One Sword to Immortality

677. East China Sea Strategy

Promised this retreat, another hundred years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Nowadays, with the improvement of cultivation level, it is a hundred times more difficult than before to go further. A hundred years of time were enough for Xu Yiyue to break through from a demon warrior to a demon general, but in the realm of demon commander, he could only cultivate one path.

Xu Zuo has now cultivated twenty-five meridians. Although this retreat is not a great improvement, he is still satisfied. However, through this retreat, he also knows that his cultivation has reached a bottleneck period. In addition to slowness, If you grind slowly and practice hard, there won’t be much possibility for rapid progress.

Xu Ruo has spent more than a thousand years in the Four Seas Territory. In the eyes of everyone, he knows that he will definitely be a weirdo. In addition to practicing hard, he is training disciples, or practicing formations and worshiping the void. Seems to have no interest in anything.

Only Xu Zuo himself knows that he is not interested in anything, but in this world. He really hopes to leave here, go back to the earth, go back to the familiar city, and see the girl he loves, and even his mother. As well as the subordinates of the Ten Thousand Demons Association.

Although he now has many subordinates and countless disciples, these disciples are not in the same thinking space as him, and he does not want to exchange thoughts with his disciples, even his father, and his master at all.

Xu Le is willing to stay in his own cave most of the time now, meditating on cultivation, and deducing Taoism. He is less and less willing to communicate with others, so he also knows that he is becoming more and more mysterious, even though he It turned out to be quite mysterious.

Xu Liao's cave sky, after many large-scale adjustments by him, has turned into a sea of ​​clouds, with only one solitary peak standing between the sky and the earth. It's not that Xu Liao doesn't like other scenery, but that no matter what kind of beautiful scenery, he has watched it for a thousand years I was tired of looking at it, so in the end, only the solitary peaks and the sea of ​​clouds were left, with no other embellishments.

Although Xu Le has completed this retreat, he has no intention of going out to meet people. Instead, he slowly calculates: "There are still more than two thousand years. According to the current progress, one channel can be cultivated every hundred years." , three thousand years later, I can only refine more than forty, at most fifty, no more. With such a level of cultivation, can I escape the poisonous hands of Tiger Leopard Yi?"

Xu Liao also prides himself on his extraordinary skills. With the Nine Mysteries True Technique, the Nine Yuan Sutra, the various magical powers of the heaven, and the changes in the Jade Cauldron lineage, even if he meets the most elite demon commander, he has full confidence and can defeat him head-on. opponent. But against Hu Bao B, he just didn't have confidence. Although Hu Bao B was just a demon commander, he had been practicing for countless years and had a rich foundation. He also mastered many secrets of the Heavenly Court. How could he be compared to an ordinary demon commander?

Xu Luo sat cross-legged on the lonely peak. As his thoughts changed, the demonic aura outside his body suddenly changed in a thousand ways, from the mysterious golden demonic aura, to the azure dragon aura, the dragon elephant demonic aura, the nine-phoenix demonic power, the unicorn demonic power, the Zhuxian demonic aura... Finally The demonic energy is transformed into the purest spiritual energy, which flows endlessly and evolves around the sky.

Even in the end,

Xu was able to freely transform demonic energy and spiritual energy, use demonic power to promote heavenly martial arts, transform the jade cauldron, and use spiritual energy to evolve the various methods of heavenly demons. He has cultivated the Nine Mysteries True Dharma to an incredible level, transcending the original barriers. Even Emperor Fan Tian and Emperor Haotian might not have thought of such a change.

But in the end, Xu Luo still sighed.

He still wasn't completely sure.

It is not difficult to defeat a strong enemy, but it is difficult to defeat the will of God.

Xu Luo calculated several times using the Nine Yuan Sutra, and he also vaguely sensed that there would be a great catastrophe in two thousand years. Although it was reversed by secret methods, it did not make the great catastrophe disappear, but made the accumulation of this catastrophe even stronger. , even more difficult to survive.

Xu Liao naturally knew that the person who reversed his catastrophe was Yang Shuhua. As for why Yang Shuhua knew this, he was not too clear. If Yang Shuhua hadn't come forward to deal with it in advance, he would have lost his self at this time. I don't know. became something.

Xu Luo stayed quietly for three days, then left his cave and traveled around. Now he has all the South China Sea under his control. They have all been refined into the Great Formation, and the other three sea areas have also been set up by him. The seeds of the great formation are made up by countless small formations. Now there are at least tens of thousands of great formations of different sizes in the East China Sea, the West Sea and the North Sea. I don’t know how many monsters are practicing the Taoism of the Ember Mountain lineage, and have refined themselves into The eye of the huge formation.

Xu promised that in a thousand years, he would be able to swallow up the West Sea and the North Sea in one go. These two places were already in his possession, but the East China Sea should still not be taken lightly.

Xu Luo is determined to challenge the Prime Minister. As long as he kills or defeats the Prime Minister Gui Tianqi of Donghai, he can cut off the foundation of Donghai. Even if there are Dragon King and Phoenix Queen of Donghai, Donghai can no longer hold up the scene.

I just made some calculations for a long time, and I felt that if I challenged the Prime Minister of Donghai, the consequences would definitely not be as expected, and there would be some unpredictable consequences. Although he could not figure out what would happen and was very confident that he would not lose to Gui Tianqi, he still held on to the urge.

Gui Tianqi, the prime minister of the East China Sea, must have many secrets.

Xu Liao also thought about taking action on the Phoenix Queen and the Dragon King of the East China Sea. However, the Dragon King of the East China Sea is extremely mysterious. He has not appeared in front of everyone for a long time and has never left the Dragon Palace. It is impossible to figure it out. Feng Hou also lived in seclusion. Xu tried several times to send people to sneak into Feng Hou's side, but this powerful woman saw through it all. At that time, he also thought about taking action personally, but after all, deducing the technique was more important, so he gave up the idea.

He had some plans when he came out of seclusion this time.

Xu Ruo finished inspecting his territory, came back to give guidance to his disciples, and then entered the East China Sea alone. Now he is different from what he used to be. Even if he doesn't bring any followers, there will naturally be countless groups of monsters for him to drive when he arrives in the East China Sea. Even these monsters don't know why they obey this person's orders, nor do they know who they are obeying.

Xu was in the East China Sea and did not go elsewhere. Instead, he went directly to see the Dragon King of the South China Sea. The Dragon King of the South China Sea was released by Xu and expelled the rebel king of the North Sea. Then he also fled into the East China Sea. Now he has formed a group of people in the East China Sea. This huge force seems to have regained some of its former prestige.

Only Xu Lao knew about the current situation of the Dragon King of the South China Sea. The old Dragon King was not in a very happy mood because he had been expelled and expelled by the Prime Minister of the East China Sea, Gui Tianqi, in recent years. Although he is also a top demon commander, he is no match for the Prime Minister of the East China Sea. Fortunately, he relied on the Great Formation to escape many times.

After all, the Dragon King of South China Sea is also an emperor, but now he is like a lost dog. He would rather go to the Ember Mountain to remain anonymous than live in such an embarrassing life.

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