One Sword to Immortality

725. Taiye Dragon King (7)

The way of heaven only needs the root of heaven and earth, but it does not actually need the world of heaven, let alone the heaven of heaven!

Regardless of whether it is Jietian or Taitian, they all steal the power of Heavenly Dao, steal the authority of Heavenly Dao, and live on Heavenly Dao, rather than what Heavenly Dao itself needs. . шщш.㈦㈨ⅹS.сом Updates very quickly.

Therefore, the power of heaven's way to wash away the world is not a good intention, but an attempt to drive away these parasitic insects on the roots of heaven and earth. It's just that the ancient demon clan has developed an extremely perfect method, which can perfectly steal the roots of heaven and earth, leaving heaven helpless, but they still have to withstand the pressure of heaven.

at this time

The promised Donghuangtian has opened the fourth Six-Desire Heavenly Demon Pond!

Countless demons dance gracefully in the pool, captivating people's hearts. If Xu Xu had not experienced countless hardships, and the Dharma he practiced was the inheritance of the highest level of heavenly demons, or even true immortals, he would have been aroused by these heavenly demons, and would have been controlled by heaven in an instant.

The devil is the way of heaven, and the way of heaven is the devil!

Tao Demons are the same!

The demon is just the power created by the way of heaven to destroy the living beings who steal their own power. It is not a living being. Therefore, the demon is heartless and has no "nature", no likes and dislikes, and no desires, only pure power. Infecting the seven emotions and six 'desires', the supreme magic power targets the complex souls of living beings.

People infected by demonic energy will be like demons, losing their spiritual consciousness and turning into foreign objects. Although they also have the name of demon, they are not intelligent beings. The thoughts of living beings are born, come and go, and have roots and roots. The feet have a source and a head. But the demon is a thoughtless thing. Although the demon has thoughts, it is for no reason and unpredictable. Even the demon himself cannot control it. He has no wisdom at all, only cunning, only wanton indulgence, and he does not even care about his own life or death. Care, because only spiritual thoughts will care about life and death. If there are no spiritual thoughts, naturally nothing will exist. There is no need for a reason, only indulgence.

Once the Six Desire Demonic Pool is completed, Donghuangtian has changed. As long as you make a wish, you can seduce all the creatures under the control of Donghuangtian, making them become possessed by a single thought, and their lifetime cultivation will be reduced to nothing, and they can be integrated into Donghuangtian itself. .

The fifth large pool produced endless black energy and billowing black smoke. After the establishment of Donghuangtian, all the dead creatures appeared in it, but they turned into ghosts and howled miserably.

The sixth large pool, with wind but no water, is an endless storm. It may become pitch black, tearing apart the void, or it may become silver, destroying everything, or it may become red, burning the sky and melting the earth, or it may become colorless, and everything will disappear!

The seventh big pool is nothing...

In the eighth large pool, there are countless living beings and even gods. It seems that all the spirits in the world are in it. Maybe you can even see yourself.

Majestic and domineering, dominating the world.

The eight heavenly pools in the East Emperor's Heaven were formed, and the way of heaven suddenly showed off its power. Silver lightning struck down one after another, blasting the big demon that broke through the sky demon into pieces. At this time, the big demon reassembled its remaining body and restored its demon body. At that moment, a big demon suddenly appeared between heaven and earth. It was red, had scales and horns, and turned out to be a fire unicorn.

Xu let out a long breath of cold air. Although he had known for a long time that Mr. Lushan was the one who broke through the sky demon, he never expected that the way of heaven would actually transform into a fire unicorn...

In fact, this fire unicorn is not an illusion, but Mr. Lushan himself after becoming a heavenly demon.

Use the way of heaven to act the way of humanity!

This is the greatest means of heaven!

This fire unicorn didn't even bother to turn into a human body. The unicorn was surrounded by real fire and fell from the sky. With a fierce hoof, it clashed with Mr. Lushan's fist seal. It actually blasted away Mr. Lushan's fist seal and kicked it. On the chest of this big monster.

Mr. Lushan was able to recover his monster body many times during the catastrophe, but after this blow, half of his body was shattered and could never be restored.

He shouted loudly to activate his demonic power, but there was a burning fire on the wound. It was the Kirin True Fire that was even better than him. It burned his demonic power, making it impossible for Mr. Lushan to recover his demonic body.

Immediately afterwards, another colorless brilliance fell, which instantly caused Mr. Lushan to age hundreds of thousands of years. With another ray of colorless brilliance, he actually returned to the time when he was born. Although time changed, it was only a blink of an eye. But the calamity of Heaven's fall did not stop, and it gave this big monster a painful blow.

At this time, Xu already knew that Mr. Lushan would never be able to survive the catastrophe again. He had already injured his fundamental source, and his demon core was shattered by the fire unicorn. He couldn't help but feel a little strange in his heart.

Although Mr. Lushan has accumulated great power and swallowed the soul of the Qilin spirit at the core of the Four Seas Territory, he is not the strongest and most promising figure among the demon gods. He was promised 10,000 golden rings to escape the tribulation, but he could not figure out that Mr. Lushan would be the first to become a heavenly demon.

Whether it is Yue Peng, the mysterious Chairman of Ten Thousand Demons, or his master Yu Ding, Jiang Shang, or the two real men of the Yuanshi Sect, Mr. Dapan and Ancestor Sa... everyone is better than Mr. Lushan More likely.

Especially when the Four World Heavens invaded the Taihuang Heaven, Mr. Lushan obviously stood by and watched, but did not provoke any attack from the demon gods. Even Pan Xiang and the Old Dragon King would not specifically target him...

The endless fog made Xu Lio even more unable to believe that Mr. Lushan would be the first to break through the Heavenly Demon.

Now that Mr. Lushan was doomed by heaven and destroyed in ashes, Xu Xu was not surprised. Instead, he had the thought that this was how it should have been.

The only thing that surprised him was that Mr. Lushan was the boss of the Magic Star Society, and his status was second only to Hu Bao B, but no one from Mo Xingtian came to rescue or help... Of course, between Hu Bao B and Mr. Lushan, Next, the strongest demon gods have been refined by Yang Shuhua, and their cultivation levels have also been swallowed up.

When Xu Yi thought of this, he suddenly said: "Mom sells batches, I don't know whether to talk about it or not!"

Just when he thought his prediction was correct, Mr. Lushan fired nine rays of real fire, extinguishing the fire unicorn, waved away the thunder and lightning golden sword, the evil wind and red water... the disaster suddenly dissipated.

Although this big demon only had half of his body left, the aura on his body was extremely profound. He looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, shouting: "Although you have tried everything, what can you do? Haven't you become a heavenly demon for me? Now I am The number one demon in the world, I am respected in the world, who dares to disobey!?"

There was silence between heaven and earth. Even the big demon gods didn't say a word. It's... so outrageous.

Mr. Lushan can reach the sky with one step, his momentum is as high as mountains and abyss, and he has a domineering momentum all over the world. Although his reputation is far less than that of Yue Peng, Yu Ding, Pan Xiang and other big guys, he can be promoted to a demon god, so he naturally has the corresponding courage. At that time, the heavenly demon swept the world and swallowed up Jiu Luo with anger. He really didn't lack the magnificence!

But in the next moment, countless calamity lights suddenly appeared in his body and broke through the demon body...

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