One Sword to Immortality

597. Difficulties of Level 3

Xu sweated on his forehead, and the Nine Yuan Sutra calculation had been pushed to the extreme. No matter what, Sun Zongyan was his biological father, and there was no way he could watch this person die.

Originally, if it was a doomed situation, he would not be able to reverse it even if he took action, but suddenly the four demon commanders took action, and Xu Ruo was naturally not afraid to add fuel to the flames.

He could see that any one of the four demon commanders was weaker than King Ying. Even if the four of them joined forces, it would be easy to defeat King Ying, but it would be very difficult to kill this man. King Ying only had to escape from the predicament and shock the king. By breaking through the Nine Sky and Ten Earth Soul Locking Formations, one can come and go freely, escape and escape.

No matter what the reason was, Xu Luo was willing to help the four demon commanders kill King Ying.

The aura of Hundian King is blended. Not only has Bibo cultivated to the state of great achievement, but his character is also flawless and cannot be affected by external forces at all.

Both Suzuwu King and Xiaohe Chitose are female. Although their realms are advanced, the Taoist methods they practice are not suitable for killing. Even if they try their best, they can only assist and cannot directly affect the battle situation. Therefore, he chose to tread the sea king Wanli Longkong.

The Ten Transformations of the Sky that Wanli Changkong had cultivated itself had flaws. The sea-walking king himself also had flaws in his own cultivation, so he took the opportunity to deduce the changes in the magic formula of the five methods and sent a thought to it, which immediately affected ended the battle.

When the Wanli Changkong Sword Jue was launched, a new understanding suddenly emerged. The sword light changed, one strong and one weak. It unexpectedly escaped King Ying's counterattack and hit his spine with one blow.

Xu Zuo calculated this move and immediately switched to the calculation of the next move. With his support, the power of Wanli Changkong was displayed, almost stealing the limelight of King Huntian. The ten changes in the sky became more and more wonderful, killing. King Ying was sweating profusely.

By calculating the ten changes in the sky, Xu Luo also gained some understanding of this unique technique created by the Sea-walking King, and he secretly admired it in his heart. This Sea-walking King is really amazing. Although Xu was proficient in countless secret arts, almost every one of them was learned. He had never created any of his own spells. At this time, comparing Huntian King and Sea-Stepping King, he felt a little ashamed of himself.

"I'm really just born with good luck. In terms of talent and qualifications, I'm far behind those geniuses!"

Although Xu Liao was filled with emotion, he did not dare to relax at all. He pushed the Nine-Yuan Sutra to the limit. Not only did he help King Treading the Sea to deduce the magic method, but he also continued to promote the battle and adjusted his strategy accordingly.

The fighting methods in the Four Seas Territory are inherently rough, not as colorful as those on Earth, with a variety of tactics. They are the experience honed through countless battles, and have formed a systematic inheritance.

Most of the fighting methods in Four Seas Territory are based on personal training and the techniques learned. There are no various tactics and strategies, nor are there any know-hows for combining various spells.

As for the use of enemy and friendly forces, the time and place are favorable, and the formations and tactics are completely lacking.

King Treading the Sea is really an outstanding person. With Xu Ling's guidance, he gradually came to the realization that the changes in the ten changes in the sky that were not perfect, not sharp enough, and not powerful enough were all discarded, and the changes became more and more concise.

I saw the demonic energy of the Sea-Stepping King rising and falling in the sky-high blue waves of King Huntian. He used 100% of his ability to exert 20% of his momentum. Even King Huntian was secretly surprised.

Xu Luo pushed the Nine Yuan Calculation Sutra to the limit, and suddenly his heart pounded slightly. The eighth Gang Vein suddenly opened up, which increased his cultivation level by 30%, and his deduction ability suddenly skyrocketed.

The Jiu Yuan Suan Jing is a mythical fairy scripture. The biggest feature of this fairy scripture is that it has three levels of difficulty!

It is extremely difficult to get started with the Nine-Yuan Sutra. I don’t know how many talented people challenged it and ended up dying. Even Jiang Shang’s eldest disciple Ao Ji, who was already a demon commander-level demon, was taught by his master Jiang Shang. Be able to practice and achieve success.

But after you get started with the Nine-Yuan Sutra, you will advance very quickly. It will not be until you reach Chapter 4 that you will encounter the second difficulty. The second difficulty is even more difficult than getting started, but as long as you can get through it, there will be no obstacles in your future cultivation. , so there are no real people in the myth, but eleven Taoists.

The first difficulty in the Nine-Yuan Sutra is to construct the Ten Thousand Methods Celestial Sphere, the second difficulty is the five-way orbit, and the third difficulty is the constellation of chess pieces.

Xu Ze didn’t know what it was like to reach the third level of cultivation, but just looking at the myth that there are eleven Taoists, but none of them can break through, we can know that this third level is extremely difficult, far more than the first two levels.

Xu has cultivated the Five Methods Track. If he follows the Nine Elements Calculation Sutra, he will never have any bottlenecks until the Demon Commander. However, he feels that he has a rich bloodline of the Black Gold Emperor Monkey. If he does not practice the Nine Mysteries True Method, he will It was such a pity that I didn't turn to practice Jiuyuan Sutra.

However, the influence of the Nine Elements Calculation Sutra on him is still subtle. For example, when he is deducing the ten changes in the sky when he walks thousands of miles in the sky, his cultivation level can't help but improve.

Xu's deduction ability has skyrocketed, and he has given even greater support to the King of Treading the Sea. Wanli Changkong thought about it for a moment, but he would have misunderstood what he meant. This person is also very decisive. Since he feels that he has understood a certain opportunity, he thinks about it for a moment. Without much hesitation, Xu was given the fastest feedback immediately.

Xu Liozheng was struggling to deduce the ten changes in the sky, and suddenly found that he could transmit his spiritual thoughts much more smoothly. He was slightly surprised, and he immediately understood the reason.

It is promised that he can transmit spiritual thoughts through the air, or to a demon commander. Of course, it is not all due to his own cultivation. He is only at the Demon King level, how can he have such earth-shattering abilities?

Xu promised that the only one capable of guarding honors in the Four Seas Territory is the Great Formation. Now the Great Formation has more than 15,000 demon warriors, more than 300 demon kings, and hundreds of fighting beasts! It even refined 30% of the Ember Mountain, and its power was unmatched before.

It's just that the power of the great formation has its limit after all. With the help of the power of the formation, Xu can improve his own spiritual consciousness and pass it on to King Wanli Changkong. That's the limit. He can't do more. But if Wanli Changkong takes the initiative to recruit The power of the huge formation is naturally another sight.

The Great Formation was imprinted with the demonic body of the King of the Sea who was traveling thousands of miles across the sky, and Xu was able to borrow seven points of his strength. He spent one less demonic power, and could use one more demonic power to deduce the ten changes in the sky in transmitting his spiritual thoughts. .

King Treading the Sea only felt that the various wonderful methods transmitted from the air were more subtle than before, and he also thought that he had made a good choice. As for whether to imprison or not, for a big monster like him, there would always be a way to get rid of it, so he would first use this subtle method. Dharma, improving one's cultivation is the most important thing.

Xu calculated the ten changes in the sky and deduced thirty-seven new changes in a row. Suddenly, there was a soft roar in his body, and the ninth Gang Vein opened up on its own. He deduced the magic method and improved his cultivation faster than his usual hard training. , which caught him by surprise.

After Xu's cultivation level increased, the deduction method would naturally become smoother, and the Sea King would naturally be willing to further integrate with the Heavenly Formation. The two came and went, and connected with each other, resulting in many subtle changes that neither of them had thought of. . ()

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