The Yue Po Spirit Tree is the easiest wood clan to take shape. They are extremely talented and can turn into a bright moon, forming a small realm. Within the moon wheel manifested by the Yue Po Spirit Tree, they form a void of their own. It is a natural counterweight to the virtual world!

In particular, the virtual world formed by the Yue Po Spirit Tree can freely travel in the void, and has more magical uses than ordinary fixed 'cave' houses. If the Yue Po Spirit Tree activates spiritual wisdom, after transforming, it can also practice flying. The technique of escaping movement can even be used as a treasure to evade the universe, and it is even more convenient for daily transportation. --

This kind of treasure is attractive even to Xu Liao, but it is not as precious to him as Xu Feiniang. Xu Liao has a huge formation that can refine the void, which is naturally much better than the Yue Po Spirit Tree.

Even without the Heavenly Formation, Xu Zuo has never missed the cave in the virtual world, so he is nothing like Xu Feiniang's treasure.

It's just that the Yue Po Spirit Tree is easy to transform into, but it's difficult to cultivate. Xu Feiniang worked hard to get this Yue Po Spirit Tree, and even spent her skills cultivating it, but there was no way to grow it. If Xu didn't teach the spell, Xu Feiniang may not even be able to support this little disciple.

Compared with the natural virtual world that can open up caves, the virtual world opened by Yue Po Spirit Tree can breed a special kind of spiritual energy, which can nourish the body and make the people living there rejuvenate and rejuvenate. Glow is a wonderful thing that is not worth mentioning.

It's just that for many female monks, especially those who have missed the best time to shape their body and look a little older, I'm afraid this wonderful thing is more popular than opening a cave. Some welcome.

The little beauty who took the form of the Yue Po Spirit Tree ran up to Xu Liao, saluted Yingying, and said, "Yue Ming sincerely thanks Master Wuwu!"

The little beauty thanked her a lot, then happily transformed into a wooden hairpin and inserted it back into Xu Feiniang's bun.

Xu You chatted with Xu Feiniang for a while, and got up and left on the pretext of going back to practice.

After Xu Feiniang sent Xu back, she called her two disciples over and said with a half-smile on her face: "You two little ladies are very courageous. You actually dare to cause trouble for Sun Wuwang!"

Hongxian Niang said unconvinced: "So what if I cause trouble for him? He has only just been promoted to Demon King, he is worse than a disciple!"

Xu Feiniang sneered and said: "Sun Wuwu just killed Xiong Tieshan and Wei Qingbat from Longhu Mountain, and also captured King Ying's son Ao Tianxiang alive! I just heard about this, what kind of cultivation are you? ?Who is there to support you? You dare to provoke this person?"

Lu Qingying asked in disbelief: "Senior Brother Sun Wuwu is only a three-year-old child, how can he be so bold? Is this rumor wrong?"

Xu Feiniang said calmly: "This matter came from the mouth of Junior Brother Wu Ding.

How could it be false? He discussed the matter with Liang Shanbo, but was overheard by Li Jinchan. Now it has been widely spread and almost no one knows about it. I also saw Ao Tianxiang next to your uncle Sun Wuwu, so I went to inquire about it. I didn't expect to find out such a big thing. Wen Zhong of Longhu Mountain is not someone to be trifled with. His cultivation level is still above that of your master. If he is traced, he will not be easy to deal with! "

When Xu Feiniang said these words, not to mention Hongxian Niang and Lu Qingying, even Yue Ming's heart on Xu Feiniang's head moved and she muttered: "Uncle Wuwu is a good person, Master should help him. !”

Xu Feiniang patted the young disciple angrily and funny, and said, "Your master is only a demon general, so how can he help? For such a big thing, I'm afraid even your master is helpless. Not to mention being a teacher."

Although Hongxian Niang didn't like Xu very much, she was a disciple of Lan Taoshan after all. She couldn't help but said: "Uncle Wu Ding, too. Why did he suddenly reveal such a big thing? If he can keep the secret, Master Li Jin can also You won't hear it, let alone spread it everywhere. Master Li Jin is also wrong. If he spreads this kind of thing, wouldn't he harm his fellow disciples? He is also a disciple of Lan Taoshan. "

Although Hongxian Niang also knew that the cause of this incident was Xu Zuo's killing of the Longhushan disciples, she was still a little defensive. However, Lu Qingying understood better and asked: "Master Sun Wuwu doesn't look like he likes to stir up trouble. How come he got into a conflict with the people of Longhu Mountain and killed two disciples of Wen Zhong? It was enough that he killed three generations of disciples. Although the two of them were far different in cultivation, they were still the seven major disciples of Longhu Mountain. Secondly, if it’s not comparable to those three generations of disciples, even if the master changes his mind, there’s probably nothing he can do!”

Xu Feiniang said calmly: "Your uncle Sun Wuwang is destined to slay the dragon, so he was not tolerated by King Ying and ordered Marshal Ling Wei and another of his men to go to Zhenjiang Hou Mansion to kill this kid. As a result, he was not bad luck. He actually escaped, and it is said that he severely injured the biological son of Commander Ling Wei. Three unworthy guys from Longhu Mountain wanted to capture your Uncle Sun Wuwang, but he killed two of them instead. This matter Your uncle Wu Ding can't escape the blame. He said it randomly. Do you think he can get away with it? Without his help, Sun Wuwu could only break through the demon king's power. How could he kill the two disciples of Longhu Mountain? The cultivation levels of Xiong Tieshan and Wei Qingbat far exceed his."

Xu Feiniang said a few words, then changed the topic and said: "The teacher must know about this, but he still accepted him and valued him very much. I'm afraid he has some conspiracy. We can't care about that kind of thing, so we can only You can take care of yourself first, avoid interacting with him as much as possible, and don't have any conflicts. After this period of limelight is over, let's see how Wen Zhong handles this matter and how Teacher Jiang Shang responds. Let's deal with it!"

Neither Hongxian Niang nor Lu Qingying dared to disobey their master, but Yue Ming couldn't help but worry about Xu Liao. Xu Liao gave her the Qingling Jue technique, which allowed her to strengthen her roots and grow, almost as a reinvention. Thank you for your kindness. The little girl was worried about Xu and couldn't help but secretly thought: "I'd better find an opportunity to remind Master Sun Wuwu! He may not know about this yet, although he can't help more. , but after all, we cannot just sit idly by and do nothing.”

Xu Luo returned to his Qingxiu 'cave', and suddenly he felt a little irritable, and the five dharma paths in his body actively changed. This was a phenomenon that he had never seen before when he only built the Vientiane Celestial Sphere.

Xu Liu calculated silently for a while and got a few results. He couldn't help but sneered and said to himself: "Someone is actually plotting against me. Since these people are not benevolent and righteous, I will give them a hard time."

Xu Luo had already prepared countermeasures, so he didn't worry too much. He knew that the root of everything was to cultivate himself, so he continued to practice his magic power in seclusion, and more than ten days passed.

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