One Sword to Immortality

635. The blue dragon in the banner can defeat all the monsters.

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Zhentianhou is also a great demon commander who has cultivated thirty-six channels. Although he is not as good as the top demon commander who has cultivated seventy-two channels, he is already very rare, especially since he possesses four first-level divine items. Soldiers are highly relied upon even under King Ying.

Later, he lost two magic weapons in a row, and after learning from the pain, he valued the two magic weapons in his opponent even more, for fear of being robbed, so he had to sacrifice blood to the two magic weapons in the past few years.

Zhen Tianhou also felt that he had achieved quite a lot. As soon as he took action, the hook and sickle spear cut through the void and went straight in front of Xu Luo. This blow had the power to lock the void. If it had been replaced by a weaker demon commander, I'm afraid One move will hurt you.

Although Xu Liao was not of a low level, he relied on the changes in the flags of the two realms to move the void with a light turn. At the same time, he still left an aura of a huge formation, allowing him to be stabbed by the hook and sickle spear.

Zhen Tianhou missed the target with one blow and slashed out with a sword with his backhand. Countless voids were chaotic and turned into hundreds of miles of turbulence.

Xu Lio still moved away in advance and avoided Zhentianhou's attacks twice in a row, allowing him to see the background of this demon commander. Although Zhentianhou was in charge of the four magic weapons, he was just lucky or had some Ji Qi Yu, he himself did not understand the magical uses of these four magic weapons, and they could only be used to cut the void.

Zhen Tianhou locked onto Void twice in a row, but Xu Zuo escaped easily. He was also shocked in his heart. He didn't expect Xu Zuo to have such ability, not even afraid of Void sealing off the town. But he didn't know that in Xu Liao's eyes, his empty methods were really full of flaws, and it was too easy to avoid the truth and just fall back on the truth.

Zhentianhou and Xu had a duel. Zhentianhou had great magic power and had two great magic weapons, so the dust was billowing, the sky and the earth were dark, and the pomp was huge. In addition to Xu leaving a trace of the aura of a huge formation every time, He just relied on the flags of the two realms to evade and didn't fight back at all, which made Zhentianhou gradually become bolder and even used his own magic.

Zhen Tianhou is made of metal and stone, so the energy of the gold spirit he cultivates is extremely sharp. Although he is not proficient in swordsmanship, he is a natural swordsman. The energy of thousands of white gold spirits is overwhelming and crisscrossed, making this battle look even more... Extremely dangerous.

He waved the flag of the two realms eighteen times in a row, escaped from the battle circle, and suddenly turned around and fled towards the Ember Mountain.

After Zhentianhou hesitated for a moment, he raised his demonic light and wanted to capture him alive, so as to feel proud and proud for the South China Sea Dragon Palace.

However, Zhentian Hou never noticed that there was some yellow cloud gas mixed in his demonic light. The more his magic power was used, the more obvious this yellow cloud gas became.

Seeing that he was about to escape into the Ember Mountain, Zhen Tianhou flew out the hook and sickle spear in his hand to nail the little monster to death. He smiled and suddenly moved his hand, and the Ember Mountain appeared in the palm of his hand. He faced the big gun with hook and sickle.

Zhentianhou hesitated for a moment.

After being a little slow to collect this magic weapon, the hook and sickle spear was thrown into the Ember Mountain, and immediately disappeared without a trace. Even though Zhentianhou had been practicing for many years, he could not sense it and could not return it.

He regretted deeply and did not dare to continue fighting. He hurriedly fled to his own formation. How could he be allowed to escape? As soon as the Ember Mountain disappeared and appeared, it stopped Zhentianhou and covered him with his hood. Xu Ruowuqiu took in this demon commander and swallowed up the last magic weapon in his hand.

As soon as Xu Luo made his move, a red light flew towards him. With just one roll, it swept away Zhentian Hou. The Ember Mountain fell, and it actually fell into the air.

