One Sword to Immortality

623. Melee in Chaoge City

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He promised to hold the Ember Mountain in his palm. This mountain peak could be big or small, but now it has turned into a green mountain peak as big as a palm, floating quietly in his palm. It looks green and lovely.

Xu Luo pondered for a long time, stretched out his hand, and the double-edged spear and halberd snatched from Zhentianhou fell into the depths of Ember Mountain. The artificial spiritual array of Ember Mountain, with the double-edged spear and halberd as the core, rearranged, combined, and calculated. Your ability suddenly increased tenfold, and it is already comparable to that of a real Immortal Daoist who has practiced the Nine-Yuan Calculation Sutra to Chapter 7 or above than you.

Of course, in terms of efficiency, Ember Mountain is naturally far inferior. It relies purely on the huge artificial spiritual consciousness array to pile up the computing power in quantity.

Xu Lio took the double-edged spear and halberd and thought about using this divine weapon as a weapon. However, after optimization and calculation, he got the result that using this divine weapon as the core and reassembling the artificial spiritual consciousness array can maximize Limits come into play.

Although Xu was reluctant to give up, his reason finally prevailed, so he took the move to reassemble the Ember Mountain artificial spiritual consciousness array with the double-edged spear and halberd as the core. The computing power of Ember Mountain is guaranteed, and the Great Formation with it as the core has started to operate again. The countless small virtual worlds in the Great Formation have also been rearranged and combined, and a round of optimization has begun.

Xu waited quietly for half a day, and then he casually saw that the yellow clouds around Ember Mountain had almost doubled in density, and the number of small virtual realms formed by the Great Formation had also expanded by almost five times. There were already There are more than 1,300 of them, each of which is almost the size of the Tiandi Garden back then.

Xu Li smiled slightly and said to himself: "I didn't expect that with the upgrade of Ember Mountain, the power of the Heavenly Array would change so dramatically. Even if there are monsters of the Demon Commander level, if they fall into my Heavenly Array, Even if you are trapped, I'm afraid you will be trapped forever. The peak demon commander won't be trapped for long, but the ordinary demon commander who has opened more than ten meridians may not be able to get out."

Xu Li didn't know how strong Zhentianhou was, and he couldn't guarantee that if Zhentianhou was trapped in it, he would be able to suppress it. However, with the upgraded Mighty Heaven Formation in hand, he had 100% chance of suppressing it. Be sure that even if you can't trap this big monster, you can escape unscathed.

Xu Luo wanted to plot against Zhentianhou. Even King Ying didn't know the details. He only thought that his apprentice wanted to rely on formations and two demon commanders to join forces and use the most common group fight method. How could he have thought that Xu Luo had already arranged it? Have you made numerous plans?

After Xu completed the re-sacrifice at Ember Mountain, he no longer endured any more, and took advantage of the demon soldiers under the command of the demon to fight everywhere, spread out the huge formation, and went straight into the demon general's camp.

How did Da Zuo Yao know that his subordinates would rebel?

The Great Formation is now extremely powerful, almost equivalent to the level of a demon commander. It is still a great demon commander who has developed thirty or forty channels. How can ordinary demon generals be able to resist it?

Xu Ruo manipulated the great formation to turn into billowing yellow clouds,

The momentum along the way was unstoppable, and there was no one to stop it. It swallowed up countless demon soldiers. Even the demon demons under his command came to retaliate. They were shocked and set up a demon rainbow. When they went into battle to check, they were also allowed to control Huang Yun Doutou. Rolled it up and swallowed it alive.

Da Zuo Yao was swallowed up by the great formation, but was refined into the formation within half an hour. How could he have the skills of the Sea Patrol King and be able to resist one or two rounds?

