, so he couldn’t help but ask: “Can these weapons used for practice be used in combat? ?”

Xu smiled and said: "If it's a battle between level three demon warriors and below, they can definitely handle it. As for enemies above level three demon warriors... you can't defeat them at all. It's useless to consider the elements of the weapons!"

Xu Li pointed at Xia Da and said, "I can return my ghost-faced vine!"

Xia Da's face suddenly turned bitter. He took out the Ghost Faced Vine and said, "Without this thing, my cultivation speed would probably be slower than a snail."

Xu nodded and said: "If you promise me one thing, I can give you this weapon. The Ghost Faced Vine is a demon king-level weapon. If there are no extraordinary adventures, it can probably last you a lifetime. !”

Xia Da had been using the Ghost Faced Vine for a long time, and of course he knew the power of this fighting beast. He suddenly became excited. The cold-faced academic master made a generous gesture and said, "Say it! I can sell myself to you cheaply." , you can unlock any pose!"

He took a sip and said with a smile: "You use the ghost-faced vine to help Xie Lin and Xiao An'an practice!"

Xia Da was stunned for a moment and asked in disbelief: "Is this the condition?"

Xu sneered and asked, "What do you think?"

Ji Mian Teng once helped Xu Zuo kill Sun Bofang, but now that he no longer needs the fighting beast, he gave it away. Xia Da helped him solve the problem of Seixue. This reward is not excessive.

What's more, he didn't expect that Xia Da could actually cultivate spiritual power. This meant that Xia Da's talent was much higher than he expected. This kind of upfront investment was still very worthwhile.

Xu Liao was discussing cultivation matters with 3 and Se Xue. Suddenly, his office door opened, and a beautiful girl walked in with a smile, bringing another beautiful girl that Xu Liao had never seen before.

After a while, he was eighteen years old.

Zhao Yanqin actually brought Qu Lei here! (To be continued.)

ps: ps: Dear friends, please spend all your monthly passes for April!

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