Xu Liaoye was secretly horrified, knowing that the person who took action was very powerful, far superior to Zhen Tianhou, and the magical power he used was even more mysterious. He didn't dare to show off any more, so he jumped into the Ember Mountain and escaped under the protection of the Ember Mountain. Under this, he believed that no matter who took action, he would not be able to defeat him for a moment.

The hook-and-scythe spear was about to move. Xu Liaoqing gave a drink and immediately suppressed the magic weapon. He had already planned in his mind. With the magic power of the great formation, he was going to train this magic weapon into a sea-fixing needle.

If this treasure is refined again, Xu Xu will be almost unafraid of most demon commanders with two magic weapons of divine weapon level. Only the top few can do anything to defeat him.

Zhentianhou was rescued. The South China Sea Dragon Palace did not send out the 36th route to conquer the demon soldiers for a long time. Instead, it fell silent and did not send any more demon soldiers out.

Naturally, Xu Ruo would not provoke. The Nanhai High Priest and Longhu Mountain, as well as Xu Ruo's Ember Mountain lineage, fell silent. The Longhushan lineage dealt with the thirty-six conquests and stayed out of the matter. Nanhai Dragon Palace Nor is it intentionally targeted at them. At first, it was a little strange to know what the plans of the South China Sea Dragon Palace were, but suddenly a few months passed, and apart from some friction caused by the little demons under both sides wandering around, there was no major battle.

Although he promised, he was also worried that if it were a big demon of the Demon Commander level, or even a demon general, if the other party took the opportunity, he would definitely cut off his wings, so he did not dare to let go of the tyrannical monster and leave Ember Mountain.

The same is true for the South China Sea Dragon Palace. This majestic palace is suspended in mid-air, supported by a blue wave below. The Ember Mountain, which is a hundred times more powerful, does not send out powerful monsters, only some idle little monsters wandering around.

Several months passed in the blink of an eye, and there was still no movement in the South China Sea Dragon Palace. Xu Luo went to visit Huang Bo Wenzhong again. The number one monster in the South China Sea Dragon Palace persuaded him to continue waiting. If he had promised himself, he would have taken control of the Ember Mountain and escaped from this place. The South China Sea Dragon Palace would not be able to catch up with him if it was not convenient for him to fly away. Even if the high priest of the South China Sea came to chase him in person, he would not be afraid. After all, without the South China Sea Dragon Palace, a demon commander with all seventy-two channels fully opened would be unable to reach the current Ember Mountain.

There are also top monsters in Ember Mountain. King Ying has recovered his magic power and is also the top monster commander, having developed seventy-two channels. In addition, King Ying has now practiced the Nine Yuan Calculation Sutra and learned a few Jade Cauldron Sect changes. His magic power is much better than before, so he may not be afraid of the high priest.

Xu Liao visited the emperor and heard about Zhong's return, and made some deductions. Knowing that he could not leave at this time, he could only cultivate his magic power every day and ignore the war for the time being.

This time there was silence. Three years later, the South China Sea Dragon Palace finally dispatched a demon commander. This time, without any delay, King Ying controlled the demon light and flew out of the Ember Mountain first.

Because this handsome demon is his mother-in-law, Concubine Ming, the head of the Yinglong clan. At this time, Concubine Ming has a ferocious face, holding a magic weapon like a flag in her hand, full of demonic power, and she actually broke through three The Taoist line kept saying that they wanted to attack the enemy and wanted the Ember Mountain lineage to come and die.

King Ying held down the escape light in front of the two armies, and shouted in a dark and complex voice: "Queen Mother! Why do you look like this? Is the high priest torturing you?"

Concubine Ming screamed loudly: "You are all rebellious officials and traitors who rebelled against the Dragon Palace in the South China Sea. How can you have the nerve to call me your mother?" She shook out the flag in her hand, turned into a green dragon, and coiled away towards King Ying.

King Ying's face also changed slightly. This flag flag was not the inherited magic weapon of the South China Sea Dragon Palace, but a newly refined object. The high priest did not know what heaven-reaching means he used, and he actually separated a wisp of the will of the Four Seas Territory and transformed it. For this treasure, all monsters in the Four Seas Territory must be restrained by this will, even King Ying is no exception.

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