After refining Dazuo Yao, and with the command of the demon commander of the Wutun Clan, millions of demons under him came to surrender one after another. They promised to live and die, but in just half a day, Dazuo Yao gathered seven to eight hundred thousand demon soldiers under his command. , as for the remaining demon soldiers, they had scattered everywhere, and Xu Liao was too lazy to gather them. Instead, he activated the billowing yellow clouds and went straight to a nearby demon camp.

This monster camp is under the command of Zhentian Hou, and the leader is also a monster general named Zhuan Tianfeng!

This demon general is the best at controlling the power of the wind. He is a rare bird that has become a spirit. He is naturally proficient in wind spells and magical powers. However, he was faced with such a powerful formation that he didn't even have time to change his mind. Swallowed by rolling yellow clouds.

Xu Lao had been hanging out outside Chaoge City for a long time, and he knew the surrounding forces very well, so he attacked eighteen monster camps in a row, then changed direction and headed straight for Chaoge City.

Zhentianhou dispatched all the monster soldiers under his command. The monsters left behind in Chaoge City were only 30% of the usual number, but they were the most elite troops under his command.

If these demon soldiers set up a formation, even if the demon commander attacks, they will hardly lose weight for a moment. But why would Xu Zuo be so reckless and attack head-on? He had communicated with the golden elf boy a long time ago. The golden elf boy didn't know what was going on. He just followed Xu Liao's instructions and secretly sent an order out, allowing Xu Liao to open the door to Chaoge City.

He made a promise to hold a small mountain peak in his palm, and entered Chaoge City with great swagger. He immediately used the power of the great formation to disappear without a trace, and went straight to Zhentianhou's mansion.

Now that Zhentianhou is in charge of the overall situation, he spends most of his time in the city. On weekdays, he prefers to camp outside the city.

Xu Luo infiltrated into Chaoge City and contacted the Seven Friends of Xiu Yue. They also found out some information. Hai Wuya came to see Xu in person to report the recent intelligence collected.

When Xu Luo saw Hai Wuya, he still missed his old friendship, but Hai Wuya no longer dared to treat him as an equal. Xu Lio was also a demon general now, but his strength was indeed earth-shaking, surpassing Hai Wuya for dozens of times. More than times, even if you don't rely on magical powers and magic, the Taoism alone is countless times deeper.

Hai Wuya naturally didn't know that Xu was cultivating the Heavenly Demon inheritance and the Nine Mysterious True Laws, but he knew that Xu had magical powers, which were much more powerful than his own cultivation level, and he also had means such as the Heavenly Formation, so he was sincerely convinced. Seeing Xu, he reported all kinds of information and said again: "My subordinates also learned that after the high priest captured alive King Ying's mother, Marshal Ling Wei, and Ying Chang'e of the Yinglong clan, he seemed to kill him. You have captured King Ying's mother, Concubine Ming, and Commander Ling Wei, but you have imprisoned Ying Chang'e in Chaoge City. If you can rescue this person, you will definitely get a strong helping hand."

Xu Luo was slightly surprised. He didn't know about the changes in Chaoge City, but King Ying knew that. He originally thought Xu Luo's actions were a bit reckless. After hearing the intelligence collected by Hai Wuya, he couldn't help but feel slightly moved and said: "Big The priest may not dare to kill my mother. After all, my father is in charge of the South China Sea and still has strong strength. However, since Aunt Chang'e is still there, if we can rescue her, we will not be afraid of Wei Zhentian. My Aunt Chang'e has also cultivated the thirty-six Dao meridians. The enchanting commander is not even half as powerful as Wei Zhentian. If Aunt Chang'e can still summon her own magical weapons to shed her shell, even if Wei Zhentian holds four magical weapons, he may not be able to withstand Aunt Chang'e's Hundred Flowers Thousand Birds Scroll!"

Xu Zuo pondered for a moment, laughed, and said: "Then let's not seek bad luck from Zhentian Hou first, and save Ying Chang'e first." Xu Zuo understood clearly that if Ying Chang'e could help, the original three or four points would be better. If you are sure, it will rise to seven or eight points immediately. This business is done.

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