One Sword to Immortality

674. Long live the turtle

Xu Luo activated the Dingxuan Mirror and scanned the four green dragon eggs. He sighed immediately. It was difficult to hatch these four green dragon eggs.

Especially these four Qinglong eggs, according to the Qinglong clan's plan, were originally to be infused with the complete Supreme Dragon Secret. Only after these little dragons obtained the Supreme Dragon Secret could they start to practice and grow up at the same time. However, because this plan was not completed, the complete Supreme Dragon Art was never instilled, and these little dragons did not continue to develop.

The Sihai Dragon Palace is occupied by the hybrid dragon clan. Of course, they do not want the Qinglong clan to come back. Although they did not dare to destroy the four Qinglong eggs, they have long since lost their vitality. For these two reasons, it is easy to imagine how bad the condition of these Azure Dragon Eggs is.

Now these four green dragon eggs have fallen into a very deep sleep and cannot wake up at all.

At least for now, Xu Xu has no way, unless he can collect all the Supreme Dragon Art, or he can give it a try.

Xu Liao sighed, and sent the four green dragon eggs into his cave, where the vitality was strongest, and allowed them to devour the vitality. As for how much vitality these little dragons could regain, it all depended on their fate.

Xu Luo arranged for these four green dragon eggs and left Ember Mountain again. He wanted to plot the remaining three dragon palaces, but he didn't know where to start, so he wanted to visit Emperor Wenzhong to ask for a magical method.

The Longhu Mountain where Emperor Wen Zhong is currently located has not yet been covered by the Heavenly Formation because it was promised to be graceful. However, all the surrounding scenery has disappeared, only endless void, and a road leading to the other three. The vast ocean. Xu Liao knew that Emperor Bowen Zhong would not come to his Ember Mountain, so he did not leave a road leading to Ember Mountain for him.

The emperor heard that he had not been able to cultivate in secret for hundreds of years. He only occasionally went to talk to King Ying. He didn't ask whether the two of them had planned something, because what he originally wanted was not to control all the monsters in the Four Seas Territory. , he just wants to return three thousand years later and be able to advance by leaps and bounds and avoid disasters.

Xu Luo came to the outside of Longhu Mountain, but this time Wen Zhong suddenly came out of the mountain gate.

The number one master in the South China Sea had a calm demeanor and was much more powerful than the high priest. He was sitting on the Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot with more than ten disciples on both sides. He looked at Xu Zuo, sighed, and asked: "Sun Wuwang , what else do you want to do to cause me trouble?"

Xu Lio smiled slightly and said: "Where did the emperor's uncle Wen Zhong come from? I don't want to cause trouble to others. I came here to ask for an accurate idea from senior Wen Zhong. If I can get the emperor's With your help, I will definitely achieve my goal earlier.”

Emperor Wenzhong shook his head and invited Xu Liao into Longhu Mountain. After the two of them sat down, Emperor Wenzhong then dismissed all the disciples.

He said to Xu Liao: "What else do you want? The entire Nanyang Sea is gone, and the high priest must not have lost any benefits. How will you stay?"

After promising to open his hand, a ray of light flew out. The emperor was slightly surprised when he heard Zhong, reached out and grabbed it, closed his eyes and thought hard for a moment, opened his eyes and said, "Forget it! I will help you just this time. I will I can make you subdue the West Sea and the North Sea, but don’t say that you are my accomplice. You have already sacrificed the South China Sea, and there is no point in me staying here. In a few days, I will move to dive with old man Jiang Shang. Fix it.”

Xu was overjoyed, so he stayed in Longhu Mountain and discussed Taoism with Huang Bo Wen Zhong. Although Huang Bo Wen Zhong was limited in realm, he had extraordinary insights, especially since the Four Seas Dragon Palaces were all mixed-blooded dragons. Almost all of them had to create their own martial arts. Huang Bo Wenzhong was a genius who created his own martial arts. Xu Luo took advantage of the situation to reveal everything about the Supreme Dragon Technique and asked Pope Bo Wenzhong. Huang Bo Wenzhong also deduced a somewhat brand-new method.

I have promised that the Nine Yuan Sutra can be deduced naturally. Is Huang Bo Wenzhong's method feasible? The emperor's uncle Wen Zhong didn't know how to practice the method he created. With the help of Xu Jiuyuan Sutra, he was able to verify it immediately, and he also revealed more insights.

The relationship between the two was not very harmonious originally, but this time they discussed the Tao for dozens of days. When the emperor heard about it, he escaped into the Great Formation with satisfaction. Xu Liao originally wanted to quote it, but Unexpectedly, when the emperor heard that Zhong had brought his disciples into the great formation, someone would greet them, and it was his senior brother Ao Ji.

Jiang Shang personally came forward to greet Emperor Wen Zhong, and the two old guys went off to enjoy themselves. They promised to overwhelm the great formation here, and immediately captured all the land within a thousand miles of Longhu Mountain.

At this point, Xu had no worries anymore. Between the West Sea and the North Sea, he chose the West Sea as his first choice for planning.

Xihai is of the bloodline of the White Dragon. Of course, this is just to put gold on his face. In fact, Xihai’s bloodline is the same as the Baijiao bloodline of the Bai Qiulian clan, and even the inherited techniques are quite similar. However, after all, the Xihai Dragon Palace has been passed down for a long time. In addition to the secret techniques of the Baijiao family, they have also created many techniques suitable for the Baijiao bloodline. In terms of their powerful background, they are much better than the Bai family.

Especially since the Bai family only has its own clan, the Xihai Dragon Palace is rich in a sea. In addition to the Bai family, there are countless tribes and countless demon soldiers and generals.

The strength of the Four Seas Dragon Palace faction is naturally the first in the East China Sea. The South China Sea has Emperor Bo Wenzhong, the high priest, and the king Ying, so its strength is only slightly inferior to that of the East China Sea. After all, the East China Sea has the Phoenix Queen and the Prime Minister who is known as the best in the Four Seas.

The West Sea and the Beihai are both worse, but the West Sea is slightly better than the Beihai.

After promising to plot the West Sea, he was naturally somewhat prepared. He found a few white dragons and changed himself. Following the path introduced by Emperor Bo Wen Zhong, he happily joined the West Sea Dragon Palace.

Emperor Wen Zhong knew that he would be sorry for his old friend, but he also knew that sooner or later, Xihai Dragon Palace would not be able to resist. If he had surrendered to Xu earlier, his status would be higher, so he still did it unintentionally.

Emperor Wen Zhong is known as the number one person in the South China Sea. Although his reputation is lower than that of the Prime Minister of the East China Sea, he is obviously the second person in the world. Therefore, he has extensive contacts and has friends in the Dragon Palace all over the world. This is because his vision is too high for ordinary people to see. If not, otherwise with his status and cultivation, his friends would definitely be more than these.

Emperor Wen Zhong's friend in Xihai also held the position of Prime Minister. He was also of the bloodline of Guilong and was called Long live Gui. It was said that he was related to Gui Tianqi, the Prime Minister of East China Sea. However, the two families were not in harmony and had no contact with each other. If Otherwise, if Gui Tianqi can be the prime minister of the East China Sea, he will still be a first-rate minister, and Gui Long live will not be able to be an official of the West Sea.

The Dragon King of the West Sea will definitely take every precaution, fearing that the prime minister, Long Live the Turtle, will join forces with his relatives and swallow up his family's inheritance. After all, there is no harmony in the Dragon Palace all over the world, and everyone has different blood, but it is not the friendship between brothers and sisters in myths and legends.

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