One Sword to Immortality

734. Demonic Abyss (2)

A demon with black scales from the waist down emerged from the depths of the demon abyss. Looking at the black rainbow circle just after Taisheng disappeared, he patted his waist and tail, and his eyes seemed full of curiosity.

The demon observed it for a long time, then suddenly let out a loud roar and darted into the Taidu Ten Life Ring. But he was not a Taisheng. After falling into the Taidu Ten Life Ring, he immediately felt everything around him. Even if you struggle hard, you can't resist the bite of a snake.

However, in a moment, the demon was bitten by countless poisonous snake demons, and his body was completely gone within a short time.

Ever since Taisheng became a disciple of Xu, the original clan members practiced Taipo Black Water Transformation and transformed into Taipan Poison Dragon and Green Salivation Poison Dragon. He has been collecting demon snakes from all over the world, and even returned to the ancient times without forgetting to go there. Six realms of heaven purchase demonic snake varieties.

Now, there are hundreds of kinds of monsters in his Taidu Ten Life Rings, seven of which have become monster dragons. Although they are not as good as his own bloodline, they are all fierce monsters.

Later, Taisheng went to the Great Demon Heaven and was reincarnated as a golden demon species, and released a group of his kindred who had opened up their spiritual consciousness. Now, those who remain in the Taidu Ten Life Ring are all monsters who have not opened up their spiritual consciousness, and There are also many alien species from the ancient times. These demonic snakes are no longer considered the same race as Taisheng.

Although there are many creatures in the six worlds, their statuses are not the same. Human beings who can cultivate and monsters of higher bloodline originally had the highest status. However, since the emergence of the golden race, golden demon race and divine human beings, they are judged based on the strength of the demons. status. But no matter what time it is, creatures that have not yet opened their spiritual consciousness will be counted as monsters and will not be regarded as intelligent beings.

Even some low-level monsters with low intelligence, who are unwilling to surrender, learn, and improve their intelligence, as well as humans with no cultivation potential, will receive special treatment. Monsters with low intelligence will be regarded as monsters and humans who cannot cultivate. They will be treated as consumables, and the dividing line between them is the demon registration card or other proof of identity for the world.

The demon registration card jointly issued by Da Yao Tian and Dong Huang Tian has been restructured several times, and the rules are becoming more and more strict. Tai Qing Tian is notified by the Eighteen Immortals Sect after all, and they are all humans. They are relatively loose, so humans cannot practice. , everyone will live in Taiqing Heaven, and it will be dangerous to go to other realms, even the promised Donghuang Heaven.

Taisheng has accepted these concepts, so he continues to use the Taipo Ten Life Ring.

However, he also has rules. As long as the demon snakes in the Taipoison Ring can open their spiritual consciousness, they will be sent to receive instruction from their clansmen. If they are willing to obey, they will naturally get the demon status card. The little demon who obeyed the rules was still stubborn and still threw himself into the Tai Poison Ring. Even in his Tai Po Ten Ring, there were many clan members who made mistakes and were thrown into it as punishment.

Taisheng is now also the leader of a large clan, and almost all the demonic snakes and poisonous dragons,

All the monsters and insects belong to his clan, and the rules and regulations in the clan are quite strict.

Tai Sheng spread the Tai Po Ten Rings all over the place, and he was not afraid of demons stealing into them. As long as these demons dared to sneak into the rings, if their cultivation level was weak, they would naturally be swallowed by thousands of snakes. If their cultivation level was too high, they would be swallowed up by thousands of snakes. , the demon snakes under his command had no choice but to use the method of void to trap him, and gave him a warning, waiting for him to take action.

Tai Sheng had just stepped out of a Tai Poison Ring of Ten Lives, and suddenly his heart was slightly shaken. He sensed a wisp of demon power and couldn't help but feel slightly happy. The Demonic Abyss is filled with demonic energy, and monsters are unwilling to enter it. Even the ancient chaotic demons and monsters are extremely reluctant to enter. This is the innate spirituality that resists being possessed by demons.

Under the devil's abyss, there is sudden demonic power, it must be Tide.

Taisheng didn't even think about it. He even activated the Taidu Ten Life Rings. The demonic power in his induction became more and more vivid, and at the same time, there was a billowing demonic energy coming from him. This demonic energy was thick and domineering, and it was not even within Chao Xi'er's demonic power. Down.

Taisheng was slightly surprised and thought to himself: "Junior sister Chao Xi'er is a ruthless character who is at the pinnacle of the Demon Commander and has perfected the seventy-two Dao channels. Senior Brother Zhou Shengyu is no more than a new Demon Commander, how can he fight so fiercely with her? Not to mention this guy. The demonic energy...should be a chaotic demon, and the changes in the demonic energy are not like those under the Donghuang Tianmen."

He activated the spell and escaped all the way. Hundreds of miles away, he finally clearly sensed that there were five strong auras fighting. One of them must be Chao'er, the five-party god-conferring technique with distinctive characteristics. Even if Taisheng has never seen it, he can still tell it.

But the other four streams have different sources. Three of them are the breath of ancient chaotic monsters, but the other one is pure magic power. However, this magic power is also the Demon Commander's Dzogchen Perfection or higher, full of barbaric meaning, and is not It was Zhou Shengyu's aura.

Taisheng crossed over to the battlefield in a few steps. In the Taipo Ten Life Ring, looking at Chao Xi'er who was fighting the four demons, he couldn't help but feel slightly frightened. He secretly thought: "Junior sister Chao Xi'er must have been designed by someone to enter the battlefield." I fell into this trap. This place is filled with a whirlpool of demonic energy and is entangled by four big demons. No wonder I can't get out."

Both Chao'er and Taisheng have received more or less modern education. When encountering an enemy that they know they can't defeat, they will definitely choose to retreat immediately. Chao'er is also proficient in the spell of sealing the void, even if she is attacked by four monsters whose strength is close to hers. Even if you are trapped, you may not be able to escape.

But here, the demonic energy generated countless whirlpools. Chao'er's void method could not be used, and would be destroyed by the demonic vortex, so he was trapped here and had to fight hard with the four demons.

Even Tai Sheng was slightly worried, because although his Tai Po Ten Life Ring was also proficient in void changes, it could not be used in this place.

Taisheng's strength is far inferior to Chao Tide'er, and he may not be able to help if he goes out in person.

Fortunately, he was also proficient in the Nine Elements Sutra. After a little calculation, he found a strategy. With a wave of his hand, dozens of extremely poisonous ten-life rings flew out and concentrated on the side of the battlefield of the five big monsters.

These dozens of extremely poisonous ten-life rings were corroded by the whirlpool of demonic energy. They only existed for a moment before they exploded, leaving no one behind. But with such a moment of effort, Chao Xi'er immediately grasped the opportunity and jumped into the last Taidu Ten Life Ring before it was broken. In a moment, he appeared dozens of miles away.

Although Taisheng's magic power was weak and he was unable to send Chao Xi'er out, with this buffer, Chao Xi'er's own demonic skills were also sharp. Before several demons could catch up, he punched out hard, shattering the current situation. A whirlpool of demonic energy blocking the road.

Chao Xi'er followed Xu and learned the Supreme Dragon Art. However, she was not good at cultivation and had to prepare for a long time before she could send out a blow. She was entangled by four demons just now and could not slow down. At this time, he prepared a strike and immediately escaped from the whirlpool of demonic energy.

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