One Sword to Immortality

662. Ember Mountain upgrade

Xu Tan put his hand on the double-edged spear and halberd, and the five celestial spheres that looked like divine eyes suddenly came to life and connected into a strange whole with a strange trajectory.

It is precisely the Five Methods Trajectory that must be condensed when the Nine-Yuan Sutra breaks through to Chapter 4!

Xu smiled slightly, and he could already feel that the calculations of the double-edged spear and halberd could only be slightly improved. Although compared with the huge number of celestial spheres to deduce calculations, this improvement was insignificant, but it was already an extremely gratifying achievement.

Soon, another five celestial spheres that looked like the eyes of gods gathered to form another five-way orbit, and then a third five-way orbit took shape. Countless five-way orbits were connected together, allowing the double-edged spear halberd to perform calculations. The power keeps rising, and soon breaks through to double the original, and then doubles, triples, quadruples...ten times!

Twenty times, thirty times...until it jumped to more than fifty times the original!

This upgrade is coming to an end, and almost all the celestial spheres have been further condensed into five-way orbits. The densely packed celestial spheres like divine eyes on the double-edged spear halberd were further condensed and became only one-two-tenths of the double-edged spear halberd. There is only such a section on the halberd, and there are countless like God's eye, but there are countless connected celestial spheres.

Xu Luo tapped the double-edged spear halberd, and the divine weapon let out a soft cry and began to impact the artificial spiritual consciousness array all over the Ember Mountain. The entire artificial spiritual consciousness array also responded. Xu Luo used the double-edged spear halberd to attack himself. His spiritual consciousness is spread throughout every corner of Ember Mountain.

He can easily observe the artificial spiritual consciousness array in the Ember Mountain. There are some imperfections, some redundant burdens, some artificial spiritual consciousness that have aged and their computing power has declined, and some artificial spiritual consciousness whose efficiency is not perfect enough. The highest computing power is not used, and the computing power is wasted...

With constant adjustments, either re-sacrifice of artificial spiritual consciousness, or deletion of some artificial spiritual consciousness that is no longer sufficient, the entire Ember Mountain is undergoing a drastic change.

It's just that only Xu Liao himself knew about this change, and the others were only slightly aware of it. It seemed that the artificial spiritual consciousness array responded slightly happier, and did not feel the deepest changes.

This process of re-sacrifice the double-edged spear and halberd and the Ember Mountain lasted for dozens of days. Even with the promised cultivation, it became somewhat unsustainable in the end, and there were signs of exhaustion of vitality.

But after Ember Mountain was completely upgraded, it was like a ten-year-old computer suddenly replaced with the latest and highest-end hardware of the year. The feeling of just installing it was as if the mouse could float.

In particular, Ember Mountain is different from computers owned by ordinary humans. Xu can almost tap its full potential and use all its computing power.

After promising to upgrade Ember Mountain, he meditated under the double-edged spear for half a day. After his energy recovered, he re-arranged the calculation tasks of Ember Mountain's artificial spiritual consciousness array.

The first request was still to continuously refine the void and absorb every inch of space in the Four Seas Territory. Although this process was extremely slow, it was the most effective.

Even if Xu Ning can endure it, within a thousand years, he can sacrifice all the Dongji Ridge, which is more than a million miles away, into a part of the great formation, and annex one-tenth of the territory of the South China Sea.

Secondly, Xu Liao is used to deduce Taoism. His spells are many and complex, but in fact, the top-level immortal magic and demon martial arts all lead to the same goal by different paths. For example, the Nine Mysteries True Law can absorb all the demon nerves. , the demon nerve also contains twelve heavenly demon avenues, and even the secret method of the Qinglong clan and the secret method of moving the Tianlongxiang clan are combined into one, and it can also deduce the eight dragons and elephants, the great supernatural powers that can suppress the heaven for thirty-three days.

If Zhoutian Sacrifice reaches a certain level of cultivation, he can in turn devour the thirty-six changes of the jade cauldron. Even the secret method of the Qinglong clan can integrate the thirty-six changes of celestial phenomena.

Xu Luo used the Nine Mysteries True Law as the foundation to rebuild his cultivation, and he has gone further than his original body. His original body only comprehended two styles of the Nine Mysteries True Law, the Nine Mysteries Yijin Method and the Collapse Dragon Immortal Strength, but now He has already comprehended the Five Forms and Nine Mysterious True Methods, and also comprehended the rebellion of Qian Tian Shen, the transformation of Qian and Kun, and the transformation of Zhou Tian Demon God.

Furthermore, based on the Nine Mysteries True Dharma, he has re-cultivated the various spells of the original body one by one. Once he has integrated what he has learned throughout his life and practiced it again, he will definitely be more skillful in using various spells than the original body.

However, if you want to practice these spells to the smallest detail, without any collision of mana, you need more deductions and calculations. Ember Mountain's artificial spiritual consciousness array can give full play to its strengths.

Then, Xu will open up some permissions, allowing his subordinates to use the Ember Mountain to deduce their own magic, and even build a huge database with the Ember Mountain as the core, open to the Ember Mountain lineage and external monsters to access.

After Xu had adjusted the priority of Ember Mountain's computing power, he had completed his homework. Occasionally, he was curious and searched to find out what his disciples and subordinates were doing in the artificial spiritual consciousness array.

At this glance, he couldn't help but be slightly surprised, because he discovered that his Ember Mountain already had spells specially designed to design combat beasts and their applications. The people who developed these spells include his own disciples and others. There are even some miscellaneous monsters who don't even remember their origins, and there are even some subordinates from other anti-kings.

Xu Liao intentionally upgraded the level of authority for these people, gave feedback, and corrected many errors. After all, he has received a professional education on earth, is from the Dongxuan Immortal Sect, is a high-level member of the Ten Thousand Demons Association, and has been exposed to countless information. Although he is not a first-class combat beast and combat application designer, he has no problem with his vision.

After allowing for this adjustment and feedback, he then left the cave where the double-edged spear and halberd was hidden, without paying attention to the subsequent changes. However, this unintentional behavior caused a storm. .

Chi Ling'er was dumbfounded, looking at the various spells that kept appearing, and said to his wife: "It turns out that there are other masters of refining combat beasts in Ember Mountain. I thought I had a unique secret, but I didn't expect it to be so early." Someone thought of it.”

His wife is a dragon girl from the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea. She has a gentle temperament and does not have any arrogance. Especially after the battle with the Black Whale King, she was worried for a long time and finally returned to the Ember Mountain. This kind of peace of mind is quite rare. years. He immediately smiled and said: "Your master is very good to you. No matter what magic you want to learn, he will teach it carefully. You will practice in seclusion yourself and ask a few senior brothers to answer the questions. You don't like to practice and insist on studying combat beasts. Since If you want to study this thing, why not ask your teacher for advice?"

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