One Sword to Immortality

382. Wanted order for murderer

He made a promise and contained these monsters with extremely deviant views. Just when he breathed a sigh of relief, he heard reports from "enthusiastic people": "Sir, they have accomplices who took advantage of the chaos just now." They have escaped from Luoyang Street. Except for Luoyang level, there are no borderless wards in other settlements in this city, so you should hurry up and hunt them down!"

Only then did Xu Xu remember that the level of the report he received was higher than the level of these dozen wild monsters.

He couldn't help but grinned, and someone immediately sent him the images of the five monsters that had just escaped. These five monsters were more ferocious and smarter than the same kind. Only then could he discover the strength in Luoyang Street as early as possible. Damaged, he quickly escaped from this place shrouded by the borderless barrier.

After receiving the images of the five escaped monsters, Xu Luo immediately raised a golden light and flew high into the sky. He spun at high speed and at the same time activated the Dingxuan Mirror to change.

The light of the Dingxuan Mirror scanned out in circles, but after about ten minutes, three monsters were discovered. They must have learned their lesson, and they all pretended to be ordinary people. One was wandering around in the supermarket, and the other was wandering around in the supermarket. One was dazed in a pavilion in a nearby park, and the other was in a restaurant where he ordered a table full of food and was enjoying the meal.

The remaining two monsters were hidden deeper, or had escaped from the search range, and they were not found for a while.

Xu sighed slightly and went straight to the monster wandering around in the supermarket.

The other two monsters are in stable condition and should not attack ordinary people casually, but this monster is surrounded by people and it is very easy for them to lose control of their emotions and cause conflicts.

After promising to use Xuan Gong to change, he easily sneaked into the supermarket. Although the monster wandering around in the supermarket was staring at various foods, he had obviously learned the lesson from his companions and did not dare to take it. He was observing the crowd around him. Watch how others take away the food.

Xu waited and observed for a while. Then he walked over, patted the monster on the shoulder, and lowered his voice and said, "You can take anything you want from the shelves, but you have to pay at the checkout counter. And you can only enjoy it after you leave the supermarket."

This monster was born in the Longhua Society. It is different from the monsters on the earth. It still retains some characteristics of the monster, but it is not obvious.

He was promised and walked to the side. After patting his shoulder, he suddenly realized that this person was Xu. He couldn't help but feel surprised. He turned his head, spit out his half-foot-long tongue, and hissed, "Who are you?"

There was no nonsense in promising. He first cast an illusion to make the people around him ignore himself and the monster, and then with the world still in his sleeve, Shi Shiran left the supermarket through the shopping aisle.

This monster is powerful.

There are still constant collisions in the Small Universe world, but how can he break through Xu Lie's spell? Xu was tired of it, so he casually transformed a stream of poisonous smoke into it, choking the monster to death immediately.

After cleaning up the monster, he went straight to the hotel. There were many diners around the monster, and he was classified as the second most dangerous person.

As soon as Xu Li entered the hotel where the target was located, the monster glanced at him warily, stood up immediately, and snorted: "Are you the bastard of the Ten Thousand Monsters Association?"

Xu nodded. Although he is the Minister of Police and not a gangster, he does similar work. He is always running errands for the Ten Thousand Demons Club. There is no point in arguing about the status. Anyway, in essence, this monster is not wrong.

The monster grabbed half of the roast duck, threw it into his mouth, and chewed it, even the bones. He hummed and said: "I am Zhu Jiulie! A subordinate of the Queen of Heaven, with a level of cultivation at the level of a demon general. If you want to catch me, consider your own methods!"

Xu tilted his head and said calmly: "The eight demon gods who have newly joined the Ten Thousand Demons Association have been trapped in the Great Demon Heaven by Mr. Xu Fuyuan. If your leader can break through the Great Demon Heaven, you will not be the only ones to come out. A few heads of rotten garlic may be thousands of monsters disrupting social order. Since your leader can't come out, what do I have to worry about? Mr. Xu Fuyuan is very powerful, right?"

Zhu Jiulie hesitated slightly. He was also a great demon with great wisdom. Even in a place like Longhuahui, there were not many demons who could become demon generals.

There are only twenty or thirty demon commanders under the twelve demon gods. They are all the deputies, family members, children, etc. of several demon gods. Their status is extremely high. For example, the six-headed demon commander-level Qingtianque in Qingluan District, although not protected by the demon god, is quite proud to hang out with Longhua Club due to the strength of their numbers.

There are slightly more levels of demon generals, but there are only one hundred, fifty or sixty of them. Each one is a big boss guarding one side, and he is usually a person who always speaks his mind.

Xu Luo suppressed the two monster generals under Huang Shengjun and Tianhou. Although it was actually the Prince Jiejie who took action, these big monsters who came from the Longhua Society still feared them.

Zhu Jiulie muttered and said, "How about we discuss it? Just pretend you haven't seen me. I'll accept your favor!"

Xu shook his head and said: "If you come back to Yalongshan with me, I can write off all the things you have committed before, but you can't run around if you want. Beidou City cannot allow potential violent saboteurs like you. "

Zhu Jiulie grinned, but his tone became cold, and he said with a ferocious smile: "I can't be so presumptuous if I don't give you any face."

Zhu Jiulie would not care about mortals. With a pull of his hands, there was a nine-foot-eight-inch steel fork in his hand, with nine sharp fork heads. When he waved it slightly, it was like a mountain of knives, bright and cold. .

Xu Luo shook out the two great demon flags of the two realms with his hand. With a turn of magic power, he moved Zhu Jiulie to high altitude. He also used his escape technique to follow.

After a while, the owner of the restaurant discovered that someone was "dodging the bill" and angrily called all the employees over and severely reprimanded him.

At this moment, Xu didn't care about the small matter of Zhu Jiulie "escaping the order". He concentrated on taking action, trying to suppress Zhu Jiulie into the Gathering Immortal Sect transformed by Zhou Tianji's magical power.

Zhu Jiulie was extremely cunning. Although he said he was majestic, he fought with Xu Liao slightly and found that this young man was not a kind person and that he might not have a 100% chance of winning, so he escaped using the light.

According to Zhu Jiulie's thinking, as long as he escapes from Beidou City, he will probably not be chased after him again.

When the time comes, the sky is high and the sea is vast, and I can be as free as I want.

But how did he know Xu Le's thoughts? It was impossible to let Zhu Jiulie escape. The monster's temperament was uncertain, and it might suddenly become ferocious and kill ordinary people wantonly. He is letting Zhu Jiulie go now, and if an ordinary person dies tragically from this big monster in the future, he will be held responsible by 20 to 30%. (To be continued.)

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