One Sword to Immortality

663. Jiang Shang teaches (9)

Taihuang Ji let out a long roar and suddenly shouted: "Great Demon Lord, you and I have had our fill of fun, why don't you just let me end this battle."

Xu Zuo held down the Dinghai Divine Needle and watched coldly as the aura on Taihuangji's body suddenly rose. He soon broke through the Dayan level and entered the Taoist realm. Even after cultivating the first Taoist vein, he still had not yet reached the level. There was a stagnation, and the potential was exhausted after he opened nine channels in one go, just like when Yu Liu broke through and his potential allowed him to open seven channels.

Xu's heart sank slowly. Originally, he still had the fighting beast Beiming as a back-up, but now Beiming could no longer use it. Even the Gonghou was not as deep as Taihuangji, not to mention Beiming. The skills he can use are far from the match of Taihuangji's thirty-three-day magical power.

Tai Huangji drank lightly, and countless sword lights swam through the void. Originally they were just stagnant, blocking Xu Ling's movements, but at this moment, they were like swimming fish, changing together.

The sky is full of fish and dragons dancing!

The Nine Heavens Sword is cold!

Xu Zuo quickly understood one thing. The sword light laid down by Taihuangji was the biggest killer. Even if Taihuangji did not break through to the Taoist realm, this move would still severely damage him. At this moment, Taihuangji broke through to the Taoist realm. This move is even more difficult to resist.

Before Taihuangji was activated, he could not figure out the true nature of the technique used by Taihuangji.

But at this moment, Xu Liao had almost pushed the Nine Yuan Sutra to the limit, and finally understood why he felt familiar with Taihuangji's sword technique, and even felt that this technique had the same origin as his own.

Because the swordsmanship used by Taihuangji is not a swordsmanship, but a set of earth-shattering formations that cover ancient and modern times, refine the void, and traverse the universe.

It is also the formation that he is most familiar with, uses the most, and is the most ceremonial formation!

——A huge formation!

It's just that when Taihuangji used this formation, it was completely different from what he had learned, so he couldn't recognize it at all. But at this moment, Taihuangji launched the final blow, and Xu Youyan couldn't recognize it. This set of magical powers that I consider to be the best in my box?

Just for a moment, Xu Zuo's soul seemed to solidify!

The next moment, thousands of sword lights fell, leaving no room for Xu to escape or any room for counterattack. Taihuang Ji's attainments in the Heavenly Formation seemed to be even higher than Xu's. What he had learned The great formation, its subtlety, mysteries, and strange changes are far beyond what Xu Liao has learned.

Xu Liao could not find any flaw in his opponent even in the various changes of the great formation.

The sword light fell, and Xu Zuo disappeared without a trace...

Such tens of millions of sword lights, and the most advanced magical power, are enough to cut any enemy down to molecules, or even atoms to the realm.

It is not surprising that Xu was completely annihilated by being beheaded.


Taihuang Ji held his sword across his chest, but he showed a strange expression, obviously not satisfied with this blow.

He kept clasping his fingers and flicking the long sword in his palm, and countless sword lights emerged from the long sword. One by one, they spread wider and wider, sealing off the world and seeming to fill this entire world.

With the power of Taihuangji Aoshi in this world, he can indeed do this, but no matter how wide his sword light is, he can't find any change that is questionable.

Tai Huangji didn't sigh softly until the whole city was enveloped in sword light, and said: "Although I don't believe that you are dead, but the Great Demon Lord...even if you are not dead, how can you be in my Great Tianyuan?" Reborn under the spell?"

Tai Huangji gave a clear shout, sheathed his long sword, and dropped it to the ground. The rebels roared with thunderous shouts, but Xu Xu's subordinates all had pale faces.

Taihuangji slowly swept his eyes across everyone, groaned lowly, and suddenly raised his voice, shouting: "From today on, all monsters must practice the technique of restoring their human body. If they still cannot restore their human body after a year, they will be killed without mercy. After one year, anyone who has transformed into a demon body will be killed without any excuses."

Taihuangji's words immediately caused countless commotions, but with his great magical power, he beheaded Xu Liao and killed the great demon lord. Who dared to resist?

Almost all of the monsters under his command have practiced the method of changing their human form. They have promised to control the transformation of human beings under their rule. These people miss their original human body, so even if the monster body is more powerful, they will also practice human transformation. After all, This is just a simple spell, easy to get started.

Tai Huangji held down the long sword at his waist and looked with a pair of divine eyes. Countless monsters were silent for a moment, shook their bodies, and turned into human forms.

The monsters changed one by one and returned to their human appearance. Although this situation seemed to be gratifying, not many monsters and humans showed joy and promised to be gentle, but Taihuangji acted domineeringly. Promise gave everyone the power to make their own choices. When he ruled, no one felt how precious this power was. They even felt that if Promise did not even give him this bit of freedom, it would be nothing.

But when Taihuangji forced all the monsters to become adults or kill them all, these people suddenly felt that this power was precious.

When one palace tower after another continued to change and returned to its original simple color, Taihuang Ji was deeply satisfied. Suddenly, a palace tower changed several times and still turned into black gold. Taihuang Ji's expression changed. , as soon as he pressed his hand, a sword light fell down, immediately blasting the palace tower into countless pieces.

Taihuangji's move seemed to have caused a chain reaction. Countless palaces and towers throughout the city suddenly glowed with black-gold light. Before Taihuangji could activate his sword light to kill, the monsters in the palaces and towers rushed in from all directions. Escaped from the palace tower.

Tai Huangji's face became even more ugly, but he did not continue to draw his sword. He just gave an order for the rebels to attack in all directions and kill those who resisted.

Xu Leo's subordinates turned from the demon army that originally took the initiative to rebels, and Taihuangji's rebel army became the rulers. The situation changed in an extremely strange way.

This side of the world fell into endless conquests. Although Taihuangji had sharp skills, he did not understand the Nine-Yuan Calculation Sutra and was unable to mobilize all his calculation power and make precise calculations. Therefore, in the first few years, he occupied a large area of ​​palaces and towers. , but then fell into a quagmire.

No matter how many palace towers he conquers, part of the territory will be donated to him. Even though he has unparalleled demonic power, he still cannot penetrate every corner. He promised that he would not be able to refine this city with a powerful formation, and Taihuang Ji could not do it. , so he could no longer learn to walk and completely refine all living things and the void.

As Taihuang Ji fell into a bitter battle, the world gradually changed. Almost no living being could detect this change, except...

Falling into some subtle state...

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