One Sword to Immortality

645. Showing generosity

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Ao Xun has a humble name, but he is very unruly as a monster. He does not know whether he will live or die. He is holding a banquet for monsters in the mountains, cutting up and eating the captured monsters. The little monsters from all walks of life will give them slices of meat for free. Have a great time.

As for the monsters who were treated as food, even if they cried out, no one would pay attention. Anyway, Ao Xun only wanted to eat meat, and the monsters he chose were also huge ones. After cutting off dozens of kilograms of meat, throwing it out and practicing for a few days, they all grew. Come back without harming your life.

As soon as the Gathering Immortals Gate was completed, Ao Xun felt a slight sensation. When he raised his head and looked up, he felt that his Xiaodang Mountain was completely dark. All the monsters were taken in by this colorful gate. Next, he had no memory. After walking in the Soul Transformation Pond, Ao Xun and his hundreds of demons all had a different set of ideas, and they were no longer the same.

Xu Luo lowered his consciousness to Ao Xun, made a few choices, and condensed the talisman of the Dongtian Sword Sutra. He had repeatedly broken through the Nine Mysteries True Law and had cultivated all the original mana back, but he did not concentrate on practicing. The Nine Mysteries True Dharma is still the main one.

But this clone, just like the Zhou Wudao he originally threw into the new heaven, just condensed a piece of magic power is enough. Zhou Wudao left the Dharma Seal of Fa Tian Xiang Di, and then he changed his methods and used the Cave Heaven Sword Sutra as the foundation.

Xu Liao also looked down upon Ao Xun's originally cultivated magic power. After refining it with the Cave Heaven Sword Sutra, he dispersed the demonic aura, and the re-condensed aura was of a much higher quality than Ao Xun's own demonic aura.

Even Ao Xun's own magic power gradually increased from the first level of spiritual warrior. Two or three hours later, he broke through the realm of Tiangang warrior again. The Gang veins in his body were condensed one by one. It was not until twenty-three Gang veins were condensed that he could The potential was exhausted and entry was stopped.

Although Xu Liao was not satisfied with his cultivation, he was too anxious to be promoted, so he could only let this little dragon do as he pleased. Xu Liao now had many heavenly materials and earthly treasures at hand, and had also refined countless magic weapons. At this time He was given a long sword and asked Ao Xun to wear it, which made him look extraordinary.

After using his separate consciousness, he manipulated the body a little bit, and couldn't help but admire slightly. Now that all the demonic power in Ao Xun's body has been dispersed, he has re-cultivated his spiritual energy, and his every move is filled with the purest cave-heaven sword energy.

Originally, this set of swordsmanship was not something that ordinary Tiangang warriors could master, but after all, Xu Luo had already understood it and was able to control it as a Tiangang warrior.

Xu ordered his demons to abandon the foundation of Xiaodang Mountain, took all his belongings with him, and headed straight for the East China Sea.

Although the East China Sea Dragon Clan reproduces very sparsely, there are still several hundred big dragons, old and young, and there are still some hundreds of unmarried dragon girls. Therefore, recruiting brides in the Dragon Palace is not a particularly grand event, but every time there are still countless young monsters who are proud of their young talents and go to the Dragon Palace to try their luck.

In fact, it’s not just the East China Sea Dragon Palace;

The other three dragon palaces are also average, that is because it is difficult for the dragon bloodline to reproduce. Without such a gathering to recruit a son-in-law, it would be difficult to maintain the family line by citing external bloodlines.

Even Prince Ying, the Dragon Prince of Nanhai, belongs to the Yinglong clan and has nothing to do with the original bloodline of Nanhai. Even the prince is like this, which shows how mixed the bloodlines of the Four Seas Dragon Palace are.

The son-in-law of the Dragon King who enters the Dragon Palace will naturally not be regarded as one, nor will he have the opportunity to hold power. However, the offspring born to the Dragon Girl will be treated like the sons and grandsons of the Dragon.

When Xu Ruo entered the East China Sea, he used his magic power to turn it into an illusory and uncertain brilliance. This was actually a small cave created by sword energy. Although its life and death were uncertain, under Xu Ruo's control, it enveloped all the monsters under his control. Get up, it’s a wonder.

Not far after Xu Ruo entered the East China Sea, he saw a group of men and horses, three young men with ape-like arms and waist, and handsome faces. They rode dragon horses and led their men to ride on the waves, which was quite noisy.

The three young men each held a bow and were shooting sea fish for fun. They saw Xu Liao from a distance. One of them laughed. The bow shot an arrow. Although the direction was not accurate, there was no intention to kill. But the joke is quite obvious.

Without even reaching out his hand, the feather arrow landed on the brilliance transformed by Dongtian Sword Qi, and immediately collapsed into countless fragments, falling down Susu.

When the three young men saw this, they were also quite surprised. The other young man pulled his companion to signal him to calm down, and shouted angrily: "We are the disciples of Beihai Xiaoyi Hou. What is your origin?"

Xu smiled casually, Xiao Yihou was a demon commander in Beihai Dragon Palace, and his status was respected, but these young men were frivolous, and they had not even broken through to the demon king. They were obviously just children of foreign races, and they must be nothing like Xiao Yihou. relation. Not only were these people too weak in cultivation, but their behavior was also quite frivolous. Xu Zuo was too lazy to reply and silently communicated with me. A yellow cloud rolled down and immediately involved the three young men and their men. After a while, , as soon as the yellow cloud dispersed, he released it again, but the aura on his body changed.

Xu waved, called these people to his side, and shouted: "From now on, you will respect me and just call me master!"

The three descendants of Xiao Yihou immediately bowed down and worshiped him with sincerity. They even called him master and even started to serve him immediately, just like the slaves they had raised for generations.

Xu urged the Dongtian Sword Sutra, wrapped up these old and new subordinates, and set off on the road again. Not far away, he encountered two groups of people arguing. Apparently they were also talented people from all over the world who came to recruit a bride. He was not polite, and immediately summoned the deity and lowered him. The Huang Yun transformed by the Great Formation was collected into the Soul Transformation Pond, where the demon fetus was transformed, transformed into a Yellow Turban warrior, and then released.

These young monsters who came to the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea to seek marriage could not help but fight. There were often hundreds of people, but only one or two tenths could go to the Dragon Palace to propose marriage, and the rest returned home defeated. Only the remaining talents were qualified to become the sons-in-law of the Dragon Palace. .

It's not against the rules to do this, but it's just that he used his magic power to bully the small.

After promising to travel for a few days, he sank into the sea and headed towards the depths of the East China Sea. The East Sea was vast. Except for the three groups of people he met on the first day, he had no other companions. He saw many people along the way. He "initiated" the monsters in Changhai one by one without any politeness and took over his own power.

Even on the fifth day, he needed to subdue a demon king-level giant salamander. This giant salamander was not highly cultivated, but its body was extremely huge. It was several miles long in front and back. It was forced by Xu to cultivate the Ruyi Golden Boat and turned into a giant salamander. A sea raft!

With transportation tools in hand, Xu Liao had thousands of his subordinates, and he made a grand display, showing his generosity. According to the rituals of the Dongxuan Immortal Sect back then, Xu Liao selected some handsome young monsters and lined them up left and right. He imparted some superficial light, which continued to emit auspicious light and mist, shrouding the left and right, firstly as illumination, and secondly, to add magnificence, and spread beyond the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

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