One Sword to Immortality

687. 3 magic weapons

It is difficult to determine the nature of human beings when they give birth to children. After all, human beings are born with spiritual knowledge after surviving. However, various excellent qualities can also be cultivated through acquired education. --

Artificial spiritual consciousness is still an acquired creature, and the character can be manipulated at will. Some people work tirelessly and feel that they should be given freedom. Even if they create a naughty child with antisocial personality, they are still happy with it. But the monsters are all existences with normal minds. They just want to cultivate a good baby, a loyal and filial baby. There are no technical difficulties anyway. It is easier to cultivate a good baby. Why not?

Although Xu Liao was born as a human being, he accepted the philosophy of the Ten Thousand Demons Society and believed that artificial spiritual consciousness should be auxiliary wisdom. All thinking modes are to obey and assist the master. There is no need to think independently at all, as long as he accepts the master's instructions. Instructions, thinking according to the master's requirements, are already perfect artificial spiritual consciousness.

Artificial spiritual consciousness that also knows how to make decisions for its master, or even resists its master, should be destroyed inhumanely.

In fact, the monsters have also encountered a similar situation, that is, the magic weapon devours the master. There are many monsters who are attacked by the magic weapon they carry with them. Naturally, the Holy Mother and the Holy Father are eliminated, leaving only those who think normally and put reason first. monster.

After the alchemy ring was completed, he began to search all over the world. Now he no longer cares about the East China Sea Dragon Palace. Since Jiang Shang is the Lord of the Thirty-three Heavens, then the prime minister Gui Tianqi who knows the secrets of the heaven is naturally Jiang Shang's. With his old subordinates gone, it would be ridiculous for him to go after Gui Tianqi again.

I hope that I can find a few more first-level magic weapons and refine them into golden rings to increase the power of this treasure that can overcome tribulations.

He didn't believe that in the Four Seas Territory, only Zhentianhou had four first-level magic weapons. He promised to ask for it, but he got a response quickly. The South China Sea, the West Sea and the North Sea were all occupied by him, so naturally it didn't matter. However, Donghai responded to his request and sent a magic weapon, and also gave a message that there were two magic weapons sealed in a certain formation.

Xu Liao knew that this was a gesture of goodwill from the Prime Minister of the East China Sea, Gui Tianqi, so he was not polite at the moment. He collected the treasure of the East China Sea and went to find the place where the divine weapons were sealed.

The Canghai Dragon Formation that seals the divine weapons is the largest in the Four Seas Territory. Xu Luo has not taken action yet because he has to expend his energy in cultivating the Four Seas. He is just slowly cultivating it without any special treatment. According to the original level of sacrificial refining, it would take hundreds of years for the Canghai Dragon Formation to be completed, and even after the deadline of three thousand years, it may not be able to be refined.

Xu Luo originally didn't care much about these small benefits, but after receiving the advice from the Prime Minister of the East China Sea, she would never miss it again. She came directly in her true form, and the golden ring that protected her body kept spinning. He no longer used the original method, but used the Nine Elements Calculation Sutra to crack the formation, which was a bit more swift and wonderful than the violent sacrifice of the Heavenly Formation.

It only took Xu Guo seventeen days to refine the sea dragon formation, and immediately there were two dragons.

One green and one yellow want to fly out of the sky.

Xu Tan pressed his hand, and boundless force came through the air, holding down the two rays of light.

Xu Lio looked up and saw only two divine weapons. Although they contained extraordinary true veins and were even more numerous than the four divine weapons held by Zhentian Hou, they were riddled with scars and incomplete Dao veins, and even Yuan Ling was unable to do so. It has been destroyed by others, and only the remaining essence is left, which is not complete.

It is best to sacrifice the magic weapon in this state. Xu released the golden ring to trap the two magic weapons, and then threw out the magic weapon sent by Donghai. The divine weapon given by Donghai was actually nurtured by Yuanling, but it was still asleep. According to the documents sent by Donghai, this magical weapon was unruly and had backfired on its owner several times, so Donghai abandoned it.

After he kneaded the magic formula, boundless flames suddenly appeared, and thousands of hectares of thunder appeared. He wanted to complete the sacrifice of this magic weapon in the last few hundred years of the three thousand years. With this golden ring, Although he is still not strong enough to compete with the demon gods, he can predict every move of the demon gods and can avoid them calmly.

Even though he promised, he didn't believe that he was enough to fight against the demon god. Even after two lifetimes of cultivation, he was still far behind. But with this golden ring, no matter what level of enemy he was, as long as he had the slightest thought, he could calculate it. Come out and figure out how to avoid it, you can also avoid disaster.

Xu Luo activated the entire heavenly formation, bringing the power of the four seas with him to sacrifice and refine three divine weapons.

Suddenly a hundred years passed, and the two divine weapons hidden in the Canghai Dragon Formation were finally completely refined, disintegrated, and transformed into the golden ring. Each of these two first-level divine weapons contained The nineteen Dao meridians were integrated into the golden ring, which immediately increased the thirty-one Dao meridians contained in this treasure to sixty-two. It was already very close to the Demon God, and not far from the peak.

As for the magic weapon given by Donghai, its Yuanling has been completely wiped out at this time, but it is still some distance away from being refined.

Xu Liao was practicing hard when suddenly the world was shaken, and a trace of his breath actually leaked out.

Xu was slightly surprised, and activated the Nine Yuan Calculation Sutra to calculate, and then realized that it turned out that the seal of the Four Seas Territory Map itself was loose, and then the breath leaked, attracting the demon gods of the Ten Thousand Demons Association and the four legions.

As long as the Ten Thousand Demons Association and the demon gods of the four major legions are aware of this aura, an invincible demon god will appear, and even the acquaintance Xu Fuyuan Lord, Hun Tian, ​​and the demon gods of the four major legions will all come together. As soon as it appears.

Even in the legend, Yue Peng, the vice-president of the Ten Thousand Demons Association, would show up, but this big demon god went around in a circle and then abandoned it, no longer caring about the affairs here.

After decades of refining Xu and Zai, the Four Seas Territory was shaken again, and a wisp of breath was once again sprayed out in all directions.

As the three-thousand-year deadline approaches, Xu Luo becomes more and more diligent in his cultivation and sacrifices to the alchemy ring become more and more intensive.

Although most of his energy is now used to sacrifice the alchemy ring, his own cultivation has not dropped, and he has opened two more channels, for a total of thirty-nine channels, and his magic power has become thicker and stronger. times.

Even Xu's attainments in the Jiuyuan Sutra and the Nine Mysterious True Dharma have advanced to a higher level, and he has also realized many wonderful uses in the combination of the Jiuyuan Sutra and the Datian Yuan Jue.

Many of the wonderful functions were not understood by the ancestor of the Jade Cauldron back then, let alone taught to him. After all, the ancestor of the Jade Cauldron lost all his wisdom after becoming a demon. Although most of them have been practiced now, many of the spells have been re-deduced. Original appearance.

After Xu Luo had been practicing for decades, there was a shock in the Four Seas Territory, and the aura leaked out. This time, Xu Luo had been prepared for it, and he was distracted and calculated, and he actually noticed that a familiar aura was coming from outside.

He knew that the Four Seas Territory Map was about to open. After the Four Seas Territory Map became quiet, he suddenly shouted: "It was a dream for more than three thousand years. I refined a golden ring to survive the crisis. Now I have returned to my true self, and I have practiced 'Hong Kong' in two lifetimes." A wisp.”

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