One Sword to Immortality

571. Restart the production of combat beasts

"I have the cultivation techniques of the Emerald Hornbill clan!"

As soon as Xu said these words, he immediately attracted countless angry looks. The big man in brocade robes sneered: "How dare you compete with our Feiyun Marquis Mansion for business!"

Xu Li sneered. Almost all the people bidding here were demon warriors. The demon kings were also considered big monsters. Although their status may not be very high, they would never be servants for others. He didn't even look at this. A group of people, just casually, a group of spiritual light fell down and merged into the sea of ​​​​consciousness of the green-haired girl. , the latest chapter visit: ШШШ.798スs.СоМ.

This skill was not considered a superior spell, but it showed a demon king-level cultivation, which immediately shocked a group of people. The big man in brocade robes endured it for a moment, and then threatened: "Do you know the power of Feiyun Hou Mansion?" sharp?"

Xu Liao said calmly: "My father is also a marquis, and he also has an army! Feiyun Houfu is so powerful, what does it have to do with a slave like you? My father is powerful, but he has a lot to do with me. You want to fight with me. ?"

The big man in brocade robes suddenly didn't dare to say anything. Xu Luo looked like he was seven years old and already had a demon king level of cultivation. He must have a good background. It wouldn't be surprising even if there really was a Marquis behind him.

According to what Xu Liao said, his father is a Marquis, and the father and son are closely related. He is just a slave. How can Feiyun Marquis Mansion have anything to do with him? It's okay to pull the flag and pull the tiger's skin, but once you see the real story, it's hard to compare.

After promising for a while, he shouted: "Send the person over here!"

The owner of the auction house didn't dare to neglect him. Although he didn't know Xu Le's background, since the child boasted that his father was also a marquis and had a heavy army, he couldn't offend him casually, so he immediately sent the green-haired girl over. .

This green-haired girl sold herself, and there was no deed of sale, no documents, no restrictions, so she just followed Xu out of the auction house.

The green-haired girl had a pitiful look on her face. She walked to a quiet place and begged in a low voice: "I am asking for the magic formula for my younger brother's practice. I wonder if my benefactor will allow me to give the magic formula to my brother? I will never do it myself." I don’t know how to practice such precious magic techniques. My benefactor just needs to wait for me for a while and I will be back soon.”

Xu glanced at the green-haired girl, smiled coldly, and said, "If you go, you don't have to come back. I don't have time to take care of a girl!"

Although this green-haired girl looks pitiful, she dares to betray herself and is by no means as weak as she looks. Through the behavior, words, deeds, and eye expressions of this girl, Xu quickly deduced that she must be sexual. 'You are cunning, and if you sell yourself, it's just a buck!

I don't care about a spell with the level of a demon. The Jade Hornbill is a low-level monster. More than 99% of the monsters from the Jade Hornbill family can only stay in the realm of the demon throughout their lives.

There has never been a powerful monster in the tribe.

The magic formula that Xu gave was in the collection of the Eastern Palace, but even the Eastern Palace would not improve the rank of the Emerald Hornbill clan, so this magic formula was given away.

Xu Zuo just thought that he had done a good thing and had no intention of keeping this girl.

The green-haired girl was stunned for a moment, then she chuckled like a silver bell, turned around and left without even saying goodbye. Judging from her brisk steps, this chick must have thought that Xu Zuo was a big fool and that she had taken a huge advantage.

After Xu You wandered around Chaoge City for a while, he couldn't help but feel depressed. He couldn't stand the humanities and scenery in the Four Seas Territory Map, and he couldn't help but want everything he saw. Make complaints.

Chaoge City is the second largest city in the South China Sea Dragon Palace, second only to the South China Sea Dragon Palace. It best reflects the history, culture and social customs of the Four Seas Territory.

We may come from an earth where civilization is developing rapidly, but the world is full of traditions and rigid societies. Even civilization itself is holding back social progress, hoping that society will always remain at one stage.

If it were the kind of human society on earth, social reforms might be triggered by the advancement of social productivity, but in a place like Sihaijiangtu, monsters rule everything. The monsters at the bottom cannot resist the superstructure at all, so they will not There is social change.

Xu Liao even felt that the Four Seas Territory Map was not as good as the Demon Prison of the Jade Ding lineage. The Jade Ding lineage were true ascetics and had no desire to rule ordinary people, so they could still look down on society. changes. Although the scientific and technological civilization of the 'Jade' Ding lineage is not as good as that of the Earth, it still has its own uniqueness, and there is absolutely nothing to be found in the Four Seas Territory Map.

I even went to have something to eat, but I found that the food sold in Chaoge City's restaurants was very crude and difficult to swallow. I could only sigh and prepare to go back to find Hai Wuya and the others.

Xu entered the Four Seas Territory, and has been running away, practicing, and scheming with others. Now that he has some free time, he is no longer adapted to the life here, and he only feels that the sense of alienation is getting more and more serious.

When he thought that he would have to live in this environment for at least three thousand years, he suddenly felt a bitter feeling.

"I have to think of ways to make life more comfortable. How come I don't feel that life is difficult in Langtaoshan, but I feel this way in the prosperous Chaoge City."

On the way back, Xu Ruo suddenly had an idea and remembered something that he had ignored for a long time.

"I haven't touched a battle beast for a long time, and there seems to be no battle beast technology in the Four Seas Territory. But if I can make a few battle beasts, wouldn't my life be much easier? I have the Nine Yuan Sutra with me, and I can There is countless knowledge about how to create battle beasts and even yellow scarf warriors, so it is not difficult to copy a few battle beasts.”

Xu Luo smiled when he thought of his first battle beast, the Jade Seven-Star Mantid, and the several battle beasts he was used to.

He looked gorgeously dressed and showed a relaxed expression, so someone noticed Xu and took the opportunity to get close to him.

When a small hand quietly reached into his arms, it showed a look of disgust. He casually grabbed the hand and threw the owner of the hand to the ground. .

The person who stole Xu Xu was a green-haired boy with a look of pain on his face. Xu Xu stepped on him and was about to kill the thief when he heard a crisp sound. The voice shouted: "My benefactor! Please show mercy!"

Xu Xu looked back, but it was the green-haired girl he had just bought. He couldn't help but smile coldly, and flew out a five-color golden lotus, killing the green-haired boy at his feet and the green-haired boy who was rushing over. The hair girls were included in it together.

Even if I thought about it with my toes, I guessed that it was this green-haired girl who instigated the boy to steal her. She had done something good, but not only did she not get any good rewards, but she was treated as a "fat" sheep. , it’s really depressing.

dt\u003eThe story of the wandering toad/dt\u003e

ps: It’s February, so I must vote for Yi Jian Feixian. Although I was delayed by something yesterday, I still worked hard this month.

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