One Sword to Immortality

625. The mountain is the city, and the city is the mountain.

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The jagged sword floating above Chang'e suddenly felt something was wrong and was about to burst out of the air. However, Xu stretched out his hand and put it into the great formation. This magical weapon was full of spiritual awakening, and it unleashed infinite sword energy. I want to get out of trouble, but where can I find more?

Ying Chang'e, who was out of trouble, hated this magical weapon the most. She let out a clear whistle and made a move from afar. Half an hour later, a beam of colorful light flew towards her. She stretched out her hand and rolled it towards the serrated sword.

King Ying was suddenly shocked, knowing that Ying Chang'e had finally summoned the Hundred Flowers and Thousand Birds Scroll. This was the true form of Ying Chang'e's divine weapon, and no one could use it except herself. The Yinglong clan always peeled off this magical weapon and enshrined it on the clan altar. Even Ying Chang'e rarely used her own divine weapon to peel off its shell.

In terms of levels, the Hundred Flowers Thousand Birds Scroll and the Sawtooth Broadsword are both first-class magic weapons, and their quality is not bad. However, as a magic weapon Yuanling, Ying Chang'e does not even have a serious master compared to the Sawtooth Broadsword, so she can naturally exert her power to her fullest.

Just pressing the Hundred Flowers and Thousand Birds Scroll sealed the infinite sword energy of the serrated sword. Xu Luo took the opportunity to activate the great formation. After practicing for two or three hours, he finally suppressed this magical weapon for the time being.

Having had the experience of refining a double-edged spear and halberd, Xu was very familiar with this magical weapon, but he also knew that it would take only a short time to refine a first-level divine weapon. He suppressed Jagged Tooth Just ignore the long sword for the time being and let the Great Formation allocate part of its power to slowly refine it.

Ying Chang'e received the help of the Great Array. The seal set by the high priest, the serious injuries she suffered, and the depleted demonic power were all restored to perfection in an instant. She was not knowledgeable enough to see through the Great Array. She only felt that King Ying had used This formation was so unpredictable that I couldn't help but feel good about it. He said to the corresponding king: "Let's just deal with the traitor Zhentianhou now!"

King Ying was overjoyed and shouted: "Of course we should deal with that traitor."

He cleared up the past feud with Xu Jin, and naturally he also knew the strength in the hands of this disciple. In terms of Demon Commander level alone, there are Feiyun Hou, Yu Liu, Xunhai King, plus Ying Chang'e, and three first-level gods. Soldiers, double-edged spears and halberds have been refined into the formation. Although the serrated sword cannot be used temporarily, there is no problem with the Hundred Flowers and Thousand Birds Scroll. It is not difficult to suppress Wei Zhentian head-on, not to mention that everyone is still acting in secret. His apprentice became cunning and sinister again.

Therefore, King Ying was full of confidence and gave Xu Zuo a wink. Xu Zuo unceremoniously spread out the huge formation and spread it out in all directions. Starting from Zhentianhou's residence, he swallowed the void inch by inch and refined all the energy. affairs encountered.

He had tried this method in the Crystal Palace back then, and now the power of this huge formation was even greater than that of that time. It took only a moment to refine the Zhentianhou Mansion and take advantage of the situation to expand in all directions to the west.

If it is high in the sky,

Looking down, you will see a strange scene. With the Zhentianhou Mansion as the center, the entire Chaoge City is constantly collapsing towards the center. It does not depend on anything, including buildings and streets, pedestrians and monsters, big trees, sand and stones... All of them disappeared without a trace when they approached the original residence of Zhentian Hou.

Ying Chang'e is also good at void spells. Her own divine weapon Hundred Flowers Thousand Birds Scroll can seal the void and create a space of its own. However, she has never seen such a method before. She couldn't help but marveled at it and asked: "Your Highness King Ying, how did you cultivate it?" Such a powerful spell? Neither our Yingwang clan nor the Nanhai Dragon Palace seems to have such a powerful formation."

