One Sword to Immortality

599. Count all the people

King Ying screamed sharply, and the surging cloud energy and thunder demon energy that protected his body withstood the bombardment of the sea-walking king's swords, and his originally handsome face also took on a ferocious look.

King Ying was too young. Although he was in charge of Chaoge, opened a government office, and had eight enchanting commanders under his command, he always felt that he had no majesty, so he was always very imposing and focused on style.

The strike of the King of the Sea, who traveled thousands of miles across the sky, completely destroyed the last trace of ties in King Ying's heart, leaving the Dragon Prince of the South China Sea without any scruples.

King Ying suffered several kinds of injuries. Not only was he severely wounded by Wanli Changkong, but he was also severely hit by King Huntian. However, once his heart was freed at this time, his momentum suddenly surged. The demonic energy that was already at its peak suddenly made further progress.

With a wave of his hand, King Treading Sea sent Sun Zongyan and Feiyunhou out of the formation. He also did not forget to strike from the air, inflicting severe injuries on Feiyunhou.

Originally, there was a great soul-locking formation in the Nine Spaces and Ten Grounds. Sun Zongyan and his senior brother Wangjuezi had the upper hand against Feiyun Hou. However, the situation suddenly changed. Once the three of them were allowed to stay in it, they might be implicated.

King Treading the Sea Wanli Changkong felt that even without the formation, Sun Zonghuan and Wangjuezi should not have much difficulty in dealing with Feiyun Hou. In order to avoid losing the two demon commanders, he took action to send the three of them away.

Feiyun Hou received a blow and his liver and gallbladder were split. He let out a wild roar and wanted to run away, but as soon as he raised the cloud light, he was suppressed by Wangjuezi from the air. Sun Zongyan's cultivation level has now improved, and his Jiuxuan Zhenfa is better at conquering than Yunxiang Twenty-four Transformations, so although he has developed eight channels like Wangjuezi, his combat power is still above Wangjuezi.

The golden giant stick in his hand evolved into thousands of giant sticks, and he smashed them down across the sky in order to make Feiyun Hou's injury more serious and save this demon handsome man's life.

Feiyun Hou's cultivation level is still higher than that of Wang Juezi and Zhenjiang Hou Sun Zongyan. Even if the two of them join forces, he can still escape if they can't defeat him.

It's a pity that he was trapped in the Nine Sky and Ten Earth Soul Locking Formation just now and couldn't escape at all. When he was thrown out by Sea King, he was hit again from the air. Although Wanli Changkong wanted to deal with King Ying with all his strength, he couldn't escape at all. Xin Chu's attack exerted less than 50% of its power, but it still severely damaged Feiyun Hou. When he activated the Golden Feather Eagle Feather to kill, the flow of his demonic power was stagnant, and he was so sad that he just wanted to spurt blood.

Sun Zong used a stick in the air, and it was like giving birth to endless power to burn the sky, and countless golden feathers were transformed into them. Feiyun Hou could not use magic to remove them, so he could only circle with his left hand and smash out with his right hand, using his own demon clan Wu Xue took the blow forcefully.

The moment the two fists and sticks met, a picture suddenly appeared in Sun Zongyan's mind. A peerless demon destroyed the thirty-third heavenly palace with one stick. It was majestic and domineering, unparalleled and unmatched!

Sun Zongyan almost instantly,

Then he realized the essence of this stick, and the golden stick in his hand also changed, just like splitting bamboo and cutting rot, it was unstoppable.

Feiyunhou's fists, arms, shoulders, and even half of his body collapsed in an instant, and his face was full of panic.

Marquis Feiyun knew both Wangjuezi and Sun Zonghan very well. Even if Sun Zonghan suddenly awakened to the Benglong Fate and his strength surged, he did not think that Zhenjiang Marquis had the ability to kill him quickly.

But the blow just now completely shattered all his illusions. Sun Zongyan's blow produced a lethality that far exceeded his own strength.

