One Sword to Immortality

604. Wanlong Sword Refining Immortal Technique

Although King Ying only had his head left, he was still very fierce. After a little adjustment of his demon power, he regained two or three points of his spirit. He looked around with fierce eyes and saw a big fish swimming lazily by. With a pull of his demon power, he immediately pulled the big fish. The fish was tied up and pulled to his mouth. .

King Ying opened his mouth wide and made a clicking sound, but within a moment he chewed the big fish raw, including the skin and bones. After eating a big fish, he regained some of his energy, activated his demon power, and went to look for food again.

King Ying didn't know that Xu Luo had taken advantage of the chaos to seize one of Zhentianhou's magic weapons. The two sides couldn't suppress him, so he chose that magic weapon and gave up on himself, thinking that the people who suppressed him had some agenda. It seems that a person of his status likes to think about things in a complicated way, so while looking for food, he tried to stay as far away as possible, and at the same time, he was also cautious and alert.

However, he fled for more than a thousand kilometers and found no clues. Then he relaxed his mind slightly and activated his demonic power to activate Beiming Zhenfa, one of the six magical powers inherited from the Qinglong clan!

The True Dharma of Beiming is said to be transformed into Beiming, with vast water, infinite vitality, and no cracks in the body!

This method can transform Qinglong's true body into Beiming's true body, which can transform into mysterious water, gather and disperse freely, and change endlessly. King Ying was severely injured, with only one head left. If he practiced step by step, he didn't know how long it would take to repair the demonic body.

Only Beiming's true method can allow him to restore his demon body as soon as possible. Only when his demon body is restored to its original state can he begin to restore his earth-shattering cultivation.

King Ying circulated Beiming's true method, and in just over ten hours, a trachea appeared under his neck, shining with golden light and looking quite gorgeous.

King Ying sighed, although Beiming's true method was great, he did not want to cultivate an ordinary body, but a powerful monster body that could carry his supreme cultivation. Therefore, cultivating a physical body could not be achieved in a day.

King Ying secretly thought to himself: "I am now like this. I am afraid that without a hundred days of hard work, it will be difficult to repair my body. I must be careful during these hundred days to avoid being exposed to the powerful monsters in the sea."

King Ying was plotted by the high priest, and he even suspected that King Huntian, King Lingwu, King Tahai, Xiaohe Qiansui were colluding with the high priest, so he did not dare to go to the South China Sea Dragon Palace.

Of course, the Four Seas Dragon Palace is in the vast ocean. Although the Chaoge City built by the Nanhai Dragon Palace is in the mainland, it has a somewhat distributed meaning. The Nanhai Dragon Palace itself is still in the deepest part of the sea.

King Ying sighed, and a head floated in the sea. When he saw a big fish or even a monster in the sea, he pounced on it and feasted on it. After floating like this for three or four days, not only did his windpipe grow, but he even grew a pair of intestines. It's just a head dragging a trachea and intestines. It looks very scary. Even King Ying himself despises his current honor.

It's just a matter of cultivating the demon body.

He couldn't wait anymore. At this time, his cultivation had not yet recovered, and he gradually felt that it was not convenient enough. He thought to himself: "I should subdue a few little monsters and serve me in my daily life and practice. If this goes on, what kind of dignity will it show? "

King Ying was thinking like this, as if there was some kind of telepathy between heaven and earth. He immediately sensed a rather weak demonic aura. This demonic aura was only at the level of a demon king. It was vigorous and youthful, and seemed to be very angry.

King Ying was overjoyed and used the Dragon Transformation Technique. With one move from the air, he caught a little monster with delicate features. This little monster was not afraid at all. He looked at King Ying with a childish voice, but Que Langlang shouted: "You monster, why did you catch me?"

When King Ying saw this little monster, he looked like he was only three or four years old. His body was mixed with monsters, but it had a bit of dragon aura. He thought to himself: "It must be a mixed-blood dragon clan, and I don't know which dragon palace it is from! It's just that!" With such a mixed bloodline, I'm afraid they won't have much status. They are wandering around and living a hard life. As long as I recruit them a little, they will definitely join them loyally."

King Ying was born in a noble family, but he didn't know how to recruit low-status subordinates. Even when facing this little monster, he still used the method of recruiting giants from the monster clan. He said pleasantly: "I am His Highness King Ying, but I am just a lowly person." This is the result of a conspiracy. As long as you are willing to surrender to me, I will teach you the secret method of the Dragon Clan!"

The little monster laughed and said, "What dragon secrets can you teach me? Do you have the six magical powers?"

King Ying was immediately choked to death. Faced with the little monster's disdainful eyes, he couldn't help shouting: "Of course it is the six great magical powers. I see that you also have dragon blood, so I will teach you... the great immortal art of ten thousand dragons sword refining!"

The little monster was suddenly moved and shouted: "You didn't lie to me?"

King Ying laughed loudly and shouted: "How could I lie to you? What is your name?"

The little monster shouted: "My name is Xu!"

King Ying had never heard of this name. He was eager to subdue his subordinates, so he first taught him the introductory formula of the Great Immortal Technique of Ten Thousand Dragons Sword Refining. He originally thought that although this little monster had some dragon blood, it would have mixed blood, so it would be difficult to get started. Maybe this first method cannot be practiced successfully.

King Ying also prepared his words. If this little monster can't even get started, no wonder he doesn't teach the superior magic. In fact, King Ying is still reluctant to let the six magical powers of the Dragon Clan wander outside and pass them on to mediocre people.

But he didn't expect that after hearing this introductory spell, the little monster closed his eyes and thought for a while, and then with a move of his hand, a line of monster energy shot into the sky. Although it still looked messy and not pure enough, it was shaped like a sword. The shape has the sound of dragons roaring and tigers roaring.

King Ying almost dropped his jaw and shouted, "How could you master it in an instant? Could it be that you have learned it before?"

The little monster smiled and said: "It's so easy. Why do I need to learn it beforehand? It's just that I seem to understand something wrong. It seems that I can't use the power you mentioned!"

King Ying was speechless. Of course he knew that this little monster couldn't use the power of the Ten Thousand Dragon Sword Refining Immortal Technique because his blood was impure, so he had no choice, and the Hidden Dragon Sword Qi he cultivated was also loose. But even so, the talent of this little monster is so amazing that no one else can be found in the Dragon Palace in the world.

King Ying thought to himself: "It's a pity that the Hualong Pond is not in my hands. If I use this little monster a few times to purify his blood, he might become a handsome monster in the future. This kind of monster cultivated by his own hands must be extremely loyal. Unlike those rebellious guys, they actually took refuge in the high priest and betrayed me!"

King Ying was always a resolute person, and at this moment he felt quite lucky, thinking: "If I recover my cultivation, recruit a few talented subordinates like this guy named Xu Liao, and make a comeback in the future, We still don’t know. Even if the high priest succeeds in his cultivation, I am not afraid of him..."

While King Ying was thinking wildly, Xu Liao was also secretly wondering why this guy was so easy to deceive! ()

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