One Sword to Immortality

663. Jiang Shang teaches (4)

In this city, there are 999 road intersections vertically and horizontally. There are nearly 3,000 palaces and towers built at the intersection, all of which have been transformed into black gold. This is also the limit of Xu.

It’s just that the countless black gold-colored palaces and towers are divided into dozens of points and are not connected with each other. Every place where the black gold-colored palace towers are located is attacked by a steady stream of warriors from the surrounding palace towers. , although under Xu Luo's control, there were losses and wins, but the territory was never able to expand and was always compressed to a certain scale.

Xu Liao could observe that countless humans moved from one palace tower to another, and then converged on the palace tower he controlled. They fought fiercely one after another, trying to take back these palace towers controlled by him. This kind of battle involves losing and losing. Even if a few palace towers are captured, he can make up for it by transforming other palace towers, but there is no hope of victory.

His resistance to the world has reached a delicate balance, unless something breaks the balance.

Without any hesitation, Xu Zuo broke the balance of the world. He connected the Xuanjin Palace Tower that was divided into countless small pieces for dozens of times in a row, connecting them all.

Suddenly receiving the computing power provided by thousands of palace towers, Xu Leo could only make breakthroughs in the deduction of the Nine-Yuan Calculation Sutra. He seemed to have entered a new world. However, in doing so, he also triggered the greatest resistance in the world. Countless auras suddenly became powerful, and at least dozens of auras shot into the sky in an instant, brazenly breaking through the realm of Dayan Shi.

Although this world originally gave birth to Dayans, because of Xu's timely assistants, only a few people were born, which did not pose a danger at all. However, Xu suddenly boosted his own power, and the world changed accordingly. , promoted at least thirty or forty Dayan warriors. Although these Dayan warriors were not aware of the existence of this great boss due to their limited abilities, they had already begun to join in the attack on the Xuanjin Palace Tower.

Xu Ling did not fight with the armies led by these Dayan warriors, but kept making moves to open up his own territory. This time he only lost close to six thousand hands, making the palace towers under his control comparable to nearly ten thousand. Then he stopped.

At this time, this city has given birth to more than a hundred Dayan scholars. If they continue to transform the palace tower, I am afraid that they will be able to give birth to great masters at the Taoist level.

Xu Liao knew that he could no longer provoke the self-awareness of this world, so he changed his methods and began to use the Vientiane Celestial Sphere as a network to transmit commands, commanding his monsters to fight against these local human races.

The world seems to have no reaction to the palace towers captured in this kind of battle, as if it acquiesces to this method of fighting.

Xu Luo deduced silently, and suddenly a powerful inspiration appeared not far away. This was because Dayan Shi had chosen the place where he was to attack.

Xu Liao also released his own breath,

The Dayan immediately sensed it and set off a ball of fire, heading straight for Xu Liao.

Xu Liao saw a girl covered in flame armor. Her hands were empty, but she naturally had an aura that dominated the world.

Xu Zuo couldn't help but become curious and asked: "Who are you?"

The girl shouted unceremoniously: "A dying monster has no right to know my name, Yan Longqing."

Xu Lio couldn't help but feel dumb for a moment, but he found that there was a cunning look in the girl's eyes, looking for flaws in her Qi. It was obvious that she didn't say the wrong thing, but deliberately caused her own contempt, and even accidentally exposed the flaws. This scheming cannot be considered profound, at least it is useless against Xu Liao, but it is enough to show that the other party's wisdom cannot be underestimated.

Yan Longqing touched her fists, sending out a huge earthquake, but when the girl's momentum reached its peak, she suddenly swayed and disappeared from Xu Liao's sight.

The next moment, Yan Longqing appeared beside Xu Liao, and then punched out.

Xu Zuo didn't look back at all. He just made some small calculations in his sleeves and induced a ray of true energy to poke him. As expected, Yan Longqing's punch was still a false move. The true energy in his body changed and increased steadily. At the moment when the peerless powerful move was about to be launched, However, Xu's zhenqi hit the node where the zhenqi changes, and his whole body suddenly felt sore and numb that he couldn't move.

Yan Longqing's eyes were full of horror, because she was in the process of cultivating her zhenqi from the valley. She sealed a node of her zhenqi changes, but it did not block the rest of her zhenqi changes, so she could sense that her own zhenqi changes were blocked. The true energy continues to multiply and loses all restraints.

With a bang, the girl was blown into countless pieces by the surging energy in her body, leaving not even a trace of debris left.

Although Xu Liao was at the center of the explosion, not even a single hair was damaged due to the protection of the Nine Mysterious True Laws.

He clapped his hands gently and said calmly: "The Dayanshi deduced, that is, at this level, is too weak!"

Although Xu Liao was only at the level of Demon General and had just developed twenty-one Dayan veins, compared to his fighting ability, the Dayan warriors spawned by magic like Yan Longqing were as weak as chickens.

He killed Yan Longqing at any time, and Xu Liao immediately attacked the soldiers and horses at hand. Because he lost Yan Longqing, a Dayan scholar, there was no strong resistance within a thousand miles around the palace tower where Xu Liao was temporarily stationed, so he He quickly expanded his strength and captured dozens of palace towers.

After promising to expand their power, they soon encountered resistance. Not only did they fail to occupy new palace towers again in the following days of fighting, but three palace towers were captured by a force, causing heavy losses.

It's not surprising that Xu Xu went out to fight in person and killed the leader of that force. However, he made some moves and his original nest was raided. The loss was actually not much different from the occupied new palace tower.

Xu was not surprised. He had figured out the changing laws of this world, and now it was the biggest change he could cause. If he did more, he would be promoted to the level of a demon commander, and he would definitely die without rebirth.

In Xu Liao's eyes, the entire huge and incoherent city had turned into a chessboard, or in other words, a very alternative strategic game.

He must constantly mobilize his troops to capture a palace tower, but at the same time he must defend himself from sneak attacks by nearby forces. Although he himself is almost invincible, he does not have a second demon general under his command, so once he leaves, he will originally strongholds may be uprooted.

Even Xu Zao didn't know how long this chess war lasted. He only knew that he was constantly conquering, fighting, commanding the army, devouring, and savaging. The war seemed to have no end.

Xu Luo's use of the Nine Elements Sutra has become more and more subtle and profound, and many uncomprehended changes have become more and more profound...

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