One Sword to Immortality

431. Flame Princess

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Xu spat out the sand in his mouth, and after joining the White Dragon Brigade, he participated in seven battles in a row and fought against all the famous rebels in this area.

Just now, he had a fierce battle with King Lear, one of the two strongest resistance leaders in the area, and covered the retreat of Leona's team.

In addition to being powerful in combat, these rebels were also proficient in the essence of guerrilla warfare. Facing the powerful offensive of the Central First Army, they did not resist at all and retreated faster than a rabbit. But if there is a small group of lone troops in the Central First Army, they will be repeatedly bitten by the ant-like rebel army.

The empire's army had no good way to deal with it. They could only continuously send out small teams as bait. Sometimes they could catch a few medium-sized fish, and sometimes even the bait and hooks were swallowed by the rebels.

Xu licked his lips, only to feel that the demon power in his body was still at its lowest point. After covering Leona and their retreat, he had a fierce battle with King Lear and took the opportunity to escape, but King Lear, as a demon king-level giant, The monster has three powerful daughters at his disposal, each with different powers. They are also chasing him to the sky and to the earth.

What he was facing now was Goneril, the eldest daughter of King Lear, who was dressed in a red dress like a flame, and was followed by a pack of wolves with blood-red fur.

If it weren't for Goneril's tracking skills, Xu Leo would have escaped long ago.

Goneril promised, but without any feelings. This flaming female resistance warrior let out a long roar, and the flaming wolves under her command launched a desperate charge.

These flaming wolves are all level 6 and 7 demon warriors, with strong fighting power. They are not afraid of one-on-one, or even one-on-one, five or six, but they face a pack of hundreds of flaming wolves. He could only run away.

Xu Zangwang leaped into the air, turned into a streak of black energy, and retreated quickly, but his Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Technique was able to move very quickly. But the speed was not fast, and they could not soar too high. The flaming wolves that soon caught up rushed to the sky and roared, sending out a ball of flames and shooting into the sky.

Xu promised to dodge left and right. Trying his best to maintain balance, he soon had to hold up a bright moon to resist the increasingly dense fire bombs.

The little fur ball of the moon wolf cub in the full moon roared angrily, but Xu Xu did not let it go out to fight, so this ferocious beast could only show off its power alone.

Xu Luo escaped less than three kilometers when he was hit by three fire bombs in succession and fell from the air.

He could only turn his hands and show Lin Bai's bayonet. He got into a vicious fight with a flaming wolf that pounced on him first.

The military thorn in his hand jumped lightly and stabbed the flaming wolf through, killing the flaming wolf. Without any hesitation, Xu Xu turned around and ran wildly. Once he was pounced on by the wolves and surrounded, he was afraid that Just hang here.

He promised to fight and leave, killing five flaming wolves in succession, but then a flaming knife shot through the air with the sound of wind and roar. He was finally stopped, and more than a hundred flaming wolves spread out in all directions, tightly surrounding him.

Xu Luo placed a pair of military thorns on his chest and said in a lowered voice: "The ghost is still here."

Goneril's ten fingers writhed in flames. Screaming: "You have the ability to keep running away! I want to see how far you can escape with my flaming wolves tracking you."

Xu Liao kept breathing out slowly, hoping to restore as much demonic power as possible. He had never felt so embarrassed in his life. After he awakened his bloodline, he received the blessing of Emperor Liujian, and his demonic power has always been his strength. He is powerful and pure, even more powerful than youkai who are several levels above him.

Xu Liao had almost never felt that the demonic power was so squandered, and was exhausted after just a little fighting.

Goneril didn't give her a chance. She roared and the flaming wolves under her pounced on her. Wolves have a unique pack attack tactic. Once bitten by a few wolves, there will be an endless stream of wolves behind them. If it is so strong, it will only end in hatred.

Xu Luo did not dare to neglect, and almost stretched his body skills to the limit, constantly changing, transforming his body between reality and reality.

His pair of military thorns also changed in a thousand ways in a short period of time, intertwining into a sword net, and in an instant, three more flaming wolves were killed by him.

Goneril was so angry that the ten fingers of her hands changed and continuously fired out flaming bullets, flaming knives, and fire feather arrows to assist in the battle.

Goneril originally looked down on Xu completely, but after being almost killed by Xu in several close combats, Goneril learned to behave. He would only use wolves to surround him, and he would ambush and attack from afar. He would never get close to the Chinese boy again.

Xu has a very high resistance to magic, so he is not very afraid of these long-range flame magics. His problem is that his demon power is almost exhausted, and he can only fight in the most energy-saving way.

If his demon power is strong, he can solve many problems with one Star Swallowing Style.

Xu Luo had just pushed back a flaming wolf when he felt a stinging pain in his back and was hit by the claw of another flaming wolf.

He exerted force on his waist and ribs to deflect the sneak attack of the blazing wolf, and hurriedly turned into black energy and rolled aside. Under normal circumstances, he would be able to return to his human form and join the battle in an instant, but in the case of the Demonic Tribe, he made a forced change. A breath of evil energy can't be improved, and there is no way to change the human form.

Several flaming wolves rushed up and bit the black light that Xu Liao transformed into. The flaming wolves' natural demonic power locked Xu Liao's demonic changes, preventing him from recovering for a while. Moreover, in this state, he recovered The human body is like falling into the mouth of a wolf, and the situation suddenly becomes extremely bad.

Xu Zuo let out a low growl, then saw Goneril showing a victor's smile, walking up calmly, raising his hand and spreading out a black net, completely covering himself.

Xu Luo did not resist, but calmed down and raced against time to recover his demonic power.

When he was chased by Goneril, he knew that it would be difficult for him to escape, so he prepared a record. At this time, he was fully focused. If this record did not work, he might really be captured by the rebels. .

Goneril slowly restrained the magic power of the fire and transformed into a tall, beautiful girl. She was British. After the Imperial Army captured the British Island, she fled to the European continent with the resistance army led by her father. .

Before the war began, King Lear was a long-established British aristocrat, with a title that had been passed down for nearly three hundred years, even older than the history of the British royal family.

Goneril is also the lady with the noblest birth and blood, and even has the title of princess, but now she can only become a female warrior who only knows violence, which makes the eldest lady very dissatisfied.

She looked at Xu and sneered: "If you are willing to surrender, I can decide to spare your life. If you insist on working for the empire, my flaming wolves can tear you apart in ten breaths. Choose!" "

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PS: PS: Today’s monthly ticket is quite miserable...h.73

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