One Sword to Immortality

633. Route 36 Expedition (3)

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The Emperor Wen Zhong had seven disciples. Because he was implicated by his second disciple Xiong Tieshan and his fourth disciple Wei Qingbat, they were nicknamed Dragon Tiger and Seven Evils. However, except for these two disciples, the other five were not considered evil disciples. .

Even the youngest disciple, Ao Tianxiang, the son of King Ying, has now corrected his evil ways and worked hard to practice Taoism.

Now it is the third disciple Feng Huangsheng who is fighting!

The big banner he refined is a secret secret, called the Ten Thousand Demon Banners, which can refine all living things and turn them into demon soldiers on the banners. This man is a member of the Phoenix Queen's tribe. He was sent to Longhu Mountain by the Phoenix Queen. The Emperor heard that Zhong Po liked his qualifications, so he personally accepted his disciples. Although later the Dragon King of South China Sea demoted Feng and wanted to kill Feng Huangsheng, the emperor heard that he would not allow it and protected his disciple.

Fenghuangsheng had extraordinary magical power. He shook off the Ten Thousand Demon Banners, and the demonic light rolled up into the sky. Within half an hour, he refined all the monsters sent by the high priest and put them on the Ten Thousand Demon Banners. Then he proudly turned the clouds and returned. Longhu Mountain.

Xu Lao couldn't understand this method of warfare and couldn't help but ask: "What does this mean? Why isn't Emperor Wenzhong and the high priest dueling?"

When King Ying heard this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "We have such a high status, how can we go into battle in person? Naturally, our subordinates will fight, and we will just watch from the sidelines!"

Although Xu Liao knew that this method of warfare was almost useless and the outcome could only be decided after a battle between the bosses of both sides, he asked King Ying and used the artificial spiritual sense array to collect the opinions of the monsters in Ember Mountain. , then I realized that my idea was too forward-thinking.

After all, the Four Seas Territory Map has its own rules. When monsters fight, they will send their subordinates first, and the boss will hold the battle from behind. They will not take action until the battle is about to decide the winner.

For example, everyone knows that certain policies are very stupid, but some foreign political systems still have to find democratic systems to vote on, and the final results will severely screw these voters who voted blindly.

According to Xu Zuo's opinion, he should wait until he has refined the Rotten Peach Mountain and refined the Nine Dragon Methods into the Great Formation, then he should join forces with Emperor Wenzhong and his teacher Jiang Shang to kill the high priest, instead of now This weird state.

Teacher Jiang Shang went into hiding...

Although he has retreated into the Great Formation.

The emperor heard that Zhong and his group wanted to have a show with the high priest, and he was left alone. Even if he had all kinds of means, he could not get the treasure of the South China Sea Dragon Palace. What's more, even if there is no South China Sea Dragon Palace, the high priest There are countless strong people around him, but he still can't do anything with his current powerful formation.

"Let's see,

How about the fight between the high priest and Huang Bo Wenzhong? If Huang Bo Wenzhong wins, naturally everything will be fine. If he loses, I'd better run away as soon as possible. If we can gather the remnants of Longhu Mountain before running away, we will have more capital to turn around in the future. "

Xu did not expect that the battle between Longhu Mountain and the High Priest of Nanhai would not last for one or two days, nor for three days, five days, seven or eight days, nor for one month or two months... but for more than three years.

Both sides sent out their monsters and disciples to cast their magic powers, use strange treasures, and even set up several formations for the other party to send people to break...

In the first few months, Xu Liao watched it with gusto and it was an eye-opener. Although the fights between the two sides were not cruel enough, they were full of variety and it was a rare entertainment. But a year later, he felt drowsy. After all, it was him who had already been chopping up melons and vegetables to decide the outcome. How could there be such a slow and leisurely fighting style?

In the past three years, Xu Ruo not only succeeded in refining the Rotten Peach Mountain and Nine Dragon Techniques, but also completed the sacrifice of the serrated sword, turning it into a dragon-slaying knife, which Xu Ruo placed between his eyebrows.

After swallowing the Rotten Peach Mountain, the Ember Mountain transformed again. The mountain is majestic and contains infinite spiritual intelligence. It also has a double-edged spear and halberd, a first-level magic weapon, as its core, connected with countless artificial spiritual consciousness arrays. It is guarded by nine white dragons outside. The formation has been refined to a certain level, transcending its original form.

The Lantaoshan disciples under Jiang Shan's sect have all been naturalized in Ember Mountain. Everyone has the ability to practice the Great Formation. The Qi machine colludes with the formation. Not only does everyone's magic power increase by leaps and bounds, but it also adds infinite power to the formation.

Xu Luo was even confident that even if the Ember Mountain he had was defeated by the Nanhai Dragon Palace, it would not be without defense methods. He could even use formations to move the void. He was fully confident that the Nanhai Dragon Palace would not be able to exert its power.

On this day, Xu Liao was cultivating his magic power. In the past three years, he had not only practiced the Great Heaven Formation, but his own cultivation had not been neglected. Now he has opened another Great Evolution Vein, and he has opened thirteen A demon general with great veins.

Jiuxuan Zhenfa has also made rapid progress. There is only one thing, his Jiuyuan Sutra has still not been able to break through the sixth chapter, but Xu has a vague feeling that he is not far away from breaking through. If Nine Yuan Sutra can break through the sixth chapter, Jiang Shang promised to help him gather the Xingluo chess tools and get through all the obstacles in Nine Yuan Sutra.

Xu Liao also wanted to know what level it would be if he relied on the Nine-Yuan Calculation Sutra to break through. Although the Nine-Yuan Calculation Sutra is not a method of fighting, with his unparalleled calculation power, this method is definitely not weak.

Xu Lioyun practiced his magic power for a while, and suddenly on a whim, he activated the five magic orbits to do some calculations. Then he stood up and walked out of Ember Mountain and headed straight for Longhu Mountain.

This time, he did not encounter any obstacles. The disciples of the Longhu Mountain lineage did not stop him. Instead, people kept reporting, "The eldest master is waiting for Master Xu Luo!"

This is the first time Xu Liaoshang has stepped into Longhu Mountain. In the past few years, Longhu Mountain has been at war with the high priest, and he has often gone to his Ember Mountain to ask for magic weapons and the like. Of course Xu Liao agreed to borrow them, making Longhu Mountain a With this, the pulse broke through the high priest's formation several times.

Therefore, the two families are now quite close, but Xu Luo still doesn't know much about what kind of person Wen Zhong is.

He entered Longhu Mountain and was led to the Yunhai Palace where Emperor Wen Zhong was stationed in Xi. His heart suddenly tightened and he heard a loud voice coming into his heart.

"Now the high priest and I have fought thirty-six battles, and the thirty-six conquests have been completed. The battle in the future is not our business at Longhu Mountain. It is up to you from Ember Mountain to fight."

Xu Zuo was stunned for a moment, unable to think of anything to say. When the emperor heard that Zhong actually spoke like this, he couldn't help shouting: "How can Ember Mountain be the rival of the high priest?"

Huang Bo Wen Zhong, dressed in five-color haze and covered in clouds, appeared in front of Xu Zuo. He sat on the cloud bed, played with a pearl, and said after a long time: "I helped you delay for three years, what else do you have?" Not satisfied? You have benefited greatly from these three years, right?"

He had to admit that the emperor heard what Zhong said was true. He thought about it for a while, made some calculations, and then said with emotion: "In that case, let's look at our Ember Mountain next!"

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