One Sword to Immortality

610. Disciples’ disciples are called disciples for short!

King Ying is the most outstanding person in the Four Seas Dragon Palace. Under his deliberate friendship, Yu Liu and Xiaoyu quickly accepted this guy. Both of them were monsters without any scheming, and they soon regarded King Ying as their confidant. , talk about everything. [No pop-up novel website]

Yu Liu still remembered Xu Zuo's advice and did not reveal his master's secret, but apart from Xu Zuo, there wasn't much he could hold on to.

King Ying quickly discovered many secrets under the indirect attack. Even the places he had not paid attention to or ignored were revealed by Yu Liu. He was particularly surprised that there were so many secrets in Ember Mountain.

Yu Liu chatted with King Ying so well that he couldn't help but raise some questions about his practice.

Xu Liao was not a particularly outstanding teacher. He just taught the techniques and left it to Yu Liu to practice on his own. Therefore, this big demon actually had many things that he seemed to understand but didn't understand. It was just because his talent was so good that he covered up these shortcomings.

Feiyun Hou, another demon commander on Ember Mountain, was promised to be captured alive and betrayed King Ying. Then he found out that King Ying had been plotted by the high priest, who was his teacher. Therefore, he was in a state of agitation and did not want to see more outsiders. Yu Liu followed The relationship with him is not close, so naturally there is no question of asking for advice.

Apart from these two people, there was no one in Ember Mountain who could give guidance to Yu Liu, so he had some difficulties in practice that he could only ponder in his heart and ponder them secretly.

King Ying was originally a great figure at the peak level of Demon Commander, with a sharp vision and extraordinary knowledge, and he was also proficient in many secret techniques of the South China Sea Dragon Palace, so he gave Yu Liu a few pointers smoothly, which benefited him a lot.

After Yu Liu got the advice, he reciprocated the favor and gave Xu some "secrets" that he had never told before, demonstrating them to King Ying one by one.

For example, how to refine artificial spiritual consciousness, how to control the artificial spiritual consciousness array in Ember Mountain...

When Xu promised to teach Yu Liu the Great Sun Burning Sky Transformation and the Flowing Gold Shining Head Transformation, when he showed him various techniques for refining artificial spiritual consciousness, he did not prohibit him from teaching it. It was not that Xu was careless, but These techniques are known to almost everyone on earth and are not a secret at all.

Just like when he learned the Xiaoxu Ling Jue from Xun Jing, it was just an exchange between ordinary senior brothers, as simple as ordinary students exchanging learning materials.

Not only did Xu Lio not ban Yu Liu, but he also encouraged him to teach it to other monsters. After all, these techniques for refining artificial spiritual consciousness are the most suitable for popularization. Monsters who learn these techniques will automatically be transferred to senior labor to create for him. Greater value can be squeezed out of more surplus labor.

But these methods are earth-shaking and shattering of ideas for the corresponding king. The magic of refining artificial spiritual consciousness has never appeared in the Four Seas Territory. Artificial spiritual consciousness is unprecedented and almost groundbreaking.

I couldn't help but suddenly became very interested.

Yu Liu saw that King Ying was interested in this kind of magic, so he taught him the Xiaoxu Ling Jue, Xiao Tianmo Jue, Xiao Soul Refining Jue, Xiao Lianxin Jue, Xiao Wuxiang Jue, Xiao Youxiang Jue, and Xiao Lingtong Jue. , the secret of the ego god.

Xu Liao now knows that all the techniques for refining artificial spiritual consciousness are derived from the Jiuyuan Suan Jing. The techniques for refining artificial spiritual consciousness are divided into two sets, known as: Eight Methods, Big and Small.

This set of Little Eight Techniques is an entry-level technique that can refine almost any artificial spiritual consciousness. However, only the Big Eight Techniques can refine top-level artificial spiritual consciousness arrays to create super battle beasts. Even Xu Liao has not learned it. The Great Eight Dharma, because it is the untold secret of mythology.

Yu Liu didn't know that there were also the Big Eight Techniques. He only knew the Small Eight Techniques, so naturally he wouldn't mention it to King Ying. After all, it was from another system. After King Ying learned it, he felt that this set of techniques was extremely magical and seemed to be related to some ancient secret techniques. However, after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was not the same, and he couldn't help but become more curious about Ember Mountain.

King Ying hung out with Yu Liu for a long time and saw the little fish roaring and turning into a huge flat ship with golden light all over his body. He couldn't help but be surprised again. Although he knew that there were spells that could transform magic weapons, such as Qinglong Babu Arsenal. , but after all, it is just a condensation of some magic weapons with simple functions. It seems that such complex magic weapons have not been heard of.

Xiao Yu'er transformed into a Ruyi Golden Boat, with demon energy billowing all over his body. He opened up all the Tiangang Qi channels in one breath, and broke through the realm of the demon king and entered the realm of the demon general.

His demonic energy was inherently powerful, but he didn't have a superior method, so the demonic energy accumulated in his body, making his body fatter and bigger, like a mountain, but there was no way to improve his realm.

This time, I received the Ruyi Golden Boat Transformation taught by Yu Liu. Not only was I able to transform a large flat ship, but I also condensed my whole body's demonic power. Breaking through the realm was as easy as a snap of a finger.

Xiao Yu'er didn't give up on breaking through the realm. He shook his whole body and shook, one after another, the Great Evolution Veins opened up. He actually broke through the realm once with just one breath. He exhaled nineteen consecutive breaths of demonic energy and opened ten. Nine Great Evolution Veins, brazenly breaking through to the intermediate level of Demon General!

This strange fish seemed to be happy for nothing. When it turned over, it turned into a handsome, fat little boy. It fell to the ground and shouted: "Master, if you don't want to eat me now, I'll do it!"

Yu Liu deliberately frightened her and shouted: "You look more delicious now..."

Xiao Yu'er was so frightened that he crawled on the ground and burst into tears, shouting: "Master lied to me, Master lied to me, I promised not to eat Xiao Yu'er."

King Ying knew that Yu Liu would not be willing to kill such an outstanding disciple, so he couldn't help but smile and said: "If you were more well-behaved, master would certainly not eat you, but if you are still so unbehaved, Maybe he’ll get bored and really want to eat grilled fish.”

Xiao Yu'er quickly got up and knelt on the ground, as obedient as she wanted to be.

Yu Liu chuckled, raised his hands to say goodbye to King Ying, took his disciple and went to find a place to train him.

King Ying thought of his disciple and Shi Shiran went back to the cave. Sure enough, he saw Xu Liao waiting for him, and he quickly shouted: "Disciple, there is no need to worry. I just came back from visiting friends and learned a set of techniques. Now Teach it to you."

Xu Luo didn't pay attention at first, but the huge formation was waiting for his eyes and ears. King Ying had been chatting with Yu Liu for a long time, so he naturally knew it and secretly cursed in his heart: "Visiting a ghost friend? That's your disciple." My disciple is called my disciple for short!"

Seeing that King Ying wanted to force him to learn Dharma again, Xu Liao couldn't help but come up with an idea and said: "My disciple also occasionally learned a technique here, but he couldn't practice it. It's better for the master to study the details and then transfer it to the disciple." How is your son?"

Xu Liaoxin said: "I will also make some trouble for you and let you practice on your own. This will save you the trouble of forcing me to practice."

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