One Sword to Immortality

593. Transfer of destiny

King Ying wanted to fight quickly, and with a white air in the air, he rushed towards Zhenjiang Hou Sun Zongyan. Although Sun Zongyan was also at the Demon Commander level, the gap between their cultivation levels was too big. Even though the Jiu Xuan Zhenfa was very good, he was still beaten. It was bombarded from the air and knocked to the ground.

A huge crater was blasted out of the earth, and Sun Zongwan was thrown into the ground. It seemed that he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

Yun Shuai roared wildly and couldn't help but want to fly into the sky, but after taking a look at the picture in his hand, he reluctantly rushed into the Tongquan River. He held the old, weak, women and children of the Zhenjiang army in his hand, and he did not dare to fight against King Ying no matter what.

King Ying struck out, no longer afraid, he let out a clear drink, spit out the white air from his palm again, and rushed towards the mouth of the Quan River, intending to kill Yun Shuai with one move. Yun Shuai's cultivation is far inferior to that of Zhenjiang Hou Sun Zongyan. King Ying is 100% sure that he can kill this man with one move.

As soon as King Ying used the Rain-turning Cloud-Transforming Dragon Technique, a five-clawed golden dragon rose into the sky and opened its mouth to swallow the white air he released. King Ying was slightly stunned when he saw Sun Zong's temples slowly floating in the air. The aura outside his body was connected to the five-clawed golden dragon, and his cultivation level suddenly increased by a level.

King Ying was stunned for a moment, and then he let out a long sigh. He had expected that the blow he just struck would be able to severely injure the traitor. Even if he killed the traitor on the spot, he was 90% sure, but he didn't expect that Sun Zongyan would actually awaken his fate and prepare for the battle. breakthrough.

King Ying said calmly: "Marquis of Zhenjiang, even if you break through before the battle, you are still far behind me, so why bother to resist?"

Sun Zongyan's face was filled with grief and anger, and he howled angrily and shouted: "What if I am alone and can be captured without any help? But how innocent are my whole family? If you kill me, how can you leave them alive? My son is just a butcher. Dragon Fate, I asked my senior brother to take action and tried to reverse his fate, but you refused. Now that my son has disappeared, you still want to kill my entire family. In this battle, Sun will definitely fight to the death!"

King Ying sneered and used the Dragon Transformation Technique again. He had already estimated Sun Zongyan's strength, but he had only broken through a small level and opened the eighth path, but he was still far away from him.

Although the five-clawed golden dragon outside Sun Zongyan made him feel a little awe-inspiring and seemed to have an extraordinary origin, the collapse dragon destiny had never appeared in the Four Seas Territory Map. Therefore, King Ying just felt a little naturally disgusted, but he was not afraid of Sun Zongyan. What a powerful means.

Sun Zong turned his hands, and a giant golden stick flew out. When he picked it out of thin air, there was a majestic force that transformed King Ying's rain-turning cloud-turning dragon technique.

King Ying couldn't help but be surprised. He raised his opinion of Sun Zongyan one point higher and took action again, and actually split into eight strips of white energy.

Xu Zuo, who was far away in Ember Mountain, had a sudden impulse as early as a quarter of an hour ago. He sensed that a person close to him was in great danger, so he pushed the Nine Yuan Calculation Sutra to do some calculations and found out about Sun Zongyan. Facing a life and death crisis.

Xu Xu is just a demon king, how can he have the ability to intervene in such a battle?

He could only use the secret method to transfer destiny, and transferred his destiny of Benglong to his biological father, Sun Zongyan.

It was also thanks to Xu's transfer of destiny and the help of Benglong Fate that Sun Zonghan was able to break through and open the eighth Gang Vein. But that's all Xu Xu could do, and he couldn't help even if he wanted to help more. Even if he moved all the Heavenly Formation, he couldn't help Sun Zongyan, not to mention that he didn't have the ability to move the Heavenly Formation. Transferred thousands of miles out of thin air.

