Yan Siqi couldn't help but blush slightly, and explained to Xu Liao: "My college classmate, Penny! Li Sha is my German name!"

Xu Xu secretly said: "What a coincidence!"

When Penny saw Xu, her eyes lit up again and she asked, "Lisa! Is this your boyfriend?"

Yan Siqi hurriedly explained: "It's just... relatives from China!"

Penny blinked narrowly and said in German: "When did you become interested in compensating your relatives from China? We are best friends. You can't hide it from me. You already have to cook it yourself." , how could they be ordinary relatives? I have only eaten your cooking a dozen times."

Yan Siqi is really embarrassed. She is independent by nature. Except for her parents who come to Germany to visit her, other relatives and friends from home will never accompany her when they come here to shop, let alone cook in person. At most, they treat her in restaurants. , never invite him to his home.

Xu Liao didn't understand German, but he could directly read Penny's memories and couldn't help but admire the German beauty's imagination.

To be honest, Yan Siqi is indeed a standard oriental beauty. She has a rare tall figure. She follows a light and luxurious fashion route. Every piece of clothing is carefully matched. Although she wears glasses, she has a few extra Distinguishing intellectual beauty does not harm temperament.

Even if she stands next to a blond beauty like Penny, she still does not fall behind in terms of beauty.

Xu Liao had no intention of starting a foreign relationship, so he simply didn't speak and let the two beauties continue chatting while he went to choose the ingredients first.

As soon as Xu Li threw a piece of beef of more than 20 kilograms into the shopping cart, he felt the void around him change. Everyone in the supermarket suddenly stopped, even Yan Siqi and Penny kept chatting. His posture solidified into a moment, and only he could move without hindrance.

Xu was slightly surprised. This technique was an imperfect void cutting. A complete void spell could separate a space, but this imperfect spell could only form a space with different movement and stillness. Although it looks like time has stopped, it actually does not.

He casually picked out the two fattest white chickens. He didn't feel that a powerful enemy was about to appear, and he still picked the ingredients with great interest.

A handsome blond guy lurks among the supermarket shoppers. After looking at him for a long time, he coughed and walked out slowly. The suits he wore were all handmade and his face was amazingly handsome. It even looks a bit like the Clark actor in the just-released American comic book movie "Batman v Superman."

His temperament is even more extraordinary.

He looked very unhappy and asked coldly: "I really want to know what is the special purpose of Wan Yao Club sending you to Europe?"

Xu Lio didn't know that because Yan Siqi could not be contacted, the overseas branch made a lot of noise. What was already a very secretive operation had long since become the focus of all parties.

He thought that the hermit sects in Europe were just so stupid. He immediately smiled and said: "The efficiency of the overseas branches in Europe is too low. We plan to lay off redundant staff and withdraw some of the people who do not need to stay in Europe back to China."

This excuse is naturally unconvincing. The Ten Thousand Demons Association has always had a domineering style and has never had such a soft attitude.

The handsome blond boy whispered: "I am Kane! A Sun Knight belonging to the Bourbon family! I really hope that you can spend a quiet holiday instead of making a big noise."

"Kane the Bright Lion?"

Xu Liu was a little surprised, because even he had heard of the name of the Sun Knight of the Bourbon family.

There are powerful sects in the Western sects who can compete with demons and gods, who are directly called "gods". There are hundreds of large and small sects in the West. In total, there are only three "gods" walking and appearing in this world. After the most arrogant big monster Poseidon was seriously injured by Mr. Xu Fuyuan and his power was destroyed, the other two "gods" also disappeared and only occasionally responded to their followers.

The Western Hidden Sect also has strong men in the Demon Commander realm. The existences of this level are called "saints". These saints are all antiques who have survived from ancient times. Not to mention the new generation within a few hundred years, there are only two who have been promoted to the Demon Commander level within five thousand years. . Ever since Mr. Xu Fuyuan took action and subdued the Poseidon, these saints also began to live in seclusion. Rarely occurs elsewhere.

There are only thirty-one powerful demon generals in all the hidden sects in the West. Although there are various internal titles, the public unified title is apostle. They are already the backbone of the hidden sects in the west. Almost all of them are members of a certain sect. At the master or family head level, most hermit sects do not even have demon general-level powerful men at their command. For example, in the Dark Court, there are only a few demon kings.

Kane, the Bright Lion, is one of the two apostles of the Bourbon family. The other one is the king of the Bourbon family. Both of them are one of the youngest apostles of the Western Hidden Sect. They are also among the very few who can spread their fame. The new generation of strong men in China.

The Sun Ripple Technique practiced by this person has even reached the point where he can transform his body into a blazing sun, which is almost comparable to the Great Sun True Technique of the Hikata Sect.

Kane nodded slightly, and couldn't help but feel a little proud. Even an "unknown" inspector of the Ten Thousand Demons Society knew his name, which gave this bright lion a sense of accomplishment.

He smiled brightly and suddenly came up with a good idea. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "If you are worried about what I will do, why don't you come with me? As long as you can help me block all the trouble, I can promise not to do anything. "

Kane, the Bright Lion, couldn't help but feel a little hesitant. Although he was very conceited, even compared to the younger generation of the Eighteen Immortals Sect and Ten Thousand Monsters Association, he was still the best. After all, he had been promoted to master and apprentice, which was comparable to that of the monsters. The demon general and the Dayan among the practitioners.

But he still couldn't figure out the details of Xu Le. Although Xu Le's strength was much weaker than him, it still gave Kane an unfathomable feeling, like a bottomless ocean.

He was not even sure whether he would have a 100% chance of winning if he took action.

Kane, the Bright Lion, is a very conceited person. Even in a battle of the same level, no matter who the enemy is, he still has more than 90% chance of winning. Facing someone at a lower level, he actually has a premonition that the outcome is unpredictable. , this situation is too rare.

Xu Zuo's suggestion, although somewhat intended to use him as a shield, is still worth doing if it can avoid unnecessary conflicts between the European hermit sect and Ten Thousand Demons.

Kane is the kind of person who has a strong sense of justice and responsibility and does not care about personal gains and losses, so he hesitated for a while before slowly answering: "If you can prove that you are qualified to let me, the Lion of Light, be a bodyguard, I will We can accompany you throughout your European trip." (~^~)

PS: PS: Please give me a recommendation vote

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