One Sword to Immortality

640. Black Arrow Falling from the North Ming Dynasty

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The overwhelming demonic insects no longer seemed to be driven away and remained motionless. They were all driven away by the Locust King. They no longer had any worries about life and death, and they swooped down one by one.

These monster insects all have some mana, and when combined with each other's mana, they turn into a sea of ​​mana, so huge that it even interferes with the way of heaven and wakes up the consciousness of the four seas.

A blue dragon appeared faintly, which made Xu Liao couldn't help but feel excited. Without hesitation, he waved the flag of the two realms and escaped a hundred miles away. Then he saw the cloud of insects and the sea of ​​insects, rising like a black curtain, and then chased and killed him. come over.

Don't be afraid if you promise. Unless there are very special spells, such as the Heavenly Formation and the Zhoutian Sacrifice, there are countless people with low magic power. Even if they combine their magic power to become stronger, the flying method will not double the speed. .

Just like eight horses pulling a cart, it is still the speed of one horse, and it is still the speed of the slowest horse.

Facing the cloud of insects and the sea of ​​insects, Xu Luo clasped his hands together as if he were drawing a bow to shoot at the sun. Seven long black arrows condensed in his palms. These were the Beiming Luoxuan Arrows in the Beiming Zhenfa. They were used to kill the enemy. s method.

Xu Liao was able to easily find out the location of the Locust King by relying on the changes in the Ding Xuan Mirror and the Nine Yuan Calculations. The seven Bei Ming Luo Xuan Arrows locked the location of the Locust King and took off their strings.

The Locust King was motivating the swarm of insects when suddenly his body tensed up and a mysterious and mysterious thought came to his mind.

Throughout the ages, the birth and death of all things have their own reasons. Insects are the most afraid of cold winter weather. Beiming's Falling Black Arrow is a method of extreme cold. With the help of the fighting beast Beiming, Xu Xu has raised the demon's power to the level of Demon Commander. He has already surpassed the Locust King by a few points. This arrow is a special method, so even if he uses Locust Wang Zhiwei still felt threatened.

The Locust King activated the endless insect cloud, turning it into nine giant nets, which caught seven Beimingxuanxuan arrows. The next moment, the seven Beimingxuanxuan arrows disappeared in the Locust King's induction, and reappeared. At that time, it had already appeared within a few feet of him. This was a subtle and mysterious void method, inherited from the Jade Cauldron lineage. The Locust King did not understand the mystery at all, so he could only use all the demonic power in his body to strike hard.

The cloud of insects all over the Locust King exploded by seven Beimingluoxuan arrows. He could no longer hide his figure, and his true face was revealed. He was a strange man with a pale gold body, strange short horns on his head, and a hard-shell armor all over his body.

He looked familiar and thought to himself: "This guy is like Cell from Dragon Ball, only more vicious and uglier. It seems that in a place without modern civilization, aesthetics have not caught up with the trend."

Xu Liao kept shooting out seven more Beiming Luoxuan arrows. The Locust King continued to activate his magic power and used various spells, but he still couldn't avoid it and Xu Liao was hit again.

When the seven Bei Ming Luo Xuan arrows were shot out in the third round,

The Locust King no longer refused to evade, and brought an infinite cloud of insects, and rushed straight at Xu. He shouted viciously: "As long as I kill you, you little thief, everything will stop!"

The Locust King is easy to calculate. Since he can't avoid Beiming's Falling Arrow, as long as he kills Xu, it will be over. However, he never expected that Xu Xu had many tricks. He shook off the banners of the two realms and moved out in an instant. Then he shot out seven more Beiming Luoxuan arrows with his backhand.

Even though the Locust King was very powerful, he was allowed to shoot for more than ten rounds, but his demonic power had dropped to the bottom. He roared, took a long sip, and suddenly hundreds of thousands of demonic insects were swallowed by him. After countless similar attacks, the Locust King's mana suddenly surged. Not only did he regain his demonic power, he was even more powerful than at his peak.

