One Sword to Immortality

395. Golden Mother Queen

Although Xu Liao has studied demon martial arts and practiced immortal martial arts, he can still get a lot of benefits from studying human boxing techniques in his spare time. Although human boxing techniques are limited to the limits of the body and achievements, there are many principles in boxing techniques. It's quite clever.

The principles in these boxing techniques are almost useless to ordinary human boxers, because the human body cannot be infinitely enhanced, but they can be used as a reference for monsters.

Among them, Teddy Boxing is the most admired by Xu. Tai Chi itself is the source of ancient Eastern mystical thoughts. Although human boxing cannot show the full picture of this thought, nor can it bring out the true beauty of Tai Chi Yin and Yang, it contains The truth is from a high point.

At this moment, Xu Luo was very excited to see this legendary martial arts master, and he asked for advice on Tai Chi.

Zhang Sanfeng is the dean of Dongdu Monster Affairs Institute. Although his cultivation level is not as good as that of Xu Mansion, his status in the Ten Thousand Monsters Association is still very high. He seemed to be very interested in Xu Liao. He talked about all his problems and even showed him a Tai Chi set!

This set of Tai Chi is different from the ones spread in the world. Just like the Seven-Star Mantis Fist learned from the Jasper Seven-Star Mantid, the first battle beast I got, it is several levels beyond the martial arts of ordinary humans.

Xu was gifted and intelligent, and he quickly understood the Tai Chi frame to some extent. With the guidance of Mr. Zhang Sanfeng, he quickly understood the essence of this boxing method.

Although this boxing technique can no longer be used in actual combat in monster-level battles, it can allow him to deepen his understanding of various monster martial arts.

Xu Liao chatted happily with Mr. Zhang Sanfeng. It was not until the participants gradually arrived and Mr. Xu Fuyuan also walked onto the podium that they each sat attentively in their seats and stopped communicating.

Mr. Xu Fuyuan still looked like an ordinary high school student. He glanced at the participants below and said with a smile: "It has been almost thirty years since our Ten Thousand Demons Association held a meeting like this with people from all departments attending. . I believe everyone has understood the original intention of convening this conference. I will go directly to the topic."

Xu glanced around and saw that everyone seemed to understand clearly. He couldn't help but secretly vomited in his heart, thinking: "What do you mean everyone understands? I still don't know anything?"

Mr. Xu Fuyuan raised his hand slightly. The scene in the large conference room suddenly changed, turning into a wild Colosseum, a place full of vicissitudes, antiquity, and mystery. There are four high platforms in the wild, majestic, and deeply depressing Colosseum.

In one of them, a black golden sun appeared, constantly breathing flames, and it was the most powerful.

On the high platform next to Wujin Sun,

There is a feather floating on it, made of pure gold. Although it is just a feather, its momentum is no weaker than any high platform, and it has a domineering air that looks down on the world.

There is a dark bronze mirror on the third high platform. It was gloomy and dull, and nothing appeared on the mirror.

On the fourth high platform, Mr. Xu Fuyuan was sitting lazily, as if waiting for something.

After a while, a high platform rose from the ground, and a huge light egg appeared on the high platform. Sleeping inside the light egg was a tall woman, more than twenty meters tall.

Her beauty is impeccable, like a goddess!

Even in deep sleep, one can't help but feel infatuated!

Immediately afterwards, the sixth high platform took off. There was an old man in a yellow robe sitting on it, but his whole body was like a clay and wood sculpture. Even his robes were not fluttering, and the air on the entire high platform seemed to have solidified.

The seventh, eighth, and ninth towers rose almost at the same time!

A big man in black robe sat on one of them. Wearing flame-like red armor under the robe, black and red are interlaced, with an extremely strong style.

On the other two seats, one was just a ball of yellow light, and the other was like a flesh ball like a strange eye, with a sharp cold light in the pupil. Everyone who was stared at by it felt a chill.

The tenth high platform seems to want to be slower than others, and it rises very slowly. On the high platform is a spirit turtle, and the spirit turtle is carrying a stone monument. The auras of the spirit turtle and the stone monument are almost integrated into one, and no one can I know which one is the owner of the high platform, this turtle or the stone tablet.

The eleventh high platform appeared at the latest, but it rose very quickly. After it appeared, it surpassed the tortoise and the stone tablet, and rose to the highest level. On it was a beautiful woman with an upright manner, like an empress of heaven, dressed in a The demon power is powerful and surging, as if she is the master of everyone.

Just when everyone thought that there were only these eleven stone monuments, another transparent high platform appeared like a void. No one even noticed when this high platform appeared or whether it had appeared long ago. It’s just that no one noticed.

No one can see clearly what kind of existence is on this high platform. They can only vaguely feel that there is something on it.

Mr. Xu Fuyuan waited until all twelve high platforms appeared, and then he slowly spoke and said: "From today on, our Ten Thousand Demons Association will no longer have four demon gods, but twelve demon gods. Please allow me to Introducing the new vice president to everyone!”

Mr. Xu Fuyuan pointed at the sleeping goddess in the light egg, and said with a slightly obsessed look: "This is the leader of the eight million Yellow Turban Warriors, the Yuanling of the Yellow Turban City... the Golden Mother! She will be our Ten Thousand Demons Association from now on. The first vice president!”

All the monsters present were in a commotion, but everyone had different thoughts. Everyone obviously had various speculations about the first vice president.

Xu Zaozhuan is the one who knows more about the truth. The four great demon gods of the Ten Thousand Monsters Association are in charge of the Kyoto Monster Affairs Agency, which is the head of the Third Palace and the Sixth House respectively. They are also the most powerful figures in the Ten Thousand Demons Association.

It was obviously impossible for the eight newly joined demon gods to be allowed by Mr. Xu Fuyuan and others to interfere in the affairs of the Ten Thousand Demons Association, so they were appointed as vice-presidents and still only had the power to supervise their old subordinates.

Xu Leo only made some inferences and understood the key. He knew how the old guys of the Ten Thousand Demons Association negotiated. However, this model had little impact on him, so he didn't pay much attention to the eight vice-presidents.

The demon god who was appointed as the vice-president is actually a beautiful woman with great majesty, like the empress of heaven, and calls herself the Queen of Heaven! More powerful than any demon god!

Xu Luo couldn't help but think of the two demon generals who escaped the prince's suppression. One was Huang Shengjun's subordinate, and the other was Tianhou's subordinate. Even the two top police officers, Zhu Jiulie and Lazy King, were both Tianhou's subordinates!

From this point of view, this self-proclaimed Queen of Heaven has a rather extraordinary origin and extremely powerful methods. She is probably much tougher than the sleeping Golden Mother. (To be continued.)

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