One Sword to Immortality

723. God forbids it

The thirty-six transformations of the Jade Cauldron created by the Jade Cauldron Ancestor have infinite fighting power, and they are also at the pinnacle of the real person level. In the realm of real people and demon gods, in Xu Liao's eyes, they must be invincible.

But when Pan Xiang blasted away Jade Cauldron with one punch, Xu Luo finally realized that the ancestor of Jade Cauldron had become a demon, and all his invincible Taoist skills had been turned to waste, and not even much of his memory was left.

After practicing again, almost all the Taoist magic must be re-created. It is so difficult and difficult to imagine that the power of Taoist magic must not be comparable to that of Pan Xiang in his prime state.

Pan Xiang is not only the leader of the Tian Long Xiang clan, but also the Grand Priest of the Heavenly Court. He created such a powerful fighting method as Neijing Yuanshen. Although his cultivation level has dropped to the level of a demon god, he has no matter whether it is combat experience or unparalleled wisdom. , or the unfathomable Taoism, are countless times more powerful than the Jade Cauldron Ancestor.

There may not have been much difference between the two back then, but now... the gap has completely widened.

It was only then that Xu Liao realized that even if the power of Taoism and magic were equal, the skills he had learned were different, and now they were all revealed.

The Jade Cauldron True Dharma, which only has a fragmentary part left, is no longer able to defeat the full-blown Heaven-Moving Zhengfa.

Although Pan Xiang didn't blow away the Jade Cauldron with one punch, he was still very arrogant. He pressed down with his backhand and blasted out another God-moving Fist. If he continued to blast away, even the ancient golden plate forged by the Great Formation would be destroyed. They may not be able to bear it.

The leader of the Dragon Elephant Clan, his magical powers are so powerful and his boxing skills are so fierce that they reach an unbelievable level.

Just as Xu Luo was sighing, a golden light flew over and blocked Pan Xiang's fist. Even though Pan Xiang was so brave and brave, the blow was still stopped by the golden light.

Pan Xiang opened his eyes, swept around, sneered, and shouted: "It turns out to be a little bird! When I was roaming the world, this kind of bird was disgusted even when it was eaten raw because it had too much hair, and when it was cooked, it was too disgusting for the lack of meat. Dare to be arrogant in front of me."

With a flick of the panxiang, a palace emerged, trapping Yue Peng who had just taken action.

Yue Peng roared loudly and shouted: "How many times have you eaten, but you still dislike meat!"

This big demon changed his mind through psychic changes, and he didn't know what means he used. He broke out of the inner scene of Yuan Shen's Heavenly Palace, and struck down Pan Xiang's head with one claw.

Yue Peng's speed was so fast that Pan Xiang had no time to react. However, this big demon was surrounded by immortal energy, and layers of heavenly palaces emerged. Yue Peng's claw was so close, but far away, and he couldn't reach it at all. The protective energy of Panxiang.

Yue Peng responded very quickly.

He changed his body technique and turned around to leave. Before Pan Xiang's Inner Scenery Yuanshen was activated, he escaped from the scope of this Immortal Code Secret Technique.

Pan Xiang was also surprised and shouted: "Little bird! Sure enough, there are some tricks."

Just as Yue Peng was about to retort, a punch mark fell. Even though Pan Xiang had an inner-view Yuan Shen shield and a body-protecting body called Move Tianzhengfa, he was also knocked down.

An old voice shouted: "What nonsense are you talking about? Hurry up and kill this stupid elephant, then kill Jiang Shang and eliminate the future troubles."

Yue Peng was slightly embarrassed, but did not refute. This time, the one who took action was actually Sa Laozu, one of the three great masters of the Yuanshi Sect!

The Yuanshi Sect's Yuanshi Shu, no matter who practices it, will adapt to the practitioner's innate nature and produce different results. However, precisely because of the mystery of the Yuanshi Shu, everyone who practices the Yuanshi Shu will feel that this method is simply for themselves. There is nothing more suitable than a tailor-made one.

The skills you cultivate are the ones that best suit your personality and talents, can best display your strengths, and are the fastest in practice. Therefore, there are three real people in the Yuanshi Sect, ranking first among the Eighteen Immortals Sect.

The Book of Yuanshi is already a supreme fairy scripture without any flaws, pointing directly to the origin of the great road.

Ancestor Sa's attack shattered the heavens and the earth, shattered everything, and simply and directly broke all of Pan Xiang's protective techniques.

Pan Xiang rolled on the ground and jumped up again. There were already slight scars. The old dragon elephant roared loudly and shouted: "You are forcing me. Originally, I didn't want to interfere in the matter of re-establishing the protagonist in the world, but since you You don’t know what’s going on, but you can’t blame me. This will let you know why I am the only one who comes out to fight.”

In fact, Xu Xu was quite strange. He didn't know how many powerful people Jiang Shang had under his command, but at least there was the Old Dragon King of the East China Sea and the Phoenix Queen. These two handsome men... very likely had their origins. Even if they have no background, with their savings, it is not difficult to break through the demon god. Everyone should come out to meet the enemy, not just Pan Xiang.

What's more, Xu Zuocai didn't believe that Jiang Shang had only these people under his command. After all, he was also the master of the Thirty-three Heavens back then. He could pull out more than a hundred demon gods at will.


Just for a moment, it’s not difficult to say yes!

Pan Xiang was knocked down by Ancestor Sa, jumped up again, his immortal power increased again, and suddenly opened the door of heaven and earth, unexpectedly breaking through the realm of the demon god.

Xu Lao felt a chill all over his body. There had not been a heavenly demon in the world for a long time. Although Xu Lao knew that Jiang Shang, Yu Ding, Pan Xiang and others were all at the level of the sky demon back then, he also knew that Jade Cauldron was After knocking down his cultivation level, Jiang Shang secretly took action because he was promoting the reversal of time and space. His cultivation level dropped to the level of Demon Commander...

So he subconsciously thought that Pan Xiang might have lost the cultivation of the Heavenly Demon for some reason, but at this moment, it seemed that it was... a huge misunderstanding.

The patriarch of the Tianlongxiang clan, the prime minister of Haojitian, the Grand Priest of the Thirty-Three Heavens, and now the Grand Priest of the Taihuang Heaven, his cultivation has not been compromised at all, but he was too lazy to show off his methods before.

When Pan Xiang breaks through the realm, his body is no longer pure spiritual power, but the aura of immortals and monsters. Moving Tian Zhengfa and Neijing Yuan Shen, the two forces converge in the body, forming a wonderful balance, and even two forces. The strength is sharpened by each other, and it seems to be reaching an incredible state.

At the moment when Pan Xiang broke through the realm of the demon god, a clear light shot into the sky, and there was a sudden earthquake between the heaven and the earth. Then a majestic force came down and fell on Pan Xiang's body, suppressing the cultivator who was about to break through the demon god. for.

A clear and clear voice said leisurely: "Ancestor Panxiang! I know that you were wise enough to protect yourself back then and left the Thirty-three Heavens to maintain your heavenly demon cultivation. But don't forget that this place is already in the ancient times. God does not allow it. If the demon doesn’t come out, if you want to break through the demon, you have to ask about the way of heaven!”

Pan Xiang was slightly stunned, and suddenly started to curse loudly, shouting: "So you are a bastard, a little rabbit, a bitch, a stupid old cat, a bastard..." Pan Xiang's ancestor cursed hundreds of different words in one breath. The filthy words obviously hated the person who made the move to the extreme!

Pan Xiang cursed loudly in one breath, then pointed his finger in the void and shouted: "I accepted your biological disciple for nothing back then, but ended up teaching such a white-eyed brat!"

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