One Sword to Immortality

553. Partition walls have ears.

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Although Wu Ding was dodgeed by Xu, he felt depressed. He thought about Xu killing two disciples in Longhu Mountain and capturing King Ying's son alive. If it was exposed, it would definitely cause Xu a lot of trouble, but in the end, he didn't Dare to export easily. He has a boring character and lacks great courage. After thinking about it for a long time, he decided not to talk about it yet and went back to consult with his skilled colleagues before making a decision.

Everyone quarreled for a while, but in the end they had no choice but to disperse. They each went to find their familiar brothers and asked the fellow disciples who had the Kowloon Island Talisman to lift the restrictions.

Seeing Senior Brother Liang's expression of embarrassment, Wu Ding approached him and asked in a low voice: "Senior Brother Liang, I have something to discuss with you. I wonder if Senior Brother Liang is free?"

Senior Brother Liang's name is Liang Shanbo. Ever since he joined Jiang Shang's sect, he has been cultivating hard and has hardly cared about the outside world. Therefore, he is quite poor in human relations and sophistication. He is often coerced by senior brothers with ulterior motives and does many things that are not very good. Something like that. But because of his mellow temperament, every time something happened, he was responsible for it alone, so he was very popular among his peers.

Even people like Wu Ding who are not very familiar with reality are willing to tell some secrets to Liang Shanbo, because this senior brother Liang is so trustworthy.

Liang Shanbo was upset. He couldn't tell whether what happened today was right or wrong. On the one hand, he felt that everyone had gone too far. On the other hand, he also felt that it was wrong to agree. We should understand each other. Wu Ding's temperament was somewhat similar to his, so Wu Ding said that we had something to discuss. , he nodded slightly, agreed, and took Wu Ding back to his cave.

These disciples who failed to break through the demon general are called outer island disciples. They practice in various places in Langtao Mountain. They manage their own cave residences. Some people like to gather in groups. Not only can they chat, but they can also drink and have fun. It is very lively. , and some people like to be alone and enjoy the quietness.

Liang Shanbo is the latter. His cave is located to the east of Langtao Mountain. He lives in isolation. The environment cannot be said to be quiet, but it is just very secluded.

The two of them sat down outside Liang Shanbo's cave. Liang Shanbo was a single cultivator. He was actually not good at making a living, so the cave was very messy and he would not entertain his fellow disciples. Fortunately, there was a flat ground outside the cave, and he made a few mistakes. There are stone benches and a stone table, which are suitable for conversation.

Liang Shanbo used magic to get some tea, and smiled at Wu Ding: "My place is very simple. Junior Brother Wu Ding, don't make fun of me!"

Wu Ding is also a person who doesn't care much about living expenses. He lives with a few classmates. There are a few classmates who are not good at cultivation and are responsible for the daily management of the residence. Although it is better than Liangshanbo, it is no better than a dormitory on earth. It's almost the same, and there's no enjoyment at all.

Wu Ding smiled nonchalantly and said, "I know some things about Junior Brother Sun Wuwu, but I just don't know if it's appropriate to talk about it."

Wu Ding hesitated for a moment and told Xu Luo about killing Xiong Tieshan and Wei Qingbat and capturing King Ying's son.

Although Wu Ding hesitated when he said it, knowing that his elder brother and teacher had warned him, he couldn't hold back what he wanted to say, and he thought it was okay to talk to Liang Shanbo, so he didn't hide anything.

Liang Shanbo couldn't help being shocked when he heard this, and shouted: "Does the teacher and senior brother know about this?"

Wu Ding hesitated for a moment and said: "Of course I know everything, and I was told not to tell others, but I am always unsure, so I came to discuss with Senior Brother Liang. Today we were humiliated by Sun Wuwu, and I almost acted impulsively , I just revealed this matter. I just thought that this matter is too relevant after all. If I tell him, I am afraid that he will be revenged by Wen Zhong, and he will definitely die, so I don't mention it."

Liang Shanbo hesitated for a moment, sighed, shook his head, and said: "It's better not to mention this matter to anyone again. After all, Wuwu is also our junior brother, but don't provoke him again in the future. He has a rough temper. Even Wen Zhong's disciples dared to kill him, but he didn't know what excessive things he would do.

If we get too close to him, we will inevitably be affected. "

The two were discussing when they suddenly heard a chuckle not far away. A young man in a purple robe appeared leisurely. When he saw Wu Ding and Liang Shanbo, he smiled and said, "What are you talking about? Can you tell me?"

Wu Ding shook his head hurriedly and said: "We didn't talk about anything, Junior Brother Li, don't think too much!"

Liang Shanbo was still a little nervous and asked casually: "I wonder what Junior Brother Li Jinchan heard?"

The young man in purple robe smiled and said: "Of course I didn't hear anything. I'm here to look for Senior Brother Liang. I'm going to collect medicine tomorrow. I wonder if Senior Brother Liang is in the mood? If Senior Brother Wu Ding is free, come too! Ling!" Senior Brother Yu said that he wants to open a furnace to make elixirs. If we work hard to collect the medicine, we can all share one! Senior Brother Lingyu’s alchemy skills are unparalleled in the world. I don’t know how precious his elixirs are. Except for a few of our fellow disciples, everyone outside No one can ask for anything.”

Liang Shanbo and Wu Ding thought about it for a while, and both agreed. Li Jinchan shook his sleeves and turned into a line of purple air that shot into the sky, and disappeared in an instant.

After Li Jinchan flew away, Wu Ding and Liang Shanbo settled down. They both told each other not to mention this matter again.

Of course Xu Lio didn't know that Wu Ding and those senior brothers were kicked out of Kowloon Island by him, and they were still thinking about how to take revenge on him. In fact, he is not very afraid of this matter. He is not even worried about Wu Ding leaking the secret. After all, he has already taken care of Prince Ying's son Ao Tianxiang. If Wu Ding dares to talk nonsense, he doesn't mind putting the matter on the other party's head. .

Ao Tianxiang, the son of King Ying, testified that it was actually Wu Ding who committed the murder. He couldn't bear it, so he risked his life to save Ao Tianxiang. Wu Ding couldn't bear this kind of iron pot.

As the saying goes: You must not have the intention to harm others, and you must have the intention to guard against others!

Xu Liao will never take the initiative to harm others, but if someone wants to cause trouble for him, Xu Liao will naturally have countless ways to deal with it. Wu Ding was not very bright. Although he knew that King Ying's son had been captured alive by Xu Liao, he did not expect that Xu Liao had such powerful means. He naturally doesn't believe that anyone can do something he can't do easily, so he has this misunderstanding and has never thought of the possibility.

Ao Tianxiang is the son of King Ying, and he also has the blood of the Qinglong clan, but the blood is mixed. Even the Nanhai Dragon Palace has changed from the blood of Qinglong to the blood of Red Dragon because of the mixed blood, not to mention he, the illegitimate son of King Ying.

But there is a way to purify blood essence. This is a method created by monsters on the earth. The ancient monsters don't understand it at all, and it has not been circulated in the Four Seas Territory. It is enough to make Ao Tianxiang's blood pure again.

So after Ao Tianxiang practiced the method of the Great Formation, he found an excuse to teach Ao Tianxiang eight secrets.

For such a useful fighter, the stronger it is, the better! (To be continued.)

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