Xu Liao has experience in modern society, and he once studied art in the Dongxuan Immortal Sect and saw the atmosphere of the Immortal Sect. Therefore, the construction project of Ember Mountain was carried out in a well-planned manner. .

In particular, Xiuyue Qiyou are all people with experience in building caves. Lingdang'er has also been dressed in fine clothes since he was a child. He is well-informed and can come up with a lot of ideas. Therefore, the Ember Mountain renovation project is aimed at one scene every three days. One win in five days changes.

Countless little demons were free laborers, so in just a few dozen days, Ember Mountain was built up and down the mountain, communicating with the inside and outside. It was divided into eighteen floors, more than a hundred caves, and countless winding passages.

Xu was not a particularly picky person, so when the construction of Ember Mountain was in progress, he became impatient and continued to waste time. He took his demons and planned to return to Chaoge City.

Although there is a 70% to 80% chance that King Ying will not come back, after all, there are still a few demon commanders sitting in Chaoge City, especially Feiyun Hou, who is also an important general under King Ying, which is enough to earn them status, rather than hanging out elsewhere. Always be stronger.

Especially Feiyun Hou has hundreds of thousands of demons under his command. If they are all refined into a huge formation, this formation alone may not be enough to compete with the top demon commanders like King Ying, but it will be able to deal with Zhentian Hou. , Ying Chang'e and other enchanting commanders are enough to remain invincible.

Feiyun Hou was also helpless. The moment he was refined by the Great Formation, he had already accepted his fate. It wasn't that he didn't have the spirit to make a comeback, but the subtlety and mystery of the Great Formation made this demon commander despair in his heart.

Ember Mountain rose from the sky, yellow clouds rolled in, and it was impressive at first. But after flying more than a thousand miles, it became as light as a feather, and it was vaguely consistent with the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth. There was no more stirring of wind and clouds, emptying and thundering movements. However, this scene fell into Feiyun Hou's eyes, and he suddenly became desperate again. This meant that the power of the great formation had a new change, and it was even better than before.

Xu Zuo also felt a slight change in his heart, because this change had nothing to do with him.

A monkey with golden silk threads all over its body jumped up from the Ember Mountain, stretching its muscles and bones as much as it could, as if its whole body and mind were satisfied and its entire cavity was full of joy.

In fact, this big demon has a handsome face and a well-proportioned body. It is more like a human being. It is just that there are countless flames and demonic energy condensed into it. The golden threads are not hair, but they are quite similar, just like He was born with long hair covered in golden light.

Xu looked at it with a smile for a while, and then called out: "Disciple, why don't you come and pay homage to Master!"

The big demon looked at Xu Luo for a while, then smiled, bowed in front of Xu Luo eight times, and shouted: "It's a blessing that Master taught me two transformations. Otherwise, even if I become a demon with low magic power, I still have to pay homage to Xu Luo." Bullied."

Xu Luo stretched out his hand and clapped it, and shouted: "Since you are afraid of being bullied! Why not go to a higher level?"

The big monster shook his head,

He shouted: "My disciple doesn't have a name yet, so he asked the master to give him a name. Once he becomes a great demon, how will he be famous if he doesn't have a title?"

Xu thought about it carefully and called out: "I have five disciples, you are the sixth one, and you have become a demon in Ember Mountain, so you should be called Yu Liu!"

The big monster born in Ember Mountain had a simple temper. He didn't think the name was perfunctory or unpleasant at all. Instead, he was so happy that he got a name for the first time in his life. He yelled for a long time and shouted: "Today Get up, I’ll call you Yu Liu!”

Hearing the bells on the mountain, he couldn't help curling his lips and secretly shouting: "Uncle Ao Jiu deserves such a vulgar name! His name is Ao Jiu, and his disciple is called Yu Liu. This sect is a bit weird!"

Not to mention Ling Dang'er's complaints about such an unreliable naming style for his master, even Xiu Yue Qiyou, Pei Li and Pei Qing's siblings did not expect Xu to name such a great person and give his disciple such a casual name.

Yu Liu jumped around for a while, then pressed the fire light, shook his body, and had a subtle reaction with the Ember Mountain. This Ember Mountain is his original shell, so it is easier to control than the Heavenly Formation. Just now it was Only after Yu Liu broke through the barrier did Ember Mountain and the Great Formation become closer again.

Yu Liu sensed the aura of the Ember Mountain, but it was not to retrieve his original shell, but to sense the Great Formation. When he was promised to use the great formation to sacrifice himself, he also realized that this formation was to make sacrifices to himself. , but he also knew that although this formation was somewhat restrictive, it was not necessarily without benefits. He had a simple temperament, so he didn't think it would harm him if he agreed, so he simply used the Great Formation to practice.

If it weren't for the ability of the Great Formation to feed back, he wouldn't have transformed so quickly. At this moment, he wanted to use the power of the Great Formation for another reason.

He had already reached the peak of the Demon General, but he was still just a few steps short of it and could not continue to break through. Because he was born with a stubborn stone and was like a big mountain. He had no bloodline inheritance, no one to guide him, and he was controlled by his original shell. Under normal circumstances, even if he transformed into the sixth form, he would not be able to break through to the realm of the demon general, and he may not even be able to do so in the future. Such an opportunity.

But he got the two magic formulas taught by Xu Luo. Xu Luo knew that he had no bloodline, so he did not teach the demon nerve. The thirty-six transformations of the Lingbao were not suitable for this big demon, so he taught the thirty-six transformations of the celestial phenomena. After passing on the Great Sun Burning Sky Transformation and Flowing Gold Stone Transformation, he got an opportunity, and now he just wants to use this opportunity.

Yu Liu shouted, and golden light bloomed outside his body. He was lively and liked the sun to burn in the sky, so his body turned into the scorching sun, which was dazzling.

If it were not for the protection of the Heavenly Formation, everyone except Feiyun Hou would be burned to ashes by the true fire of the blazing sun, even Hai Wuya and Xu Liao were no exception.

Although Hai Wuya is a demon general, his strength is too weak. Although Xu Luo has all kinds of abilities, in the end he is just a demon king who has only developed ten gang veins. The gap between two large levels is like an insurmountable chasm.

Xu Luo activated the formation to protect all his subordinates, and felt quite uneasy. If Yu Liu broke through and entered the realm of demon commanders, he would have two demon commanders at hand. With the huge formation, he could make Fei Fei Marquis Yun, or Yu Liu, temporarily broke through his own cultivation and reached the realm of more than ten Dao channels. Although it was not enough to sweep across the four seas, it was already an extremely powerful force.

If combined with the deduction method and supreme wisdom in Chapter 5 of the Nine Elements Sutra, it can even turn around any situation under the most appropriate circumstances.

Xu Liao thought to himself: "In another ten years at most, I can break through the demon king and step into the demon general level. If the great formation can swallow Feiyun Hou's tribe, I can even use the great formation to When you temporarily break through to the realm of the Demon Commander, at that time, you will have to make some plans for the future."

Xu had made some plans in his mind and was very concerned about Yu Liu's breakthrough! ()

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