One Sword to Immortality

440. Temporary truce

The insect nest as huge as a hill gradually collapsed, and finally turned into a silver ball, with countless small holes like lotus pods. Black beetles were constantly being summoned to enter. When these black beetles came out, they had been assimilated by the Star Swallowing Style. He also released his natural genetic limitations and transformed into a monster insect of the same level as the king insect.

Whether it is an ordinary ant, bee, or a monster insect such as a black beetle, each egg born has genetic limitations, preventing the vast majority of eggs from hatching into high-level beings.

But for Xu Luo, who has transformed it into a fighting beast, this restriction is meaningless. Only by unlocking this genetic restriction can the black beetle swarm's combat effectiveness be unleashed to a greater extent.

The black beetle swarm under Xu Xu's control continued to increase in strength. He did not even go to the second insect nest. Instead, he divided the black beetles under his control into twelve groups, eleven of which raided the remaining insect nests. , the last group, under his own leadership, went to deal with the swarms of insects that trapped the Imperial Army.

Although controlling the insect nest can issue orders to the black beetle swarm, it takes time to control the rest of the insect nest. Xu Liao does not want to cause more damage to the imperial army that is already under his control because of the delay in time. Soldier.

Although there were more than two hundred moon wolves and warriors wearing moon wolf combat uniforms issuing moon-shaped protection, the imperial army still inevitably suffered casualties.

Whenever a black beetle pounces into the moonlight rainbow, the white dragon female warrior, Kane and others have to pounce on it and kill it. But there were still many bugs that slipped through the net and pounced on those ordinary warriors, biting open their combat uniforms ferociously, and even got into their bodies to wreak havoc.

At this time, Kane revealed his extraordinary power in the Sun Ripple Technique. Only he could force out the black beetles that had penetrated the bodies of ordinary warriors, and activate the Life Ripple Technique that he had been deliberately suppressing to save them.

If it weren't for Kane's amazing strength. The mortality rate of these ordinary warriors should be increased by at least three times.

Despite this, before Xu Zuo rushed back, more than ten people in the imperial team were still bitten to death by black beetles. The only good thing is that I have the protection of the moonlight rainbow. And with the arduous fighting of their comrades, they would not be torn into pieces like when they encountered a swarm of giant rats, and nothing would be left after being devoured.

With a shout, new black beetles joined the battle. With the new black beetles attracted, the swarm of insects attacking the emperor weakened.

Half an hour later, the second insect nest was transformed. Not only did another group of black beetles rebel, but a new group of black beetles soon came to support them, finally reversing the disadvantage.

After the third and fourth insect nests were assimilated, the crisis of the black beetle swarm finally passed, and the remaining black beetle swarms no longer ignored the will that controlled them and flew away.

Xu promised that there were four silver insect nests wandering around outside her body,

He was flying along a mysterious orbit like a satellite, giving him a somewhat mysterious look.

Kane was more familiar with Xu, so he boldly asked, "Have you surrendered those black beetles?"

Xu Lioran smiled and said: "I once had an insect nest combat beast. As you know, this thing is based on the black beetle, so it is not difficult to conquer them."

Kane and Xu Liao also come from the 21st century. Of course, we know about battle beasts. Although the Insect Hive Battle Beasts of the Changsheng Sect are not sold to many outsiders, it is not unknown to everyone.

Although Kane didn't like the fighting beasts from the east, he also knew that the insect nest of the Changsheng Sect was a very difficult one to deal with, but he didn't expect Xu Le to be able to subdue the black beetle swarm.

He shrugged his shoulders and said, "How many insect nests have you conquered?"

Xu Luo made a silent listening gesture, and after a while he laughed and said, "Twelve heads!"

As soon as Xu Ru finished speaking, eight balls flew into the sky. It fell next to him and merged with the original four, turning into twelve micro-satellites. Let his body spin.

Black beetles kept flying closer and closer, as long as they approached him within a certain range. It will suddenly shrink, turn into dust, and get into the twelve silver balls.

In just ten minutes, all the black beetles disappeared, and not a single one was seen again.

In Xu Liao's induction, although there were still sporadic bugs slipping through the net, they were no longer important to him. Xu raised his arms and twelve silver balls slowly gathered in front of him. He made a gesture of invitation and said to the Bright Lion: "For the battle beast I made temporarily, one of the same type of battle beast is enough." , the number does not increase the actual combat value, you can choose one, after all, it is too dangerous here, this will give you more means to survive."

Although Kane didn't like the evil-leaning fighting beasts like the Hive, he also knew that he shouldn't be "germ-obsessed" at this time, so he thanked him and took a silver ball.

Xu Liao did not distribute insect nests to others. Although insect nests are not particularly powerful fighting beasts, ordinary people cannot control them.

Xu Zuo flicked it a little, and then he felt that the mysterious will gradually receded from an insect nest that was close to him, and he entered silence again.

Xu Luo still asked Yue Lang to serve as a guard around them. The team that was about to take a rest had experienced a life-and-death battle and was even more tired. Many soldiers fell asleep in various messy positions as soon as they sat down.

Even the white dragon female warriors were tired and fell asleep one after another. Only Kane was in a better condition. He looked at these warriors who had forgotten to be alert at all and couldn't help but smile bitterly, but there was nothing. explain.

According to the intensity of two consecutive battles, the average army would have collapsed long ago. Any one of them would be enough to wipe out the entire army. It is already a great victory for these soldiers to be alive. I hope they can continue to enforce the rules of the army. , it would be too much to hope for.

Xu Le also sat down. Although he was not that tired, this battle was also very thrilling. If it hadn't been for the will that spurred the black beetle to attack, he wouldn't have dared to say that he would have been able to hold on if it had been for other monsters. Come down.

Although the Moon Wolf Disaster is known as a disaster, it still requires a large enough number. A pack of only three hundred Moon Wolves is not enough to become a Moon Wolf Disaster.

Xu Liao didn't know what attack that mysterious will would launch next. If he hadn't been lucky and subdued a group of moon wolves first, he might not have been able to survive the attack of the giant rats. If he had not had previous experience in manipulating black beetles, he might not have been able to withstand this wave of attacks.

Xu took a breath and thought secretly in his heart: "This is a competition to see who has the strongest foundation. If I had not stepped into the realm of demon generals and had countless means, I would never be able to last here for long. If the situation becomes worse next If things get worse, I'm afraid I may not be able to keep this team." (To be continued.)

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