One Sword to Immortality

551. 8 Qinglong Arsenal

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Ao Ji didn't know what happened to Xu, but he continued: "So the Qinglong clan in the world is divided into two lines. One line is the natural beast, and the other line is the fusion of blood from weak monsters, and they are cultivated step by step, so there are fish There are rumors about leaping over the Dragon Gate, transforming into a dragon and ascending to the sky, a giant python in the swamp, and shedding its skin into a dragon. The latter naturally does not have the inheritance of the Qinglong lineage."

Xu was startled, and suddenly remembered the bloodline of the Black Gold Emperor Monkey on his body, and couldn't help but secretly thought: "Mou Hu and Zang Yuan once said: Since the beginning of the world, there have only been two Black Gold Emperor Monkeys. The original Demon Clan Emperor Haotian wanted to I collected all the ancient stone monsters and re-refined them into a piece of Yuan Fei Lingshi to see if I could hatch out a third black gold emperor monkey. It is probably related to the demon nerve. I don’t know what happened to me. Does the bloodline come from Haotian, the prince of the demon clan, or the third head I trained by demon nerves!"

It is difficult to trace the origin of this ancient superstition, so I agreed without thinking too much, and then asked: "I wonder if there is a natural dragon bloodline in the Four Seas Territory Map?"

Ao Ji smiled bitterly and said, "Of course there is no more! The birth of the sacred beast Qinglong has long since cut off its bloodline. Otherwise, how could it be the turn of us mixed-blood dragons to dominate the world? The Four Seas Territory Map is the Dragon Clan's most precious treasure, and the world was created for the Dragon Clan. Reproduction, so even the East China Sea Dragon Palace cannot truly control this world, and cannot freely enter and exit! It cannot even be promoted to Demon God!"

Only then did Xu Luo understand the whole story and why Yang Shuhua had great confidence in him.

Ao Ji was also very curious. He didn't understand why the teacher promised to teach him the eight secret techniques. You must know that even the inheritance from the East China Sea Dragon Palace was incomplete, and even Jiang Shang couldn't deduce it completely. But Ao Ji was very convinced of his teacher. Since Jiang Shang said it, he would never doubt it, but he couldn't help but be curious after all.

Xu Lao pondered for a long time, then put aside these questions, laughed, and said: "I'd better teach the Eight Secret Techniques to my senior brother first. The origin of this method is also quite interesting. There is a treasure in our Zhenjiang Marquis Mansion that has never been found. I know how to use it, and later my father planned to use this treasure as the basis to refine a natal magic weapon for me. As a result, while refining, a magic formula appeared in my mind, but I don’t have the blood of the Qinglong clan, so there is no way. Practice.”

Xu was very sophisticated and proficient in the Nine-Yuan Sutra. He immediately guessed Ao Ji's thoughts, filled up all the doubts in his mind, and eliminated all future troubles.

Ao Ji has been practicing the Eight Secret Techniques for many years, but has always had some obstacles. Now that he was able to hear all the secret techniques, he was filled with joy and sat upright to listen to Xu Luo's lecture.

Immediately after making a promise, he taught the Eight Secret Techniques to each other. The Eight Secret Techniques of the Qinglong clan can be cultivated to create the eight Azure Dragon arsenal, which is somewhat similar to the thirty-six transformations of the Jade Cauldron. It can condense eight magical weapons with magic power, each of which is It has great power.

The first thing Xu Luo taught was the Green Dragon Mace Technique. This method can use the secret method of the Dragon Clan to absorb one yuan of heavy water between heaven and earth, and condense two Azure Dragon Maces. If someone knows the secret method of the Dragon Clan to control water, they can hold it in their hands. It will be as light as a lamp grass, but it will If you move it and strike it out, it will be as heavy as a mountain in an instant. If the heavenly demon controls this treasure, it will really split the sea, break the mountains, and even the void can collapse!