King Ying said vaguely: "I discovered a Qinglong ruins overseas and gained a little bit!"

Of course King Ying refused to say that this was the ability of his disciple, not his master, and it was really too embarrassing.

Ying Chang'e believed it to be true and praised King Ying repeatedly for his good fortune and unexpected encounters. Although King Ying's face was sullen, he was not without secret joy. He accepted Xu as his disciple, which was considered a great adventure. If Xu had not been there, he would still be there now. I am immersed in hard work, where can I be so beautiful now?

Zhentianhou, who was commanding the army, had been overwhelmed by the wars recently and had too much time to take care of himself, but he was still quickly aware of such a major change in Chaoge City. Zhentianhou was afraid that something would go wrong with Chaoge, so he harnessed a golden light and returned to the sky above Chaoge City, but couldn't find his mansion. He couldn't help being surprised. He hurriedly sensed the serrated sword, but found that he couldn't find this magic weapon. He immediately gave birth to a alert.

He appeared in the sky above Chaoge City. He had already seen it as soon as he promised. He stretched out his hand and pointed out the huge formation of scrolls in the sky. He walked up. Ying Chang'e had already ambushed the scrolls of hundreds of flowers and thousands of birds in the sky. At this time, she suddenly pressed down, thinking We must force Zhentianhou into the great formation. At this time, Ying Chang'e had long known that the Heavenly Formation was powerful, so she cooperated very well. As long as Zhentianhou fell into the formation, even if he had extraordinary powers, he would not be able to use them.

After a long battle, Zhentianhou knew something was wrong. A large hook-chain spear and a long-handled giant sword appeared behind him. Two divine weapons appeared. He grabbed the long-handled giant sword and slashed across the air. It actually split the void. With a shrug of his body, he It turned into a golden light, traveled through the void, and was a hundred miles away in a moment.

Xu sighed, knowing that he could no longer hold Zhentianhou. If Zhentianhou could be trapped in the great formation, even if he had the method of moving the void, he would not be able to escape. But now he really has no chance of taking hold of this big demon commander. Find a way.

Ying Chang'e was not willing to let Zhen Tianhou escape, and activated the Hundred Flowers and Thousand Birds Scroll. After several attempts, she used her long-handled giant sword to Zhen Tian Hou, slashing through the void and escaping. King Ying could only persuade him and shouted : "Aunt Chang'e, let's forget it! This person has been in my hands for a long time, and I didn't even know that he is also proficient in such magic. If I can't catch him this time, if I plan carefully next time, it will definitely be difficult for him to escape."

Xu Luo promoted the great formation. This formation refined the void. The more monsters it swallowed and the more formation eyes were refined, the more powerful it became. Therefore, after half a month, he finally conquered Chaoge City. After being thoroughly refined, he swallowed millions of monsters in Chaoge City alive. Zhentianhou fled so hastily that his army didn't even have time to take them away, and he was also swallowed by Xu.

After this battle, Xu Zhu finally became completely elated. The great formation of the sky refined hundreds of thousands of miles of void. Chaoge City was condensed into the Ember Mountain by him, making the Ember Mountain become the city, the city is the mountain, the mountain and the city are integrated, and there are countless more. The water flows through the mountains, and there are mountains and rivers, enough to accommodate tens of millions of sea and land monsters.

King Ying was originally the lord of Chaoge City, so he took charge of the government affairs of Chaoge City again. He was very familiar with it. In just a few days, he arranged all the monsters and started to counterattack the surrounding rebels. With the support of the huge formation, King Ying fought ten battles ten times. Jie swallowed up millions of demon soldiers, forcing all the rebels to retreat hastily, and relinquished control of this land to King Ying.

After this battle, Xu had over a thousand demon kings, over a hundred demon generals, and countless demon soldiers under his command, and his power actually exceeded that of King Ying when he was at his peak.

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