One Sword to Immortality

613. Canghai Dragon Formation

Although King Ying was full of confidence, Xu Zuo still couldn't help but remind this "master" and said: "Master! Now you are only at the Demon King level. Wouldn't it be bad if there is any danger in the ruins?"

King Ying pondered for a moment, then sighed and said: "Wealth is determined by destiny, success or failure is determined by heaven! Even if I don't go, how can the danger be lessened? Now I am in a state of despair. If I don't seize some resources, I'm afraid there will be no hope of regaining everything I originally had. .【Read the latest chapter】 .Even if there is some danger, you still have to take the risk."

Seeing that King Ying had already made up his mind, Xu Liao stopped trying to persuade him. He was actually quite curious about what good things the Qinglong clan had left behind. King Ying has the inheritance of the Four Seas Dragon Palace, he has the fifth chapter of the Nine Elements Sutra, the Great Formation, and the six great magical powers of the Qinglong clan, so he is not very afraid of danger.

The two masters and apprentices each mastered the escape method and left Ember Mountain in a moment. Under the guidance of King Ying, they headed straight to the west. After walking thousands of kilometers, they finally saw a mountain range in the sea, stretching for tens of millions of miles. There are more than a hundred peaks, the peaks of which are exposed from the sea, forming islands, but there are ten times as many peaks in the sea, hidden below the sea surface, unknown to ordinary people.

He couldn't help but admire it and said, "Master! This mountain range stretches for thousands of miles. What is its name?"

King Ying smiled and said: "This mountain is called Bailong Mountain. It was originally the place where the Qinglong clan buried their bones. However, the Qinglong clan has a long lifespan, so there are not many pure-blooded Qinglongs buried here. There are many white dragons and Qinglongs buried here." Chi, Heili and Huang Qiu were buried here.

Xu looked far into the distance and secretly deduced that he had inherited the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and his understanding of the secrets and magical powers of the dragon clan was better than that of the Dragon Palace of the Four Seas. After all, the Dragon King of the East China Sea was a pure-blooded dragon clan, and he was a great monster at the level of a demon god. These hybrid dragon clans in the Four Seas Territory Map are comparable.

Therefore, Xu Luo just observed for a moment, and after a little calculation with the Nine Yuan Sutra, he understood the origin of the great formation that shrouded Bailong Mountain. Speaking of this formation, it is somewhat similar to the Nine Dragons Technique that Jiang Shang deployed in Lantaoshan. However, Jiang Shang probably had incomplete results and relied solely on deduction. He did not have enough resources at hand, or he wanted to hide his clumsiness, so he did not deploy it. A complete set.

But Bailong Mountain's sea-breeding dragon formation is complete, with no missing parts. With the help of the power of thousands of miles of ocean, it swallows the essence of seawater and turns it into a vast sea. The inherent formation method can cultivate the dragon soul and stimulate the formation method. Inner spiritual wisdom, transformation of life levels, and possession of dragon blood.

This method is the source of the secret method of Hualong Pond inherited from the thirty-three heavens in ancient times. Hualong Pond was re-evolved based on the Canghai Dragon Formation.

This method is similar to the idea of ​​​​creating the Demonic Nerve by Hao Jitian of the ancient demon clan. The demonic nerve is a method that allows the demon clan to merge with other monsters after cultivating to the end of their bloodline, break through the limitations of their own bloodline, and reach a higher level.

Although the Dragon Clan does not have many bloodlines and only has a few pure-blooded blue dragons, it still has a larger population than the Xuanjin Emperor Monkey Clan.

Therefore, I don't have that big ambition, I just want to cultivate some new dragons.

This formation is the source of the birth of more than 60% of the mixed-blood dragon clan in the dragon clan. It is the only one in the Four Seas Territory. Not only are the remains of various dragon clans, but also the newly born little dragons. If the Qinglong clan had not disappeared, this place would have been sealed off. , it will never be what it is now.

After Xu knew the origin of the great formation that enveloped Bailong Mountain, he naturally understood why King Ying had to come here. This was because this formation had been sealed for a long time, and there might have been many mixed-blood dragon clans born in it. If they could count them all, Subdued, waiting for a large army immediately.

What King Ying lacks most now is not his personal strength. He only needs to practice hard in seclusion and restore the demon commander's peak magic power. It is only a matter of time. However, all the eight demon commanders under him have rebelled, except for Xu, an unreliable disciple with "ulterior motives". , there is no other helper. This is the big problem for him to regain his power.

King Ying was born in an imperial family. After being plotted by the high priest, his first reaction was not to go to the Dragon Palace of the South China Sea for help, but to practice in hiding. For him, the Dragon King of the South China Sea, his biological father, was far less reliable than Xu Li, his apprentice.

King Ying was outside Bailong Mountain and did not dare to enter lightly. After all, his current cultivation level was too weak. If he fell into it, he would not be able to come out for some time. He activated the newly completed Nine Elements Sutra and cooperated with the dragon clan's secret method to calculate. In an instant, he did not care about foreign affairs, just like a clay sculpture.

Seeing that King Ying was so relieved, Xu Liao couldn't help but communicate with Xiao Yu'er. The Ruyi Golden Boat transformed by this strange fish was now trapped in a hole in the Canghai Dragon Formation and could not come out of conflict.

Xu Luo secretly sent a message to Ling Dang'er. Ling Dang'er was feeling worried. He had caused such a big disaster and had also caused Pei Li, Pei Qing, sister and brother, and Xiao Yu'er to be trapped here. She didn't know how uneasy she felt in her heart, but she suddenly heard the battle beast with her. There was a sound coming out, and I couldn't help but feel surprised.

Xu Leo was not instructing her on how to get out of the formation, but on how to activate Xiao Yu'er, Pei Li and Pei Qing's formation, and in turn, sacrifice the vast sea dragon formation.

The Great Formation is the leader of the Jade Cauldron Sect. It is the best at refining formations and is the nemesis of all formations in the world. As long as there are enough manpower and enough mana, any formation can be refined and integrated into the Great Formation. among.

Lingdang'er didn't quite understand what Xu was going to do, but she had no good choice, so she could only pass Xu's words to her siblings, Xiao Yu'er and Pei Li and Pei Qing. Xiao Yu'er was simple-minded and didn't have any ideas. She just thought It was the master who asked people to come to save him, and immediately activated his magic power to perform sacrifices.

Among the four monsters, Xiao Yu'er has the highest magic power. He is at the level of a monster general after all. He has opened 19 great meridians in a row. Under the stimulation of magic power, he can refine a small piece of void in a dozen breaths.

After successfully refining this small piece of Void Sacrifice, he immediately felt that the trap of the formation was slightly relaxed, and he felt happy, and he started to use his magic power wildly.

Of course, they would not be allowed to support themselves independently. With a command, the entire Ember Mountain was mobilized, including Feiyun Hou and Yu Liu, the two great demon commanders. They all transferred their magic power through the air, using Xiao Yuer's huge demon body as a node. , teleported over.

There were originally more than 15,000 monsters in Ember Mountain. Later, Xu Xu subdued the fish brought by Yu Liu and enlightened thousands of little monsters. Together, there were more than 20,000 monsters. Although their cultivation levels were extremely high, Weak, but working together, they are also a huge force.

However, half a day has passed, and the Heavenly Formation has refined a small area of ​​void in a surrounding area, and even through the formation's connection, Xu You can now teleport monsters into the Canghai Dragon Formation at will.

At this moment, King Ying opened his eyes and had finished his calculation.

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