One Sword to Immortality

717. Isn’t it a live broadcast?

Xu was stunned for a long time, and could only say: "Let me think about this a few more times!" He just covered it up.

He really didn't know how to evaluate the suggestion of the leader of the Storm Legion. After thinking about it carefully, this plan might not be a bad idea. He now has six kinds of heavenly demon blood in his body. The descendants born will definitely have the opportunity to practice the six kinds of heavenly demon inheritance. As for the demon god There is simply no need to say the following.

But...he can't get over it!

Is this too over the top?

It is completely beyond the scope of what normal people can accept.

Do it in front of millions of female fairies, isn't it a live broadcast?

Below, a group of female fairies double-click 666. I’ll pull another one. Brothers, please be careful! Give me a rocket and two yachts...

Xu Xueshen has a deep understanding that if I have such fun, I will be banned from my account...

The leader of the Storm Legion looked at him deeply, with a profound meaning in his eyes. If Xu Luo didn't have to give some face to a demon god, I really wanted to kick him away.

The leader of the Storm Legion coughed slightly and said, "If God doesn't want it, I have another way." Xu Mian glanced at him and asked, "Do you want to live broadcast and save seeds yourself?"

The leader of the Storm Legion said calmly: "Back then, Emperor Haotian and Emperor Fantian once thought of recasting all Yuan Fei spirit stones, but they failed to cultivate the Xuanjin Emperor Monkey several times, but they cultivated another kind of stone demon... …”

Xu Xu was slightly startled and stared at the leader of the Storm Legion. What this demon god said was already an ancient secret. He also wanted to know if there was any fresh information about this big demon god.

The leader of the Storm Legion smiled softly and said: "This kind of stone demon can only be sealed because it does not conform to the ideas of the two generations of Emperors of Heaven. It has never appeared in the world. But if God wants to restart this plan, I have the two generations of The Emperor of Heaven’s secret method of refining the Yuan Fei Lingshi can be offered to you.”

Xu was surprised, it was really serious, and asked: "Bring it quickly!"

The leader of the Storm Legion presented a secret book with both hands. There were three big words "Gods of the Gods" on the cover page.

Xu Tan grabbed it and flipped through a few pages, then his expression changed and he asked, "What is this?"

The leader of the Storm Legion chuckled and said: "This is part of the demon nerves. It was just deleted by the two generations of emperors and listed in another volume. The demon nerves are cultivated by all the monsters in the world, but the gods can be cultivated. ,

A species that has never existed before, and every monster who practices it will have a different final result. "

Xu Luo closed his nerves, and he understood what this thing was better than the leader of the Storm Legion. In short... this is the true method of practicing the Nine Mysteries in reverse.

Emperor Haotian and Emperor Fantian realized that the Nine Mysteries True Law was not enough to suppress all the demons in the world, so they created demon nerves as an aid to cultivate twelve kinds of demon bloodlines.

But regardless of the bloodline of the gods, even the most top-notch demon bloodline will eventually develop into something unknown.

It is very possible that ordinary monsters can become peerless monsters if they practice it, but if they practice the blood of heavenly demons, they can become useless...

The demon nerves also have another function, which is to jointly train the bloodlines of the demons. The demon nerves also have this secret method. If two low-level monster bloodlines are trained together, they can break through the bloodline restrictions. However, the demon nerves were determined after countless tests by two generations of emperors. The path of "the demon rolls around the sky and transforms into a demon in six ways".

The nerves are the demon nerves. The original version of this secret method can be combined to train any monster bloodline. The result of the combined training is...unknown!

If used on ordinary monsters, this would be a waste of human life.

But if it is used on Yuan Fei Lingshi...

Even if I promise, I don’t know whether the result will be good or bad.

He looked at the leader of the Storm Legion, and suddenly thought of his teacher Jiang Shang, who instructed him to find the Yuan Fei Lingshi, but Yue Peng took action, swept everything away, and broke all the Yuan Fei Lingshi. Now someone else offered his nerves. …

To say that all this is such a coincidence, but no one arranged it, the Nine Yuan Suan Jing, this fairy scripture, must be a fake.

Should we do this?

Xu Zuo did not hesitate for long before he put all his nerves away. The leader of the Storm Legion bowed and walked away without saying anything more.

With a casual throw of Xu, a fighting clone appeared millions of miles away, at the end of the peerless heavenly road where the Great Heavenly Yuan Jue had evolved.

There are countless broken Yuan Fei Lingshi, as well as the silent ancient stone monsters among them. These ancient stone monsters have not yet reached the time of birth, so after they died tragically, they will never be saved again.

Yue Peng firmly believed in this, and after just one blow, he left proudly, never staying again to take another look.

There are tens of thousands of yuantai spirit stones covered by this formation. If they can all be hatched, there will be tens of thousands of ancient stone demons. The ancient stone demons are not a big clan in the first place, so they are already quite powerful. tribe.

Xu Zuo held all the nerves in his hands and looked at these broken Yuan Fei Lingshi. He had the bloodline of the Black Gold Emperor Monkey and could be considered a branch of the ancient stone demon. His mood... was quite subtle.

Xu Liao hesitated for a moment, then reached out to grab it, and two pieces of Yuan Fei Lingshi flew up immediately. Xu Liao did not try to refine them, but put them into the four immortal gates transformed by Zhoutian Sacrifice God. At the same time, He activated the Golden Ring of Overcoming Tribulation and began to deduce the basis of this thing.

Although Xu Leo is not as powerful as the two generations of Demon Clan Heavenly Emperors, with vast magical powers and infinite power, he has thirty-three days of inheritance, knows how to worship the gods in the Zhoutian, is proficient in the Great Heavenly Yuan Technique, and has even practiced the Nine Yuan Calculation Sutra to the ninth chapter. There are also Donghuangtian and countless divine soldiers who can serve as guards of honor, so naturally there are more means.

It took Xu Luo a hundred days to dismantle the two pieces of Yuan Fei Lingshi. Although he was not able to understand all the basics, he still had a general understanding. Then he replaced two more Yuan Fei Lingshi. It is much faster to do it once. It only takes more than forty days to analyze and understand.

With Xu's third move, he was able to dismantle and analyze five yuantai spirit stones at the same time. In the golden ring of transcending tribulation, there was already a vague prototype of a creature, but the appearance was still very chaotic. With Xu's dismantling, As more Yuan Fei Spirit Stones were analyzed, the creature gradually became clearer.

The time it took to make this promise actually lasted more than a hundred years.

In the past hundred years, new changes have taken place in the ancient world. The six realms and heavens are still stabilizing the roots of heaven and earth and recruiting wild monsters. However, because the roots of heaven and earth are stable, the clear and turbid spiritual intelligence has accelerated the split a hundred times. Although It's still a bit hazy, but the sky and the earth have gradually separated. The earth is wider and thicker, the rocks are harder, and the clear spirit of the sky is rising higher and higher. Even in the ancient wilderness, there are already traces of great demons breaking through to the realm of demon gods. Exploding tyrannical demon power, looking for similar people to fight.

The ancient world has entered a bloody world because of the appearance of these wild demon gods. These monsters are cruel in nature and completely different from the monsters on earth that have been nurtured by civilization.

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