Xu Luo transferred the Benglong destiny to his father who inherited the bloodline of this body. The five dharma tracks in his body actually started to operate spontaneously. He was curious and continued to deduce. He actually found a glimmer of hope. He couldn't help but be surprised.

"Faced with such a formidable enemy as King Ying, my father, Sun Zongyan, actually still had a glimmer of hope. And after this glimmer of hope, his fortune seemed to be endless and unparalleled, and he even had the hope of reaching a higher level! How could this happen? thing?"

Although Xu Liao could figure out a glimmer of hope, he couldn't figure out the ins and outs of it. Although he was extremely curious, there was no way he could run to Tongquan River to see the results. He could only sigh and go to give lectures to Ling Dang'er.

Ling Ding'er settled in Ember Mountain and played games every day. She was especially obsessed with the various games that came with the artificial spiritual consciousness of the battle beast Ichimokuren given by Xu Luo. She could no longer enjoy Shu. The only thing that made her unhappy was that every day I want to be allowed to give guidance and practice.

In fact, Xu Ruo is not trying to be a teacher, but wants to be a complete set, so that Ling Dang'er will not suspect his identity. Moreover, Shanghai Tianxiu wants to practice the Star Dou Yuan Shen Transformation, Pei Qing and Pei Li want to practice the Xuan Mizhu Transformation, and he happens to be there along with them. Teaching and guiding practice can be said to be accomplished in one fell swoop.

Ling Dang'er sat on the stone pier, rubbing her delicate body from side to side, promising to teach her the Qinglong Sword Technique of the Qinglong Babu arsenal!

Qinglong swordsmanship ranks first in the arsenal of the Qinglong Eight Divisions, and is also the most royal martial art of the Dragon Clan. If Ling Dang'er hadn't been of noble birth, how would he have had the chance to learn it?

Although she was not very patient, she promised that the explanation was simple and interesting, so she still managed to listen, but her mind was no longer on cultivation.

Xu shook his head, sighed, and soon gave up carving this piece of "rotten wood" and turned to Pei Li and Pei Qing's sister and brother Xuan Mizhu Transformation. This pair of siblings worked a hundred times harder than Ling Dang'er. Their backgrounds The lowest member of the Emerald Hornbill clan has no chance to even become the Demon King. Now that they have such a good opportunity, how can they be willing to relax a little?

The two siblings have now been drained of demonic power and turned into spiritual power. Although they are not as strong as Hai Tianxiu, their progress is not slow. Now they have reached the fourth level of spiritual masters and have also mastered the transformation of Xuan Mizhu. power.

There is a dharma formula that says: There is something that is made up of everything, born from heaven and earth, lonely and lonely, independent and not changing, moving around without being destroyed, it can be the mother of the world.

He also explained: The immortality of the Grain God is called the mysterious female, and it is called the root of heaven and earth. If it exists, it will not be used diligently. The movement and stillness of the God of Grain is the Gate of the Mysterious Lady. It is the four great untouchable places. In the middle of the heaven and the earth, there is a hollow hole. When it opens and closes, the movement and stillness are natural. It is called the Mysterious Gate, and it is also called the Gate of Wonders.

This Xuan Mizhu can change into thousands of ways. Not only can it be used for fighting, but it can also absorb the enemy's magic weapons and weapons. Once the enemy's magic weapons and weapons are taken away by the Xuan Mizhu, the Xuan Mizhu's energy can refine them and transform them into for one's own use.

The two siblings each held up their hands and flew out a green bead. Next to the green bead, there were three or four golden lotuses in the air, as if guarding the green bead.

These golden lotuses are actually small gadgets made by Xu with the heavenly materials and earthly treasures obtained from Mad Zeya in order to let the two siblings practice the Xuan Mizhu transformation. Although they have no power, they can be regarded as low-grade. The spiritual soldiers, under the control of Xuan Mizhu, are also quite powerful against the enemy.

Pei Li has a more flexible temperament than her younger brother and is slightly more talented. With her slender hands, she can change the magic formula, and the Xuan Mizhu suddenly turns into a big blue hand. She fishes it out of thin air and catches her brother's Xuan Mizhu in her hand ()

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