One Sword to Immortality

653. Taishenghualong

Xu Zuo held a black ring in his palm and looked at the three-headed demon snake making various speculations. He couldn't explain this unbelievable situation and didn't find it funny either. --

The techniques he taught were naturally mixed with the techniques of the Great Formation. Ninety percent of these demon snakes had been refined by him, leaving only the last three demon generals who refused to yield.

The big demon headed by him has developed forty-nine great meridians and is a very powerful character among the demon generals. However, his talent and clan are limited and he cannot break through the demon commander.

This big demon was born with extraordinary wisdom. It was he who presided over the clan's refining of poisonous water, and it was his persistence that allowed the Green Ring Taipan Snake clan to join the Black Whale King.

In fact, he didn't want to have any ambitions, but this monster was very intelligent, and he had long been able to overcome the fate of his family. Even if he was gifted, kept his own wisdom, and worked hard to cultivate, the monster was still born. There is no hope of breaking through the limit.

He continuously trained countless tribesmen, but only two tribesmen followed him to break through. However, these two tribesmen were far less talented than himself. Even though they had practiced hard for many years, they were only the beginning of demon generals and had almost no future.

This big monster’s name is Taisheng!

He is dressed in a coarse cloth short coat, which is also the favorite dress of most monsters in the Four Seas Territory. It has also been developed on the earth. The long sleeves of the long robe symbolizes beauty and nobility, and the large trumpet flower-like skirt symbolizes nobility and temperament. The short coat symbolizes dignity and temperament. In ancient times all over the world, they were worn by working people and not in an elegant manner. However, all the monsters in the Four Seas Territories are beautiful in simplicity, as long as they are easy to wear. Even because the monsters are born with rough skin and thick flesh, and very high defense, even full-body armor is not popular.

Taisheng looked around and saw his two proud assistants looking confused. Knowing that he couldn't count on it, he sighed in his heart and muttered to himself: "There must be someone powerful who takes action, but I can't guess it." What does he want? It's a pity that my magic power is limited and I am unable to break through, otherwise I would have guessed who this person is!"

Xu Lio couldn't help but send a message: "This little snake has some eyes. If you are willing to join my 'sect', I can teach you the method of breaking through the evil commander."

Taisheng was shocked and asked hurriedly: "Who is talking?"

Xu Xu shouted: "I am Sun Wuwang, from the Ember Mountain lineage."

Taisheng was a little disbelieving and said: "Although I have heard of your name, you are only at the Demon General level. How can you be so bold as to teach me the method of breaking through the Demon Commander?"

Xu smiled and said: "Everyone knows that Yu Liu is my disciple. He needs my guidance to break through to the Demon Commander. Moreover, he has cultivated seven Dao meridians after being promoted to the Demon Commander. Without my guidance, he will not be able to break through in ten thousand years." .”

Taisheng was immediately moved.

But he still struggled a little and said: "How do you know that this is your fault? Maybe Yu Liu was about to break through, but you just took an advantage."

Xu smiled and said: "I will teach you a technique and you can practice it. If there is no breakthrough, I will break my promise and let you people go out."

Taisheng hesitated for a moment, let out a long sigh, picked up the poisonous black water, hesitated several times, and then started practicing.

Xu Luo casually mobilized the vitality of heaven and earth in the great formation and poured it into Taisheng. Taisheng practiced it several times but felt it was inappropriate. Finally, he gave up and asked, "Why is this method incompatible with me?"

Without saying a word, he knocked him down into the Hualong Pond!

Although Tai Sheng is powerful in demon magic and is at the pinnacle of demon generals, how can he resist the great magical power of the Thirty-three Heavens that suppresses luck? Immediately, all of his demonic power was washed away, and his cultivation level dropped to its nascent state.

Even if he didn't want to, he could only follow Xu's instructions and start practicing the Taipo Black Water Transformation from scratch. As his cultivation improved step by step, he was also very talented. He was a rare genius among the demon clan. On the 13th, he cultivated again to become a demon king, and on the 13th he cultivated again to become a demon general.

The Taipoison Black Water Transformation is indeed suitable for the Qinghuan Taipan Demonic Snake clan. With the help of cultivation, Taisheng can cleanse the demonic energy and rebuild the spiritual energy. There is also a huge array to control the vitality. On the 30th day, this big demon screams , the whole body's spiritual energy surged, and he broke through bravely, cultivated three channels, and stepped into the realm of the demon commander.

Taisheng also knew it well, and immediately turned over and knelt down, saying that he was his mentor, and he was extremely grateful.

He ordered him to send all the Green Ring Taipan demon snakes to the Hualong Pond to cleanse their demon energy and practice again. Previously, these demon snakes practiced the Too Poisonous Black Water Transformation. Although there were achievements, after all, the Jade Cauldron Sect 'For changes, spiritual energy cultivation is more appropriate.

Xu Luo had been paying attention to Tai Sheng for a long time. At this time, he accepted his disciple and returned to paying attention to the battlefield. The Black Whale King had already used all his energy to capture Chi Ling'er. This biological son of King Treading the Sea was really unlucky. Daqi kept urging several senior brothers to ask for help, and even sent his subordinates to ask for help from Donghai Dragon Palace and his father respectively.

How could he evade the Black Whale King with his little tricks?

The men he sent were all captured by the Black Whale King and eaten alive on the battlefield.

Heitian and others knew Xu Zuo's plan and ignored Chi Ling'er's plea. Anyway, with the support of the formation, it would take dozens of days for the Black Whale King to break through. After the formation was wiped out, Hei Tian and others believed that Xu Ruo would definitely take action, so no one was worried.

As for the Wild Whale's Nest, the Disappearing King is very powerful. Now he has broken through more than 180 rings. The closer to the inner ring, the fewer the number of monsters. Therefore, at this time, the Black Whale King's tribe has been left. Less than half, but their cultivation is quite advanced.

Such battles continued for several months, gradually alarming all the big monsters. However, Xu had covered it up before, and the information they knew was vague. When the big monsters paid attention to them one by one, Xu did not hide it anymore, and let those The big monster holding the battle beast can check the battlefield situation in real time at any time.

When these big monsters found out that the fighting beast had such wonderful uses, they were all horrified. They also learned that the Zhenjiang Marquis Mansion was selling this thing in bulk, so they all sent their little monsters to come and buy it.

For these monsters, this kind of war is commonplace. Although they seem to be concerned about Xu Zuo, Xu Zuo didn't take action, so no one suspected that there was any conspiracy.

I just felt that King Xuan Whale was so powerful that it was appropriate for him to retreat. Many anti-kings were guessing when King Xu would take action.

Xuan Jing King's cultivation level is stronger than that of Sun Zongyan, Yu Liu and others, and even deeper than Jiang Shangxian's cultivation level. Therefore, everyone thinks that Xu You dare not come forward because he is afraid of Xuan Jing King.

On the other hand, King Treading the Sea didn't know for a long time that his son was besieged by the Black Whale King, and he was about to take action immediately, but news came from Xu Ruo, saying that this was to train Chi Ling'er's courage and hone his character. We have arranged a backup plan to ensure the safety of this disciple.

King Treading the Sea did not move at all, but he checked the battle situation almost forty or fifty times every day. Chitose Xiaohe had already been lurking near the battlefield, ready to rescue people at any time.

It’s really the heart of a parent!

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