Xu Liao clicked his tongue and exclaimed: "The strange way actually has this hand, but with this skill, it is difficult for me to go against it."

Xu Liao also waved the Immortal Gathering Flag, and immediately gathered tens of millions of demonic insects, which was even faster than the Locust King. The Locust King was secretly frightened and thought in his mind: "What is the origin of this guy? He can actually swallow my descendants and similar people like this? Especially since his devouring power is endless. Unlike my magic, which has limitations, could it be... …Is this person also a demonic insect?”

After promising to activate the demonic power, he continuously recruited dozens of clouds of insects. The demons in the Locust Mountain group were also smart and intelligent people. Immediately, some demonic insects quietly pressed down and escaped, leading the group to sneak away. The last remaining demonic insects, They are all stupid and hopelessly stupid.

He promised not to care about the escaped demonic insects. As long as he collected enough demonic insects, he could supply them for his own driving, but he didn't necessarily have to eradicate them.

Seeing that he could no longer drive away the swarms of insects, the Locust King let out a long roar and sprayed yellow light from his mouth, turning into thousands of divine thunders. This was his Wutu Divine Thunder Net that had been condensed and evolved over thousands of years of Wutu True Qi. It could not only attack, but also Can be used for protection.

Xu Xu fired another Beiming Luoxuan Arrow, but it was blocked by the Wutu Divine Thunder Net. Hundreds of divine thunder exploded, instantly shattering the Beiming Luoxuan Arrow. However, Xu Xu had the upper hand in this fight, and Beiming The Luoxuan Arrow consumes only one or two points of mana, while the hundreds of Wutu Divine Thunder consume one hundred and one or two percent of the mana. One goes off and the other goes up. The longer the fight goes on, the more the Locust King suffers.

Even though the demon commander's magic power was strong and he had not lost any power after fighting for dozens of days, the Locust King was secretly anxious after all. He spit out something from his mouth, turned it into a golden bead, and hit Xu Luo in the air.

Xu Zuo didn't know what kind of treasure it was, so he raised the dragon-slaying knife and slashed it into the air. The two treasures made a loud noise, and the sound of thunder continued for a long time.

Xu Lao put away the Dragon-Slaying Sword and checked it slightly. He couldn't help but feel a little shocked. The true blood refined in the Dragon-Slaying Sword was actually slightly damaged. He secretly thought: "This treasure is also powerful. It can actually damage the veins within the magic weapon! Fortunately, my dragon-slaying sword is a first-level magic weapon, but it cannot exert its power in the Four Seas Territory. If it is an ordinary demon commander, it can only I'm afraid that my skill will be severely damaged, let's see how powerful it is!"

He promised to send the dragon-slaying sword away in the huge formation. After a while, the magic weapon was moved back again. It had been repaired and intact. He still held it up and slashed it into the air.

The dragon-slaying sword not only restrains all the dragons in the world, but even if the enemy is not a dragon, it still has to kill the demonic power of the soul for the sharpness of this sword. After the Locust King sent out the magic weapon Emperor's Golden Pearl, which he had painstakingly refined, he originally planned that this magic weapon would only damage the meridians of monks and magic weapons, not to mention the ordinary meridians of the demon warriors, the Gang meridians of the demon kings, and the demon generals. The flowing Great Evolution Veins can be destroyed with one blow, and even the Dao Veins of the Demon Commander level will be shaken by this magic weapon and cannot function. Unexpectedly, the opponent also released a sword-shaped magic weapon. After a hard fight, he still released it again as if nothing had happened.

The Locust King also thought to himself: "I'm afraid you won't fight with me about your magic weapon. Even if your magic weapon is very powerful, if you fight a few more times, your treasure will eventually be destroyed."

The Locust King sacrificed the Emperor's Golden Pearl again and fought in the air with the Dragon-Slaying Sword. After dozens of times, Xu Ruo took advantage of his opponent and borrowed the Dragon-Slaying Sword to cut off the magic imprint of this treasure and the Locust King. Then he reached out and grabbed the Emperor's Golden Pearl.

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