One Sword to Immortality

412. Demon power reappears

Xu Liao only felt that his body was getting hotter and hotter. He knew that this was caused by lack of oxygen, but he could only choose to endure it, continue to endure it, and wait for his companions to fight back. He believed that Kane could definitely break through the monster's defense.

It's just that this process only takes dozens of seconds, or even shorter, for Xu Liao outside, but for Xu Liao, it seems as long as centuries.

Thousands of thoughts were constantly running through his mind, and countless voices resounded throughout the sea of ​​consciousness. All these thoughts, each voice, were asking the deepest part of his heart: Will he lose his courage when he loses his strength?

Xu Liao never felt that he was a very courageous and brave young man, but after losing his strength, although he was a little panicked, he was still able to reset his mentality and prepare to start over.

It's just that he doesn't know if this counts as having courage.

Just when Xu Zuo thought she could no longer hold on, the pressure outside her body suddenly lightened up!

A hot breath came out of his body, triggered by some mysterious change. The anode returned to yin, turning into a cold breath that rose up from his lower abdomen.

This aura was too familiar to Xu Liao. He struggled to break free, and a demonic force that swallowed all things appeared, showing his domineering power.

The body of the monster that had just swallowed him was like being thrown into a furnace, melting into black water in an instant.

Xu Luo's body was covered in black and smelly liquid, but there was a joy in his heart that could not be concealed.

Kane, who had exhausted all his holy power but still failed to kill the monster, had just fallen into hell. He had not yet had time to crawl out. His face was still filled with grief. After a few minutes, it turned into ecstasy. .

The golden lion shouted loudly: "Have you recovered?"

Xu nodded and said: "I just awakened a little bit of demon power, probably only a few dozen points, not much stronger than you."

Kane was extremely surprised and shouted: "Even if your demonic power has strange characteristics, it may not be able to restrain this kind of monster better than the holy power. Dozens of demonic powers will definitely not kill this guy. How did you do it?"

He showed his eight white teeth and said with a smile: "The technique I practice is special."

Xu Liao felt the pure and indifferent demonic power winding like a stream inside her body. Although only the monster bloodline of the ten-color flower vine has been awakened, and the monster power is so low that it has never been seen in his life, he is still happy.

Of course he wouldn't tell Kane,

He was able to kill this monster because of the star-swallowing method of the Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Technique. If he hadn't swallowed the monster's demonic energy alive with the Star Swallowing Style just now, his current demonic power would not be as high as dozens of points.

Kane fell down. He had tried his best in the previous battle. He originally thought that even with all his strength, he still failed to break through the monster's defense. Not only could he not save Xu, but he and the soldiers were also All will die.

Unexpectedly, Xu Luo suddenly went through menopause and killed this monster, not just himself. Everyone survives. Kane has not experienced this kind of experience of escaping from death many times, especially now that his strength is weak, he can't hold a breath in his heart, and he just feels that he no longer has any strength in his body.

Xu Luo walked over, helped Kane up, looked around, and found that there were only a dozen soldiers left. The sergeant was also killed by a monster because he was protecting his subordinates, and he couldn't help but sigh slightly. Then he cheered up and shouted: "Don't worry, everyone, we have already won."

The dozen or so soldiers who narrowly escaped death couldn't help but cheer loudly.

Xu Liao took the opportunity to ask, "Why did you leave the grocery store?"

Kane sighed. Said: "Those two children probably had close contact with the demonized zombies, and they developed mutations soon after you left. I couldn't bear to do it, so I took them two away. Did you go to the grocery store again later? "

He sighed as he agreed, but he didn't expect it. The brother and sister actually had to die in the end, and even died miserably.

He didn't tell Kane that the siblings were dead, so as not to make the pure-hearted golden lion sad. He supported Kane and said, "Where are Yan Siqi and Penny? I found out that there is a military camp over there. I can go there temporarily. It is much safer than outside."

"They're nearby," Kane said.

The golden lion shouted with all his strength: "It's okay now, you can come out!"

After a while, Yan Siqi and Penny timidly walked out of their hiding place. Xu gave them a smile, and then said to all the soldiers: "From today on, I am your commander. The monster we encountered when we came out killed the sergeant and all the refugees, and only three of them were left!"

Xu's face turned cold and he glanced at the soldiers. The dozen or so soldiers immediately felt a sudden coldness all over their bodies, as if falling into an ice cave. All the will to resist disappeared. He repeatedly promised Xu, there would never be any Any talkativeness.

Xu Luo had just killed the monster, showing extraordinary strength, and Kane even possessed holy power. These weird things would definitely attract the attention of the military. Xu Xu didn't want anyone to discover the specialness between him and Kane so early.

What's more, he doesn't want to be in trouble everywhere in the military camp. As long as he can build up a force, his future life will definitely be much easier.

These soldiers would not flinch and run away when encountering monsters. They were obviously extremely reliable warriors, enough to serve as his team when he started in this era.

Xu only used a few words to overwhelm the soldiers, and led Kane, Yan Siqi, and Penny towards the military camp.

After a while, Kane gradually regained some strength. Although his holy power was still exhausted, his walking was not hindered.

The group of people walked near the military camp and saw the bright lights of the military camp from a distance, and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

They walked outside the high wall of the military camp. The soldiers on guard above were shocked and shouted hurriedly: "What happened to you?"

Xu Liao replied loudly: "We encountered a man-eating monster. Several people died and only three civilians were rescued."

An alarm signal was immediately sent to the military camp from the high wall. After a while, a few more people appeared on the watchtower, led by Captain Lawrence.

He looked at the people below, frowned, and then asked his men to fetch a bucket of water and bring it down with a rope.

Captain Lawrence shouted: "Others can climb up one by one, and as long as there are no problems in the inspection, they can enter the military camp. But Moses is an exception. You must wash yourself outside and crawl back to the military camp naked."

Captain Lawrence's words made all the soldiers laugh. The captain couldn't help but laugh and shouted below: "No one wants to see your naked butt, but you have to promise not to carry the demonizing virus! So... … Clean yourself up and don’t cause trouble for everyone.”

Xu looked at the bucket that came down, smelled the stench on his body, and said to the others with a bitter face: "You go up first, and I will stay alone to take a bath!" (To be continued.)

PS: I know it’s a desperate situation...

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