Wangjuezi had been cooperating with Sun Zongyan for a long time. The moment Sun Zongyan took action, he also activated the most powerful move of the twenty-four transformations of Yun Xiang. The mammoth clouds captured it. Originally, his move was meant for Sun Zongyan. Zongyan encouraged him and neutralized Feiyun Hou's counterattack, but Feiyunhou suddenly lost all resistance, and half of his body was shattered by Sun Zongyan's blow. However, this blow became the real talisman to kill Feiyun. The other half of Hou's body was torn apart.

After all, Wangjuezi and Feiyun Hou were brothers in the same nest. Seeing this, he couldn't bear it and stopped a little bit.

At the moment when the three demon commanders each had their own expectations, a black shadow fell from the sky and rolled up the remains of Feiyun Hou. Wangjuezi raised his hand and a cloud of light swept away, trying to stop the black shadow, but a mirror light fell from the black shadow and immediately blocked him and Sun Zongyan who was about to kill him.

Although this mirror light was mysterious, it could not stop the two demon commanders. In just an instant, the mirror light was shattered by the two of them. But just for a moment, the black shadow flickered in the air and escaped without a trace, leaving only Xia Wangjuezi and Sun Zongyan looked at each other. Both of them were extremely alert and no longer bothered about this issue. Instead, they immediately returned to Zhenjiang City, recruited their old troops, and retreated into Tongquan River.

The old and weak women and children of the Zhenjiang army had been taken away by Yun Shuai, but the elite soldiers and generals were still retained. At this time, Sun Zonghuan already knew that he and Wangjuezi were unable to interfere with the war situation, and it was no longer useful to stay, so he took them with him. The Zhenjiang Army escaped and as long as they returned to the sea, even the Dragon King of the South China Sea would have a hard time finding them.

After promising to use the two realm flag changes, he escaped thousands of miles in one breath and returned to the sky above Ember Mountain.

Sun Zongyan had already escaped, and his mission had been completed. Except for the last blow, Xu Liu calculated accurately and passed on the peerless demon-shattering stick technique for thirty-three days to Sun Zongyan, severely injuring Feiyun Hou, and taking advantage of the opportunity Wangjuezi hesitated and took the opportunity to take away Feiyun Hou's demon body, immobilized the two demon commanders, and successfully escaped.

As long as his calculations were slightly wrong, the consequences would be unpredictable. Xu Ruo still didn't want to meet Sun Zonghuan and his son.

When he reached the sky above Ember Mountain, he shook his hand and dropped Feiyun Hou's monster body. He took action this time just to capture this demon commander. If Feiyun Hou's strength was intact, he would naturally be helpless, but Feiyun Hou was first severely injured by the Sea King, and then his demonic body was shattered by him with the help of Sun Zongyan. Now his demonic power has fallen to the bottom, and he happened to be plotting against him.

Feiyunhou has strong demonic power and is immortal. He is activating his demonic power and wants to restore his demonic body. However, he is enveloped by the formation that rushes into the sky from the Ember Mountain. He is suddenly cut off from the spiritual opportunities of heaven and earth. He can no longer swallow his vitality and recover. The demonic power suddenly roared again and again.

With a shout of approval, the great formation was operating at full strength. Countless talismans were rising and dying, and they were being refined around Feiyun Hou.

At this time, Feiyun Hou should say "the tiger falls in peace". At this time, his demon power is less than 10% of the usual. I was so frustrated that I could only yell again.

At this moment, a burst of fire shot into the sky, instantly burning Marquis Feiyun into a ball of coke.

Xu was stunned for a moment, and then he felt that the Ember Mountain was quite different. The Great Formation had penetrated into the deepest part of the Ember Mountain. This peak demon general had merged his own demonic power with the Great Formation.

Ember Mountain seems to have always enjoyed being sacrificed, and now he actually took the initiative to help. ()

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