A moon wolf was knocked down by dozens of giant rats, but after the moon wolf fell, it turned into billowing black smoke, and all the giant rats swept by the black smoke were instantly wiped out.

In addition, a full moon appeared outside the head of the moon wolf. As the moon wheel rotated, hundreds of giant rats rushed towards him and were swept to pieces by the moonlight.

The Moon Wolf Pack summoned back by Xu was still at a disadvantage in the early stage, but as the number steadily increased, the Giant Rat Pack, although huge in number, was far from being the Moon Wolf Pack's opponent. Now the Moon Wolf Pack, which has exceeded 300 heads, is growing. Brutal massacre of rats.

All Xu Luo needs to do is maintain the moonlight defense to prevent the giant rat from breaking through, and he doesn't even participate in the battle anymore.

Dozens of white dragon female warriors took off for the third time. After their initial worries, they became much more calm, facing the rats' unbridled spitting of ice flames.

All the servants have fired all their ammunition. These ordinary soldiers cannot participate in the battle at all. They can only form a human wall, hold the military daggers, engineer shovels and other combat tools in their hands, and attack those who accidentally rush into the moonlight circle. The giant rat lasts.

In this cruel battle, Xu Liao's demon power quietly broke through the ninth level. If he was already a ninth-level demon warrior, the Heavenly Demon's Immortal Killing Technique would work more smoothly.

After promising to break through the realm, he felt that the mountain forest was shrouded in a faint, vague will. He tried to peek through this layer of will several times, but failed.

Firstly, because his strength is still insufficient, and secondly, because he has to devote most of his energy to maintaining Yueguang Yuanhong's defense.

This battle has lasted for more than twenty hours, and everyone is exhausted. Except for Xu Zuo and his Yue Lang, many people even fall asleep standing there, unable to wake up even in life-and-death crises.

There is no part of Kane's body that is not stained with blood, and his Sun Ripple Skill has quietly broken through to the sixth level. However, now his holy power has fallen to the bottom, and he can't squeeze out even a trace of physical strength. He can only barely protect his Yan. Siqi, Penny and others.

As for the two girls. They had already collapsed on the ground, and even if a giant rat really pounced on them, they would not have the strength to resist.

Two hours after taking off, all the White Dragon female warriors landed in the defense circle again. Xu Liao suddenly felt that the hidden will was quietly activated, and they pounced wildly. The rats that were no longer close to life and death suddenly lost all their will to fight and retreated like a tide.

Although the moon wolves pursued them and killed countless giant rats. But it didn't stop the rats from retreating.

Just like when all the giant rats came,

Disappearing completely, a moon wolf looked up to the sky and let out a long howl, its whimpering cry resounding through the forest.

Xu Luo assumed the posture of a summoner and "sent away" more than three hundred moon wolves. One by one, these moon wolves jumped into the full moon emerging outside. The scene was quite poignant.

This is to prevent people from thinking of the Moon Wolf disaster. Although this little trick cannot hide the true wisdom of the heavens and the knowledge of ancient and modern people, it is enough to deal with white-collar female warriors and their army of servants.

When all the moon wolves have receded. They were ordered by Xu Liao to serve as a guard nearby to guard against any danger. The captains of the two white dragon teams led their men and knelt down in front of Xu Liao.

Blonde, red-haired, and brown-haired beauties of all colors, led by their leader, surrendered. This scene was so shocking that if they hadn't agreed, they would have been exhausted after the battle. I don’t know how pleasing it is to the eyes.

The soldiers of the two white-collar teams also understood that without Xu Le's leadership, they would probably not survive long.

The evil Tai Sui of the Golden Gun went somewhere unknown, and the rest of the troops were also separated. They never want to lose Xu as their backer.

After giving a slight nod and not being polite, indicating that they accepted the surrender of the other two teams, these white dragon female warriors relaxed a little.

Leona felt that she and Xu Le were finally familiar with each other, and she calmed down her breathing after the fierce battle, and asked: "What should we do next?"

Xu sighed and said, "Our commander didn't tell us what ruins we were going to excavate, and he didn't tell us where the ruins were. So we can't move forward. I suggest that everyone retreat temporarily."

Leona suddenly looked embarrassed. The Imperial Army's military discipline was strict. If they retreated without orders from their commanders, they would definitely be punished. Even if they lost contact and could not find their commander, it was not enough as an excuse.

Xu Liaojian couldn't convince Leona, so he could only shrug his shoulders and said: "Since everyone disagrees, then we will continue to move in the original direction and try to find the main force and join them."

Leona breathed a sigh of relief and said: "The battle just now was too fierce. Let's take a rest before moving forward."

Xu Luo naturally had no objection. At this time, he remembered his original plan to transform the moon wolf into a fighting beast.

Now after the three White Dragon teams have merged, plus the soldiers from other teams gathered during the battle, there are more than a thousand people. Without ammunition, these people can hardly form a combat effectiveness.

If the moon wolf can be transformed into an auxiliary combat tool, perhaps these people will not need to improve their combat capabilities. After all, the moon wolf is already a very qualified combat tool, but at least it can allow these ordinary people to protect themselves.

Everyone was resting. After all, the battle just now was too cruel, even cruel. So many people died, so many giant rats, but there was not much blood on the ground, let alone any residual limbs...

All the dead people were devoured by the giant rats, and all the dead giant rats were devoured by the moon wolves. This was an extremely cruel food chain, and many people simply did not dare to imagine what was going on.

Only Kane still had the energy to pay attention to Xu. He saw his comrade summoning a moon wolf, his hands glowing slightly, and he made countless subtle adjustments.

Kane couldn't understand what Xu Lao was doing. The fighting beasts of the Eighteen Immortals School were the best, and the technology of the Ten Thousand Demons Society was pretty good. The fighting beasts of the Western Hidden Sect were almost very behind.

The Bourbon family didn't understand the battle beast technology at all, and they didn't have any battle beast products, so although Kane had some vague guesses, there was no way to be sure.

After Xu waited for more than an hour to adjust, he finally got some clues. He waved to one of his men. Although the soldier was extremely tired, he still walked over with force.

Xu Luo threw the little fur ball in his hand casually, and the little wolf cub turned into a ball of light in mid-air, fell on the warrior, and turned into a moon-white battle suit.

Xu Liao doesn't like armor, so this battle suit has a very strong futuristic style... (To be continued.)

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