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Seeing Ao Tianxiang's embarrassed look, Xu Feiniang couldn't help but smile slightly and said, "I won't ask you how you got here. Do you want me to take you back?"

Ao Tianxiang hesitated for a moment, then immediately shook his head and refused: "I can't go back, and I have to wait for Senior Brother Wuwang to come out of seclusion!"

Xu Feiniang looked at him for a while, then suddenly showed a strange expression and asked: "Is the senior brother Wuwu you are talking about the teacher's new disciple Sun Wuwu? He lives in Wuling Cave now?"

Ao Tianxiang didn't know the key, so he immediately nodded and said: "It's Senior Brother Sun Wuwu. He is practicing in seclusion and told me not to leave. I just left Wuling Cave for fun, and now I can't go back."

Xu Feiniang's face changed several times in an instant, and then she showed a relaxed smile and said: "In that case, I will wait with you for a while. I haven't met Junior Brother Sun Wuwu yet, and I am about to take this opportunity to meet him. See you, get acquainted with fellow students."

Ao Tianxiang also knew that Xu Feiniang's behavior was inappropriate, but he couldn't think of what he said wrongly. He could only bite the bullet and said, "In that case, Senior Sister Xu Feiniang, just wait with me!"

Ao Tianxiang did not dare to try the Qinglong Sun-Restraining Hammer Technique again, and sat idle with Xu Feiniang. Xu Feiniang was in a bad mood and did not speak, and Ao Tianxiang did not dare to talk nonsense. The two just sat in silence, facing each other. Speechless.

After seven or eight hours, the Wuling Cave was closed, and Xu Youran came out. He had already seen the two of them chatting outside, but he was busy practicing and did not come out until he made a slight breakthrough in his cultivation. . [Zero↑Nine△小↓说△网]

He bowed his hands and asked, "But Senior Sister Xu Feiniang?"

Xu Feiniang said angrily: "Master said he would give me the Five Spirit Cave, but he suddenly gave it to you, kid. Do you want to give me an explanation?"

Not only did Xu have a headache, but he also didn’t know what Jiang Shang was planning. He could only secretly promote the Nine Yuan Sutra and calculated seven or eight hundred dialogue strategies. Then he found the most appropriate one and said: "Teacher Jiang Shang I'm afraid he has some deep meaning. His cultivation is profound, and he is also good at calculations. Every move he makes is very interesting. Since the teacher has given instructions, senior sister might as well practice with me. Maybe in a few days, I will be able to do it. What an opportunity!"

After saying this, Jiang Shangyou was indeed proficient in the calculation method. Xu Feiniang also felt a little agreement, nodded and said: "Maybe I have some chance to fall in love with you, anyway, Wuling Cave is quite good. Guangda, I will move in, but you don’t usually disturb my practice."

Xu smiled and said: "I also practice all day long, and I don't have time to hang out with Senior Sister Xu Feiniang!"

Xu Feiniang stretched out her hand and said, "In that case, give me the talisman!"

Xu Luo casually summoned the Talisman, sprayed a breath of demonic energy, and split the Talisman into two. Xu Feiniang took one and left with the escape light. Before leaving, she did not forget to giggle and said: "I want to Go back and pack some belongings, and bring a few apprentices over. Junior Brother also packs up the cave, don’t let Senior Sister see anything that she shouldn’t see!”

Xu Lio smiled slightly, and then his face became a little strange. If Ao Tianxiang hadn't come out to audition for the Qinglong Sun-Suppressing Hammer, he wouldn't have wanted to meet Xu Feiniang, let alone half of the Five Spirit Cave, but now that he encountered this If this happened, he would have to consider whether it was arranged by his teacher Jiang Shang. [Zero↑Nine△小↓说△网]

A powerful person who can live from ancient times, at least the thirty-three days, to the present, every move must have deep meaning. Although most of what he said to Xu Feiniang was to deceive the senior sister, it was not unreasonable. Although Xu Lao couldn't see any deep meaning in the matters arranged by Jiang Shang, he would not forcefully resist.

Seeing that Xu Liao's face was not very good-looking, Ao Tianxiang felt a little worried and asked, "What did I do wrong? Shouldn't I come out to practice the Qinglong Sun-Reducing Hammer Technique?"

Xu shook his head and said: "This is none of your business. Some things seem simple.

It's actually very complicated. "

Ao Tianxiang wanted to ask more carefully, but he ignored him and returned to Wuling Cave by himself. He divided the talisman of Wuling Cave into two, and also divided Wuling Cave into two. He occupied half of it. Half of the area is left to Xu Feiniang.

Xu Zuo didn't care about a cave like Wuling Cave. After all, he was also a man with extensive real estate. He also had an ancient golden plate on hand, which sealed a void hundreds of thousands of kilometers away. This cave didn't count at all to him. What.

But Xu Zuo is not a soft person and will not easily transfer power to others. Not only will he not be respected, he will also be easily looked down upon.

Xu Ruo went to practice on his own. Ao Tianxiang thought that Xu Feiniang would come back soon, but he didn't expect that after a day and night, he didn't see Xu Feiniang. He couldn't help but secretly wonder if Xu Feiniang suddenly gave up, just as he was thinking wildly. At that time, a Dafa raft suddenly flew out of Wuling Cave!

This Dharma raft is made of giant wood that is thousands of years old and is half the size of a football field. There are countless packages piled on it, as well as a lot of fake household appliances, including more than ten large beds and countless boxes and cabinets. A few, it seems more lively than the moving companies on earth.

Ao Tianxiang was surprised and shouted: "Senior Sister Xu Feiniang actually has so much furniture. We can't fit it here. I'm afraid we have to give up part of the place to live in!"

Xu had a breakthrough recently and had opened another Gang Vein. He was polishing his magic power. Hearing this, he sneered in his heart and said to himself: "I gave in half. It can be said that it was for the sake of teacher Jiang Shang. I want me to give in more." The score depends on whether Senior Sister Xu Feiniang has enough face."

Xu Lio was still meditating with his eyes closed, polishing his magic power, and didn't seem to pay any attention to these people moving. Although Ao Tianxiang couldn't sit still, he was not a disciple of Lan Taoshan after all. Able to twist in place and forcefully suppress the turbulent thoughts.

Xu Feiniang is the top disciple of Jiang Shang's family. She has more than a dozen disciples and dozens of maids who serve her daily. She has the style of a wealthy family, and her living expenses are even more extravagant than those of wealthy families in the world. She is regarded as More expensive than a prince.

Xu Feiniang used to live in Langtaoshan. Because of her high cultivation level, she occupied a huge mountain area. Since she broke through the demon general, she thought about moving to Kowloon Island and made preparations to move. She also knew that although Kowloon Island was rich in spiritual energy, it was not that big. The largest caves had long been occupied by a few senior brothers with advanced cultivation, so she still streamlined some of the furniture, even most of them were not enough. Things that were precious, not cute enough, and too big were all abandoned in the original mountain farm, with a few servants still left to look after them.

Despite this, Xu Feiniang moved too many things. It took her disciples and servants half a day to arrange only a small part of them, but there was no room for the half of Wuling Cave occupied by Xu Feiniang. (To be continued.)

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