One Sword to Immortality

562. Yue Mingxin’s mother

Although Xu Feiniang was quite convinced of her teacher Jiang Shang, she still looked down on Xu slightly. After all, Xu Lecai was only a monster king level cultivation level, which was a big step away from her. According to the customary entry of ordinary monsters, Xu Lecai Without hundreds of years of hard training, he would never be able to compete with her. -79 Novel Network-So Xu Feiniang has always respected Xu, but she didn't take him too seriously.

At this time, Xu Feiniang thought about the most secret matter in her heart. She thought about it for a moment, smiled and said: "Why don't Junior Brother Wuwu come to my house and talk about it, and I can explain to you clearly what happened to Senior Sister! "

Xu Feiniang nodded and followed Xu Feiniang into the Five Spirit Cave. Xu Feiniang called a few of her disciples to come up to serve tea, and then called a few of her disciples out. Only two of them were left, so she After hesitating for a moment, he took off the hairpin on his head and shouted: "Disciple Yueming Xin, you can go play with a few senior sisters for now!"

Yue Mingxin, this little beauty, curled her lips and felt a little reluctant, but she still moved slowly and walked out.

Xu Jian Yueming's heart was full of demon energy, and she had already reached the level of a third-level demon warrior. It was obvious that the Qing Ling Jue she had taught her had been quite fruitful. She couldn't help but smile slightly and said, "Sister, I do care about this disciple." !”

Xu Feiniang sighed and said, "Senior sister is indeed in some trouble, and it's related to this little disciple."

Xu was slightly surprised, but Xu Feiniang didn't hide it. It was difficult for her to break through the realm of the Demon King with the exercises she originally practiced, but when she was traveling, she met a casual cultivator, and the exercises she practiced happened to be able to It goes perfectly with her skills. So Xu Feiniang fell in love with each other, became good friends with each other, and practiced with each other. Xu Feiniang even wanted to ask for a favor and let this friend become a disciple of the teacher, so that the two of them could practice together. .

However, this casual cultivator was used to living alone, so she rejected Xu Feiniang's kindness and often traveled out. Once she encountered a very powerful enemy and was beaten and seriously injured. Xu Feiniang was outside at the time and fled. The 'cave' mansion.

Xu Feiniang was no match for the enemy. When that person was cruel, he gave his cultivation to Xu Feiniang and helped Xu Feiniang break through the realm. Xu Feiniang broke through the demon general and naturally defeated the opponent.

But afterward, the other party wanted to get back her skills. Xu Feiniang had already broken through the demon general, so how could she be willing to go back? The two argued several times and even got into a fight. Xu Feiniang had already broken through the demon general, but the other party's skills had been greatly damaged and his cultivation had dropped to the first stage of the demon king. He was no match for Xu Feiniang, so the two broke up on bad terms. .

Xu Liao knew the whole story, and was slightly moved. He activated the Jiuyuan Sutra and calculated for a moment. He smiled slightly and said, "Does that person want to discuss things with Senior Sister?"

Xu Feiniang said distressedly: "Of course she wanted to ask me to meet again several times, but I did something bad. Knowing that she hated me very much, she must have arranged some help. I was afraid that I would be beaten by her just after I showed up. Join forces with several powerful enemies to attack,

So I didn't want to meet her. This matter was indeed the senior sister's mistake, and I couldn't ask the teacher how to solve it. "

Xu smiled and said, "This is easy! As long as the senior sister makes an appointment with the other party, and the junior brother can meet him."

Xu Feiniang was taken aback and said: "Even if junior brother goes, I'm afraid there will be danger. She hates me to the extreme and will never listen to your explanation. What's more, it is indeed senior sister's fault in this matter, and I don't want to give up all my skills. I don't have any Any way to solve it!"

Xu Lio said confidently: "Senior sister is only in trouble because of her skill. If I have a way for her to break through the demon general, what does it matter if you don't return her skill? I am quite sure about this, so there is no need for me to worry, senior sister."

Xu Feiniang didn't know what Xu Liu could do, but Xu Liu avoided answering no matter how Xu Feiniang asked, which only made her feel relieved. Xu Feiniang thought for a moment. If it were anyone else, she would definitely not believe it. However, Xu Feiniang helped Liang Shanbo break through easily and gave Yue Mingxin the magic formula, which finally made her feel more at ease.

Xu Feiniang hesitated for a moment, and then said to Xu Liao: "This good sister of mine is Yue Mingxin's mother. If you can see her, you can also mention Yue Mingxin's matter, and maybe it will save you a little more face. "

Xu Li burst into laughter. The Wood Clan was different from the beasts in their cultivation. Producing offspring was about bearing fruits, and they actually had no feelings for their offspring.

Xu Feiniang must have attached great importance to this disciple, and she also knew about Yue Mingxin's relationship with him, so it would be "chaotic" to care about him.

Xu made a haha ​​and said: "Senior sister, don't worry, I will certainly have a solution."

Xu Feiniang then introduced Yue Mingxin's mother to Xu in detail, including the exercises she practiced. She was also from the Yue Po Spirit Tree clan. What treasures were around her, and those friends she might have made, one by one. Come, tell me everything you know, let Xu Liao know a lot about this female monster you have never met before.

Xu Liao knew that he had to work hard to practice in order to break through the level of demon commander or even higher level in the next three thousand years, so that he could possibly escape a catastrophe, so he did not hesitate and immediately said to Xu Feiniang: "I Get up now and go help senior sister solve this problem."

Xu Feiniang originally wanted to keep him for a few days to do more research, but Xu Feiniang was full of confidence, so she could only let him go. Seeing Xu Xu control the five-color golden lotus, turn into a golden rainbow and go away, she couldn't help but feel happy I felt melancholy and thought about it for a long time before I went back to Wuling Cave to practice meditation.

Xu Luo left the Wuling Cave and went straight out of Kowloon Island. He didn't even stop at Langtaoshan. He flew out of Langtaoshan in one breath, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

His departure from Langtaoshan this time was partly related to the matter that Xu Feiniang asked for, and the other half was to avoid trouble. Li Jinchan killed him at Longhu Mountain and Xiongtieshan, and Wei Qingbat's affairs were leaked. Although it was necessary The king's son was an insider, but he had to avoid trouble for a few days before he had a chance to turn around. If he had faced Wen Zhong from the beginning, even if Ao Tianxiang tried his best to explain it, Wen Zhong might not be 100% convinced, and he would still be dead.

So even if there was nothing wrong with Xu Feiniang, Xu Feiniang would not continue to stay in Lantaoshan to practice hard.

He controlled the five-color golden lotus and flew in the air for a while. He looked at the scenery of Langtao Mountain and Longhu Mountain from a distance, and couldn't help but think to himself: "This matter is quite easy, but how can I solve the problem of the massacre on my body?" The matter of dragon destiny requires a lot of trouble. I am no longer a dragon slayer, but I can't tell people about this kind of thing. I need a suitable opportunity to publicize this matter to no one. I don’t know, so I can think of a way to get Nanhai Dragon Palace to take back its order to pursue him.”

Xu Liao now not only has a grudge against Longhu Mountain, but is also being hunted by the Dragon Clan of the South China Sea. His identity as a disciple of the Lantaoshan lineage is completely useless in front of the two enemies. This matter has exceeded Xu Liao's current ability, he calculated. After a while, I no longer felt a dull pain in my brain, so I had to give up my long-term ideas and planned to complete a small goal first.

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