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Xu Luo couldn't help but exclaimed, "Will Mr. Xu Fuyuan's concubine also die?"

But he immediately knew that he had asked the stupidest question. Lord Xufuyuan had supernatural powers and endless lifespan, but his concubine did not have such cultivation. Even if she did not die due to an accident, she would die due to the end of her lifespan. And died.

It is indeed a very difficult thing for a person to constantly witness the death of his beloved while he is immortal.

Xu thought for a while and suddenly shook his head. If Mr. Xu Fuyuan was really hit by the rape incident, he would not have given up taking new concubines hundreds of years ago. Even though he couldn't bear it after a few years, he still felt that the idea of ​​breaking through the realm was more likely.

He sighed, shook his head, and was about to leave with Bai Qiulian when he saw a bald man walking out of the yard and said in a cold tone: "This is a private house, get out of here!"

Xu Xu was slightly surprised. It was okay to refuse to peek into the private house. It was a reasonable request, but to say it directly in a rude way was too much. He grabbed it casually, and a stream of demonic energy flew into the air and attached to the bald man's throat, slowly tightening it.

Seeing the bald man's face turn purple from suffocation, Xu Zuo asked calmly: "What did you just say? I didn't hear it."

Bai Qiulian just wanted to stop Xu, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

Xu Fuyuanjun's descendants cannot be frightened. He has four nephews who are in the Taoist realm, not to mention the Yuding Patriarch supporting him. Xu Luo is the direct disciple of the Yuding Ancestor. In terms of relationship, he may be closer to his ancestor than these descendants of who knows how many generations.

The bald man kicked his feet wildly, waved his hands desperately in the air, and struggled with all his strength, but his demon power was too weak and there was no way to get rid of Xu Le's "Crane Control Technique".

As the pressure on his throat gradually tightened, the bald man finally gave up. A few words were squeezed out from the root of the teeth: "Welcome to hide...light..."

Only then did Xu let go, looking at the bald man expressionlessly, and said calmly: "It's a miracle that you are so virtuous and can still survive to this day. Sun Bofang didn't dare to provoke this kind of person." What a waste. What a piece of waste."

Xu Luo originally had some pity for Sun Bofang because he didn't dare to provoke the people who occupied the old house, but when he thought that Sun Bofang didn't dare to provoke such a waste, but he bullied himself in various ways and even threatened his mother, he couldn't bear it. I can't help but feel angry.

Although he may not really kill someone just because of a disagreement. He has always had good reasons for killing people before, but if this bald man continues to speak rudely. He really doesn't know how to give Mr. Xu Fuyuan face.

Mr. Xu Fuyuan would rush to put out the fire because of this kind of loser. He would no longer be a demon god, but a full-time wet nurse.

The bald man covered his throat and coughed countless times. Although his eyes were filled with hatred, he really didn't dare to say anything. There are many people among monsters who are able to assess the situation, and there are also many unscrupulous people. Even if he can find a strong backer, if Xu Li really kills him, he will find someone to take revenge. Even if he can't survive, he still has this bit of IQ.

Especially since he himself knew it. In the name of the descendants of Mr. Xu Fuyuan, if everyone buys it, of course there will be no disadvantage. If someone really ignores it, he doesn’t know how to ask Mr. Xu Fuyuan for help. He doesn’t even dare to say that he will be able to see Xu Fuyuan easily. Mr. Fuyuan.

Mr. Xufuin doesn't go to the Kyoto Yokai Affairs Institute every day for work. He only goes there once in a while, hoping to meet Mr. Xufuin last time. It's just a coincidence, you don't have the chance to see it every day.

Xu Xu forgot to take a few glances at this courtyard. Shaking his head, he couldn't understand why the Sun family was wiped out. If it was to rob this yard, he would never believe it. After all, no matter how precious the property on Yaohuai Street was, it was not enough to send out killers to rob it.

Xu Liao didn't think that if Mr. Xufuyuan's descendants lived in this house, they would definitely be related to Mr. Xufuyuan. After all, the level of demon gods was too far away from these ordinary monsters.

The bald man made a lot of noise just now, so other people soon came out to see what happened. The yard was not big, but more than ten people came out at once.

A young man with an arrogant look on his face ran out of the room, pointed at Xu and cursed: "How dare you provoke our family? Do you know who our family is? Believe it or not, I will kill your whole family in minutes. No one dares to protect you yet?"

Bai Qiulian hesitated and whispered, "This young man seems to be a member of our Dongxuanxian Sect?"

Xu was in a daze for a moment, until he saw the new Y-3 suit on this young man, and then he suddenly remembered that this young man had learned the Flying Smoke Sword Technique with him.

At that time, it was Sun Yue who taught the first level of the Twelve Swordsmanship. Xu even this "junior brother" who had taught me swordsmanship at all levels had almost forgotten it, so naturally he could not remember this guy.

He vaguely remembered that after he defeated Sun Yue, this young man had despised Sun Yue as a coward, called him stupid as hell, and blamed the young Taoist priest Sun Yue for his poor swordsmanship. He simply did not know how to reflect. In fact, his qualifications and understanding were very average, and he obviously didn't study very seriously, which is why his understanding of the Feiyan Sword Technique was so poor.

Xu Liao doesn't know what happened to him afterwards. Anyway, he never saw him again after he was in the Dongxuan Immortal Sect.

Suddenly he met an old acquaintance, but it was an unpleasant experience. Xu Luo snapped his fingers, and the spiritual energy in the young man's body suddenly exploded, causing blood mist all over his body and he fell to the sky.

Xu shook his head and glanced at the family.

The bald man hurriedly comforted his family and told them not to speak, but his family status was obviously not enough. A middle-aged woman with talisman stickers on her body and no demonic power in her body cursed, pointed at Xu, jumped her feet, and changed her methods. He cursed his whole family, and made Xu's whole family suffer a bad death.

All kinds of dirty words were spoken endlessly, and even the curse words were so fresh that it took a while to understand them.

Xu Li squeezed his knuckles with both hands, and had the urge to kill his whole family. He had killed countless people in the Demon Prison, so he still had a bit of murderous intent when he returned to Earth, and he often felt like he couldn't hold the fire.

It was Bai Qiulian who stopped him and lowered his voice and said, "We have countless ways to solve this problem. Ordinary people are not allowed to live in Yaohuai Street. This woman has no spiritual energy or evil spirit. Their family has violated the regulations."

Xu smiled slightly, stretched out his finger and clicked a little, then turned and left!

The voice of a middle-aged woman suddenly sounded from behind: "You little bastard, you little bastard, you are pretending to be a ****... you have the guts to kill our whole family! You have the guts to drive us out of Yaohuai Street! You're so paralyzed, No seeds, no eggs..." (To be continued.)

ps: ps: My physical strength has declined so much that I can’t spell the word count every day, but I still have to work hard on Monday. After two normal updates today, I will try my best to add more at 0:00, asking for recommendation votes! If you have a recommendation vote, please vote for it.

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