One Sword to Immortality

607. One night, fish and dragon transformed

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King Ying went into seclusion to practice the method of turning the universe upside down and transforming the gods, allowing his body to recover intact, but it also degraded to the appearance of a three or four-year-old child. Xu was born not long ago in this life, and at this age, the two children definitely looked like masters. Disciple, I really miss a pair of brothers.

However, Xu Zuo was already the Demon King at this time, and King Ying was only a third-level demon warrior, but Xu Zuo looked more like an elder brother.

Xu was afraid that the night would be long and he would have many dreams, so he immediately took King Ying to the Ember Mountain. This demon mountain had been worshiped by Xu for a lot of sacrifices, and it was almost a spiritual transformation. A long time ago, I saw a big mountain in the sea. The mountain was surrounded by yellow clouds and repeled the sea water. It looked beautiful and extraordinary.

King Ying looked at the monster mountain for a while, basked slightly, and said: "It turns out that it is a big mountain that has become an important mountain. It has shed its original shell. No wonder the spiritual energy is so abundant. These monsters have taken over it and used it as a mountain farm." .”

King Ying's eyes were extremely sharp, and he could see through the essence of Ember Mountain at a glance. However, the two demon generals Yu Liu and Feiyun Hou, Hai Wuya, and Yue Posuo were all covered up by Xu, so that King Ying's current situation You can't tell it with your cultivation level, otherwise you can immediately conclude that you have been deceived.

The big monsters on Ember Mountain, under Xu Luo's orders, acted like they were living an ordinary life. King Ying was not very familiar with the ordinary monsters' home life, so he didn't see any flaws for a while.

When King Ying stepped into the Ember Mountain, he felt refreshed. Using his magical powers, his demon power suddenly increased dramatically, breaking through the realm of the fourth-level demon warrior.

After entering the Ember Mountain, after walking twenty or thirty steps, the induction was regenerated and the magical power was activated again. The demon power increased sharply again, and he entered the realm of the fifth-level demon warrior.

Originally, such a strange thing would attract attention in any place where monsters gathered. However, these monsters were warned, and no one dared to show surprise. They all suppressed their emotions and just regarded it as normal.

It was also due to King Ying's extremely high status that he rarely saw ordinary monsters at all, and the subordinates around him usually didn't take it strangely, so he had never seen anyone who was surprised at the speed of his cultivation, at most. Even though he was praised a few times by his father, he still didn't mean what he said and felt a lot of fear.

King Ying felt both physically and mentally at ease, and he loved Xu this disciple even more, and said, "Disciple, the place you found is good. We will stay here today, and we will work hard as a teacher tomorrow. I have restored my level of cultivation to the Demon King level, please help me get more sea fish."

Xu Liolian claimed that King Ying walked around the whole mountain and spotted a cave near the top of the mountain. He settled in there as a matter of course, never thinking that this place might still have its original owner.

Xu Luo stayed in this cave on purpose.

It was one of the few blessed places that no one was allowed to occupy and was reserved for his own private use. Thanks to King Ying's foresight, he actually picked the best place right away.

Xu Ruo returned to Ember Mountain and was naturally at home. He immediately ordered his subordinates to prepare a big meal for King Ying. After King Ying had eaten and drank enough, he began to retreat and break through.

Xu controlled the Ember Mountain and tampered with the vitality of heaven and earth. King Ying sacrificed and refined a portion of his vitality, and the Heavenly Formation penetrated one point into his demonic body. If King Ying had perfect cultivation, he would definitely be able to notice that in the vitality of heaven and earth It's a bit strange, but at this time, his cultivation level has been knocked down by the level of demon warrior, and he has no way to detect the mystery of the great formation.

What's more, King Ying was not a cautious person to begin with. Otherwise, all his men would not have rebelled and would have been killed by the high priest's scheme.

He practiced hard in seclusion for a day, and the clouds and smoke were swirling around him, and the demon light was rising into the sky. There was not even a bottleneck, and he just stepped into the realm of the demon king in a majestic manner.

Regaining the strength of the Demon King level, King Ying's body suddenly grew and grew, reaching the appearance of a six or seven-year-old child. He was originally the peak demon handsome man, and he did not practice from scratch, so as soon as he stepped into the Demon King level, the demon power outside his body There are endless changes, and the six magical powers of the Qinglong clan appear in his hands one by one, and he has the aura of a giant of the demon clan.

King Ying tried out various magical powers and couldn't help laughing wildly. He said to himself: "I'm sure the high priest didn't expect that I could recover from my injuries so quickly. The emperor heard Zhong's Upside Down the Universe and Transform the God. As expected, this method has endless miraculous effects. If I hadn't practiced this method, I don't know how long it would have taken for my injuries to recover. Although because of practicing this method, my body has returned to the appearance of a child and I need to re-cultivate my skills, but I have regained my demon body and re-trained my skills. It’s so much easier. It’s a shame that I subdued this disciple Xu, otherwise how could I practice this demonic technique with confidence!”

King Ying strode out of the cave, and after seeing Xu, he prepared food for him. Now that King Ying's cultivation level has reached an even higher level, his food intake is even more amazing. In just a moment, he swallowed a giant deep-sea fish weighing several thousand kilograms, which was satisfying. He patted his belly and shouted: "Disciple! How is your practice lately?"

Xu Liao was most afraid that King Ying would ask about this, so he shouted: "Master, let's recover our skills first! It won't be too late for Master to break through the demon general level, and then he can give guidance to his disciples in his spare time."

King Ying was immediately moved when he heard this and said: "As expected, I am still my disciple, very considerate. If master can restore the demon power of the demon general level, he will be able to protect himself even in the four seas. When the time comes, I will subdue this demon mountain." , let me use it as a mountain farm for my disciple!"

Xu looked embarrassed and couldn't explain anything. All he could say was: "My disciple often comes here to play and has some friendship with the mountain master. It's not a good idea to do this!"

King Ying hesitated slightly, and then he realized that Xu Liao was also a demon king. Although in his eyes, he didn't think there was any difference between a demon king and a demon warrior, they were just little monsters. But since the owner of this Ember Mountain is just the Demon King, Xu will naturally be respected as a guest, not an ordinary passerby.

King Ying felt that he had figured out the main point, sighed and said: "I have forgotten that you are also a demon king. It has been a long time since I could tell the difference between a demon king and a demon warrior. I actually look down on you." .”

He smiled, but he really didn't know how to complain about this master.

King Ying was anxious to recover his skills. Ember Mountain, a place full of spiritual energy, was the most suitable place for practicing. Even Chaoge City couldn't compare with it. Therefore, he was unwilling to delay his efforts any longer. After a few words of advice, he practiced in seclusion again. went.

King Ying was able to break through from Demon Warrior to Demon King in one day and night, and condense the Gang Veins, but it was not that easy to condense thirty-six Gang Veins and enter the realm of Demon General.

Xu Luo has a solid foundation. He has been reincarnated in the Four Seas Territory for nearly a few years and has only now developed ten Gang Veins.

Even if King Ying has a higher level of cultivation than his original self, and he is practicing the method of turning the universe upside down and transforming the gods, he is not really practicing from scratch, and he will definitely progress faster than Xu Ling, but it will still take several months.

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