Ao Ji happened to have never learned this secret method. The place where he lived was the most abundant water vapor on Jiulong Island in Bibo Lake, Langtaoshan. He listened to Xu Liao's lecture on the secret method and started practicing it.

He was already at the Demon Commander level. He had developed nine channels and used eight secret techniques to activate the dragon clan's demon power. He immediately stirred the water vapor in the old dragon's head and extracted countless one-yuan heavy water.

This one-yuan heavy water is extremely rare. Only a tiny drop can be extracted from hundreds of thousands of tons of sea water. I don’t know what’s wrong with the water veins of the old dragon head, but it can actually extract so much one-yuan heavy water. Even if it is allowed, it can be considered well-informed. , and couldn't help but be secretly surprised.

It was promised that after cultivating the Collapsing Dragon Fate, he would be able to practice the magical powers of the Qinglong clan, but he thought that he should be pure and pure and not easy to be distracted, so he forcibly stopped the urge to practice a few skills casually.

After a long glance, Ao Ji condensed two green dragon maces that were as clear as crystal, and then he said, "Elder brother has a great time reviewing this secret technique today. I will teach the other techniques in a few days." alright."

Ao Ji was also eager to delve into it. He knew that he would not hide his secrets, so he was not anxious. He was busy practicing and did not get up. He said: "As a brother, I will not send my junior brother out. Here is a talisman of mine." Zhao, you can come to my cave at any time in the future. After a few days, I have mastered the Qinglong mace technique, and then I will go to my junior brother to ask for the other secret techniques."

He said yes, shook his sleeves, got out of the old dragon head, and rode the demon wind straight to his Wuling Cave. He had no good places to go in the Four Seas Territory Map, and he didn't want to visit the scenery of Langtao Mountain on Kowloon Island. He just wanted to Practice more demonic arts and make breakthroughs as soon as possible to avoid your life being constantly threatened.

After Xu Jiafeng had just risen, he saw a ray of light rising into the sky in the distance. He narrowed his eyes, and suddenly his heart skipped a beat, because this ray of light was really familiar. It turned out to be the dragon-slaying knife, one of the thirty-six transformations of the Jade Cauldron. of light.

The thirty-six transformations of the Jade Cauldron were created by the ancestor of the Jade Cauldron. No one in the Four Seas Territory could understand it. Xu was horrified and hurriedly activated the demon wind, but the light was too fast. The speed at which he could control the wind He couldn't catch up with him at all, but within a moment he saw the light flying out of Kowloon Island and escaping into the depths of Langtao Mountain, where he could never be found again.

Xu thought about it for a long time, gave up the idea of ​​continuing to chase, pushed Yaofeng down, and thought to himself: "The Nine Mysteries True Technique is unparalleled, and I won't lose to any opponent, but I only got the Nine Mysteries Yijin Technique and Collapse Dragon Immortal power, but there is no way to escape, and many places are not convenient enough. Do you need to practice the transformation of the banners of the two realms first? Next time you encounter it, you can chase the sword light! How can anyone in the Four Seas Map know how to do it? The dragon-slaying flying knife changes? This thing is really strange!"

Xu thought about it for a long time and decided to ask his teacher Jiang Shang. This question was too big. If he couldn't solve it, he would not be able to settle down.

Kowloon Island is not very big. After all, Xu Ruo is also a demon king who can refine evil spirits into weapons, so he can only fly for more than ten minutes before landing in front of the Kowloon Cave. However, when he wanted to enter the Kowloon Cave, he saw white clouds. The cave door was sealed, and it was not known whether Teacher Jiang Shang was practicing or went out.

Xu You stayed outside the cave door for a moment, calling countless times, and tried to seal the cave entrance with magic bombardment, but he still couldn't get in, so he could only leave in despair, full of thoughts. untie.

Not long after Xu returned to Wuling Cave, he sat down and meditated for a few hours, when suddenly he heard someone making noises outside the door.

This time he used his magic and saw that Wu Ding was visiting with several of his fellow disciples! (To be continued.)

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